Chapter 3

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*Cara's P.O.V*

The tall blonde boy looked at me in shock before apologising.

"I'm ever so sorry princess, please forgive me," he said solemnly. I burst out laughing, and he looked at me confused,"Huh?" He questioned and I answered,"Princess? Really? And question. Who. The. Hell. Are. You?" The boy looked somewhat shocked but the twins looked somewhat pleased, creepy much?

The small boy with a bunny jumped in front of me and yelled,"I'm Honey! And this is Usa-chan!" He said whilst holding said bunny to my face. Cute. My face softened a bit from the harsh glare I was giving the guy who I now dub 'Blonde Kid'. "I'm Cara. Nice to meet you Honey and Usa-chan."

Blonde Kid was in his (as they call it) Emo-corner sulking.

"Hey! Blonde Kid, you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

He looked up at me and whispered," Tamaki."

I then smiled,"Nice to meet you!"

Honey then said," Wasn't she just glaring at him Usa-chan?" He made the bunny nod," Hmm, thought so!" He exclaimed before skipping off.

A man with black hair and glasses came up to me and said,"Kyoya. Kyoya Ootori ." I nodded at him. He then started writing in a black note book. I glanced at the twins as if mentally asking them if they knew about the contents of the book. They shrugged.

The other man came up to me and said,"I'm Takashi Morinozuka. You can call me Mori." I nodded.

The twins looked surprised at Mori, was he a quiet type? They must be mind readers as they nodded at me. Mentally in my head I screamed Get out of my head! The twins both raised an eyebrow at me.

The feminine boy walked towards me before introducing himself," My names Haruhi Fujioka." I nodded and thought Is he a girl? So I straight out asked Haruhi," Are you a cross-dresser?" He (or maybe she) looked a bit startled,"How'd you know?" I just shrugged, signifying I wasn't going into further detail.

I said," Well now that I've met you all I'm going to try find my first class of the day." The twins exclaimed," Hey! We haven't introduced ourselves-" I cut them off before they can continue," I have met you. You dragged me here straight after thinking I was you!" I remark pointing to Hikaru. "Oops!" They say in usion. "Yeah, oops. " I reply.
Then the bell rings.

... I'm gonna be so late.

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