Chapter 4

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*Cara's P.O.V*

The twins had just grabbed my schedule. "Hey!" I yelled at them. Hikaru and Kaoru's heads were bobbing up and down like ducks, their eyes scanning the paper. "You're in all our classes!" They cheered, seeming pretty happy with this new information.

I soon ruined their spirits by replying sarcastically," Great. I have to put up with you two for longer. Now can I have my schedule back?"

"Nope," they said in usion, probably trying to get a reaction. Like a chemistry joke, it failed.

I asked why and they tell me that they are going to be my tour guides. Sighing, I give in and they then proceed to skip around like idiots. The others all sweat drop at their actions and for some weird reason us three turn around and say," What?" at the exact same time. Tamaki starts to laugh and Kyoya begins to write in his notebook mumbling,"Interesting..." a thousand times before slamming his book shut. He asked the most random question,"Are you related?"

Our immediate replies were a 'no' from me, and two 'maybe?'s from Hikaru and Kaoru. I looked at them, clearly confused. They shifted around nervously before dragging me to class. We got there just in time, phew! The teacher called me to the front of the class and asked me to introduce myself. " Uh... Hi, my names Cara. Just Cara though, I don't have a surname. I was adopted when I was four by some rich dude. Sums my life up pretty quick!" I say smiling awkwardly at the end.

The class murmured stuff about me looking like Hikaru and Kaoru. The teacher told me to sit between the twins, but after I did, the class just stared. Once again, the three of us said,"What?" at the same time. We looked at each other before we burst out laughing. The class tried to laugh along as well but were obviously lost.

Oh well, my life goes on!~

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