Chapter 8

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*Cara's P.O.V*

I looked at the other hosts before asking,"Do I have to wear a dress still?" I kicked the wall asI stared at the dress in distaste. I snorted at it in disgust. Kyoya said,"Of course not. You will be wearing a more feminine version of the male uniform." I looked at him wearily and told him,"No dresses?" Kyoya shook his head and confirmed," No dresses." I jumped around happily for a moment before getting dragged down by Tamaki. I growled at him.

He dropped my hand like it was a disease and scurried off into his emo corner. I burst out laughing at this and called Hikaru over. Kaoru came instead, I told him to go away as I wanted to talk to Hikaru. He looked shocked and a little sad but nodded. Hikaru came over and I asked him if he wanted to prank Kaoru. He looked at me hurt,"Why would you do that?" I raised an eyebrow," P-lease! You only live once. Right?" Hikaru looked slightly uncomfortable as I asked him,"Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue?" On cue, Kaoru came in wearing cat ears and made a 'nyaa' noise.


Me: Kaoru? Come here.
Kaoru: Yeah Cara? What is it?
Me: We are pranking your brother. NO buts!
Kaoru: *smirks* but-
Me: *death glare*
Kaoru: Y-yes m'am!
Me: Ok. When I say,"Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue?" To Hikaru you come in wearing cat ears and go,"Nyaa!" Got it?
Kaoru: Got it.

*end of flashback*

I told Hikaru and he started crying. After a while he wiped his eyes and muttered," Traitor..."
Kaoru tried to comfort but Hikaru just pushed him away. We could all see the hurt in his eyes as clear as day. And it was real. Suddenly I saw that this had became much more than just a prank, it had become personal.

-A few hours later-

Hikaru was still mad at us and we were starting to get ticked off. I yelled at him," Why are you getting so over reactive about this?!"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes," Do you not know how much it hurts to be all alone? And then the one person you ever trusted shatters your heart?! It hurts Cara! It hurts right here!" Hikaru pointed to his chest and towards his heart.

I looked to the floor and mumbled," I guess not. I was always alone in the orphanage. Because I was different. Even though there were practically millions of children out there, none of them ever wanted to be my friend. I became cold, an outsider. I never trusted anyone so no, no one has shattered my heart. Because in actual fact Hikaru, I'm more lonely than you'll ever be."

*Kaoru's P.O.V*

I saw my brother reach his hand out to her and call her name but she didn't turn around. It really did hurt her.

I looked at Hikaru and hissed," Look what you've done now! She's our sister and you get like this from a prank?! That's just sick Hikaru, just sick." And with that I stormed off.

He looked really hurt and called out to me instead. When I turned, my eyes were hollow. I just glared at him.

*Hikaru's P.O.V*

I sighed sadly and then went home. Hopefully, knowing my brother, it will all be forgotten by tomorrow.

*Cara's P.O.V*

-Next day-

I walked to school groggily before the twins dragged me to the host club. The events from yesterday were long forgotten. Honey and Kyoya looked like me -annoyed. What? You can't help it if you're too tired (Like a bicycle). Haruhi handed me and Kyoya some commoners coffee. I smiled gratefully before she went to get Honey some cake.

Kyoya seemed to wake up quicker than me. Because after a few minutes he handed me a bag. I glanced inside quickly and saw an outfit for school. I asked if the teachers knew about my new uniform and if it was allowed. Kyoya nodded and Hikaru grabbed my arms and dragged me while Kaoru pushed me (or tried to) into a changing room. I dug my heals into the ground, they called Honey to help.

The Lolita had come over and tickled me and made me laugh a lot. The twins took advantage of this and dragged me again. "Curses- HAHAHAHAHA Honey -HAHAHAHA I will get youuuuuuuuu!~" I screeched whilst laughing hysterically. Honey looked a bit frightened, probably remembering the prank from yesterday. I was about to yell at him but the doors closed.

The twins told me to get changed. I waited for them to leave but they didn't. "Do you mind?" I asked them impatiently and they -in usion- said," Nope!" I sighed and said,"Fine. What do you want?" with a strained voice. They smirked before saying," Call us onii-san!" I frowned at their request but nevertheless obliged," Please onii-san?" They cooed at me before leaving.

I got changed and looked in the mirror. I was wearing *deep breath*: a cream shirt with lose frills at the cuffs, the normal boys blazer, a blue pencil skirt that came to my knees, white ankle socks and some dark blue pumps. Overall it looked pretty nice.

I walked out and the hosts looked at me. "Happy now?" I said bluntly and Kaoru wrapped his arms around me and cooed," Aww! Your onii-san's love your outfit!" I pushed him away and said,"Enough with the get-up Kaoru." He and Hikaru looked at me sadly and started begging like those poor people without homes (A/N: Not changing this makes me feel like a total b*tch but we have to remember that Cara still is a rich person and can be insensitive and rude).

They made me feel so bad that I said,"Fiiiiiine. Onii-san." if only to appease them. They smiled brightly at this however and hugged me tightly. "Can't breath..." I hissed at them,"I... can see the light. Run away!" Everyone laughed at this -even the Shadow King by himself in the corner.

I walked over to him and asked about what he was doing. "Work." He mumbled and continued, ignoring me. "On what?" I pestered and he told me that he was working on the money balance rates. I asked if I could help. I was kinda good at maths. He said,"Sure. Knock yourself out." Handing me a board full of the data. I took the 'knock yourself out' bit seriously and hit myself in the face with the board.

My 'onii-san's ran over and tried to take the board off me. I didn't let go until Tamaki was near. I let go and the board flew into his nose. I gasped, that was an accident. I ran over to him and grabbed some bandages out of nowhere and then got cotton and alcohol. I dabbed the cotton with alcohol and pressed it against his nose until the blood had gone. He winced a bit. I unwrapped some of the bandages and covered the affected area on his nose.

"Sorry," I whispered before getting up and walking back over to the board with data. I sat at a table and finished with it as quick as possible. A little while later I walked over to Kyoya -who seemed to have been oblivious to the whole 'incident'- and placed the board back down on his desk. He looked up at me with a somewhat surprised look on his face. "Done already?" He asked and I nodded.

Then the bell rung and the twins dragged me to my next class.

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