Chapter 7

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*Cara's P.O.V*

I woke up in a room I'd never seen before. My eyes looked around the room drowsily until they found a large, wooden door. I soon shot up and darted to the door. Time to get out of here.

-A little while later-

Bad idea... This place is huge! I've been wandering around almost in an aimless fashion for ages now, and there's no sign of life. Well, other than the plants and occasional fly. I came across muffled sounds through a set of huge oak doors. I pushed them open and found myself face to face with the Hitachiin's mom.

"Hi?" I asked nervously, wondering if she was going to tackle me again. Like Tamaki she soon cried," My darling daughter! Mommy was so worried! You must have been worried too! Don't worry, mommy's here!" I stepped out of the way when she launched at me. She went crashing into a table with a cream vase on top of it.

Oops. Who was that? I looked around the room for anyone else, when I found no one I shrugged it off before asking if she was ok. She had tears in her eyes before she wiped them away and whispered,"You care?"

I nodded almost robotically, being wary of her tears which were currently streaming out of her eyes. She was going to flood the room! I awkwardly patted her head as she bawled her eyes out. A little while later she and I found the twins who were the other side of the building. I lent against the door and panted,"Who made houses. So. Big?! I'm going to murder them!"

I turned to see Kaoru snickering and Hikaru bursting out laughing. Their mum hadn't even broke a sweat. I then thought about it before laughing at my stupid mistake. I went home later that night.

-The next day-

I had walked into school scowling. I was not a morning person. People who even so much as looked my way got a huge over-the-top death glare. They probably didn't even deserve it but I really didn't care at that moment.

I walked to the class in the same state of mind before finally waking up. I started humming a tune in my head, tapping a pencil against the desk. The teacher looked at me periodically a few times before he stood up and sighed, asking why I was there so early. I said," Better 3 hours early than 1 minute late."

Because I was literally 3 hours early. The teacher just nodded at me before he started writing on a black board. This is boring. I looked at the back of the teachers head, boring my eyes into it. He turned around before I asked,"Can I help?" The teacher was taken aback by this but smiled. This probably hadn't happened before.

He had handed me a stack of paper and told me to give this to Music Room #3. I nodded and walked off. I reached the door and knocked before entering. I walked over to the desk where Kyoya sat. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, as if to say,'What is it and what do you want?'. "Teacher told me to deliver these papers," I stated simply before dumping them on his desk. Hikaru and Kaoru then popped up out of practically nowhere and circled around me in that creepy way, smirks on their faces,"Teachers pet are we?" They purred.

I glared at them and growled,"No way! Take that back!" They shook there head and Kaoru stuck his tongue out at me," No one wants to see your tongue Kaoru." I placed my hands on my hips. They smiled before pulling me into their arms. I stayed there limp, trying to make them think that I was suffocating again. They dropped me when I started closing my eyes dramatically before winking at them to make sure they knew this was a prank. They smirked before kneeling down and looked at me.

Kaoru looked at me solemnly before he cried," Hikaru I think we broke her!" Hikaru nodded silently before saying,"She's going to go psycho!"

That's when I bolted up, crossing my eyes and slurred my words,"Y-you n....ever care...d." i started giggling and threw my arms into the air, laughing maniacally," And now, you're going to pay. *cue dramatic pause*... With your lives!" The twins looked at me in fake terror before I twisted my head anti-clockwise to stare at the other hosts. Like I was looking straight through them. They looked rather scared and I said,"Oh. Do you want to join their death? How selfish of me. I'll just kill you all!"

Even Kyoya had flinched. That's when I drew a fake plastic sword, dripping with red food coloring. I looked at the twins and nodded in a way that would be unnoticeable to someone unsuspecting. They started cracking up and rolling around on the floor, clutching their sides. I decided to keep in character though and began laughing maniacally again as the twins looked at me in shock.

"What? You didn't really think I would let you live? You know, you should just go to sleep." I grinned demonically. The twins then started screaming their heads off. Perfect. I snapped a shot before looking at the others and said,"I think I over did it a bit." They all looked at me -except Tamaki and Honey who were absolutely petrified- and stated,"You think?" This is priceless.

Kyoya seemed to get over it first as he said,"You are going to be a host." I stared incredulously before yelling,"WHO SIGNED ME UP FOR THIS?!" The twins raised their hands smirking their Cheshire grin. I just sighed. They grinned at me when I said," Nothing stupid?"

Haruhi came up to me and said," No guarantees. All this club does is stupid." I smiled at this before commenting," So, when do I start?"

*Hikaru and Kaoru's P.O.V*
She's definitely one of us.

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