Chapter 2

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*Cara's P.O.V*

My step-dad just told me what high school I'm going to. I'm going to Ouran High School. Great! I'm going to go to a school for rich and annoying snobs. A 'playground for the rich and beautiful'. Amazing.

I'm supposed to wear some puffy, yellow dress but I really don't like it. I was thinking of wearing the boys uniform but I decided against it. i'm not against cross dressers in any fashion but I'd rather be referred to as a girl. Instead, I wore a yellow dress that flowed down to my knees and one that doesn't make me look like a giant exploded cupcake.

I just arrived outside the school gates. I walked in the building and headed towards the main office. A nice woman who was the secretary gave me my schedule. I thanked her and left. If I was quick I could get to class early. On the way I bumped into someone. "Sorry," I said, half-expecting an earful. Instead a boy who looked a lot like me said,"There you are Hikaru! And why are you wearing a dress?"

I looked at him, is he blind or something?

"Who are you? And who's Hikaru?" I asked, trying to put up with him. as i said, I don't like people like him.

He actually started crying," Nooooo! He's got amnesia!" Just then another boy who also looked like me just sighed and said," Who's got amnesia Kaoru?"

The boy -Kaoru I'm assuming said," Wait! If you're Hikaru then this is...?" Hikaru told him to remember what their mum had said when she spoken to them last night. They both looked at each other before saying,"Cara?"

This is seriously messed up, are they some kind of stalker?

Unfortunately, I had said this out loud and they both had a slight hurt expression plastered onto their faces. "What?" I asked and Karou said,"Well you're not-" and Hikaru finished with,"Very nice"
I smirked at this and said,"Thanks. I do try."

A few people who had began to gather round and said,"She's just like them" or "Are they related or something".

The twins just smiled at this and grabbed both of my arms. They dragged me into an abandoned music room? Music Room #3 to be precise. As they opened the door rose petals swirled out and hit me in the face. I actually choked on one. If this is some sort of host club I swear...

Hikaru and Kaoru had just dumped me in a chair and dashed off. They came back about a minute later with hats on their foreheads, covering the hair that distinguished them from each other. They asked me which one was Hikaru, I pointed to the one on the right.

I heard Kaoru mumble something along the lines of,"Yep. She's definitely one of us." I mean, one of them? I'm nothing like those two. They called out,"Tamaki! Mori! Honey! Haruhi! Come here! We want you to meet someone!" I looked around, I didn't see anyone. But then a tall boy with blonde hair, a tall man with black/dark-brown hair, a small boy with blonde hair carrying a stuffed bunny who really looked like he should be in elementary school and a feminine boy came to us.

The tall blonde turned to the twins and said," What is it? A new guest?" He then looked at me and asked," And why are you in a dress Hikaru/Kaoru?" I looked at him with a 'seriously?' look on my face. I then pointed to Hikaru and Kaoru. The others followed his gaze before coming to a conclusion about something rather quickly.


God! It's already complicated with those two and I haven't even begun the day!

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