A Day Without Majesty

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  Thorin was sitting on his throne, quietly sipping a glass of red wine. He felt very majestic. He was also sure that nothing could go wrong today, because today all the Dwarves had work off, and they were frolicking in some other part of Erebor.

 He squinting upon seeing a small figure standing in the doorway.

"Who goes there??" he called, in a regal manner.

The figure strode forward, the light magically wrapping around them, until they finally got close enough and they were revealed to be--

"Bard!?! What are you doing here??" Thorin asked, as if Bard visiting was completely not normal, despite them being neighbors.

"Well, Thorin, I just got something that I haven't gotten in a while," Bard answered. "It is...a dare."

Thorin slowly lowered his glass of red wine. "...And?" he prodded.

"Well, um, it's for you," Bard continued carefully. "Don't take this too hard..."

Thorin was staring at him with a look that would make someone die of fangirlyness. "YES?!?" he finally asked with exasperation.

"Okay, erm," Bard fumbled with his scroll and quickly scanned it. "TaurielandKili dares you to act not majestically for a whole day."

Thorin spat out his wine and barely missed Bard's face. He stood up violently, so that his whole throne rocked.

Bard jumped back two hundred inches, fell to the floor, and huddled in a ball. "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!! I HAVE NO WIFE AND THREE KIDS!!"

"I'm not going to kill you, I'm going to kill..." Thorin stopped and looked toward the reader. "...someone."

Kili suddenly appeared. "Remember the fourth-wall..." he whispered creepily.

"Would you get out of here?! Can't you see I'm angry?!?" Thorin yelled, rather majestically. So he was a failing a bit, you understand.

Bard slowly got up. "W-well, you could start by going and trying to have fun with the Company," he suggested.

Thorin turned his head slowly. He just stared at Bard for a moment and then walked off.

"This will be the hardest dare yet, I get the feeling," Bard said to himself.

"What's the dare??" asked Kili.

Bard whispered in his ear. Kili gasped so loudly that it sounded like Smaug had roared into a megaphone.

"BE QUIET!!! It's not THAT bad, is it??" Bard asked.

Kili was now smiling ridiculously broadly. "I have to go find my uncle!! I can't miss one second of today!!" he yelled and darted in the direction Thorin had gone.

"I suddenly get the sense that my head will be taken off if I go near him..." Bard mumbled. "Maybe this dareman thing was a bad idea after all."

     The Company was actually in Rivendell. It had taken Thorin a while to find them, but he had gotten the opportunity to stroll across the world majestically. Eventually, however, Kili saw him and tackled him to the ground.

"KILI!! What in Durin's name are you doing??" Thorin yelled from under Kili.

"I must stop the majesty!!" Kili replied, getting up.

Thorin looked at him almost insanely. "Never did I think I'd hear those words come from your mouth," he said.

"Well, you were dared, and you have to hold to it, for the fans," Kili responded, actually looking a bit epic, and maybe wise, for a second.

Thorin sighed and patted Kili's back. "Alright. Let's go find the Company," he said.

After a bit of walking, Thorin said, "I don't know how to walk unmajestically."

"I guess it's called skipping," Kili replied, a sudden brightness coming into his tone.

Thorin stopped short. "If you think I'm skipping, you're out of your mind," he said.

"Come on, uncle, it'll be fun!! Besides, we're on a mountain range, nobody's going to see you!!" Kili reasoned.

Thorin looked at him unsurely (yes, he was looking at people a lot today). "My reputation is on the line here," he said.

"Yes, I understand that. But it's a dare, and that's what you do on dares," Kili replied. He started to skip off. After three seconds, he looked back and just saw Thorin standing there.

"Come on, uncle, you can't get out of this!" he called.

"Sorry, Kili, I don't know how to skip," Thorin called back. "I never did anything so unmajestic back in my childhood days."

"Oh. Well, I'll try to teach you, then," Kili replied, coming back.

  And so, the king and his nephew skipped across the Misty Mountains together, stumbling occasionally. It's a bit hard to skip when you're used to being majestic your entire life.

  Soon, they came upon Rivendell. Thorin was a bit winded, because he had never skipped before.

"See?? Your majestic attitude is wearing off," Kili said.

"I'm not sure about that," Thorin replied.

They walked down the path and went into Rivendell. The familiar Elven-butler guy, Lindir, greeted them.

"Thorin Oakenshield, and Kili his nephew. Are you here to join the other Dwarves? They're playing, er, um, sophisticatedly mingling in the fountain," Lindir said.

"Alright. Thank you," Thorin said and brushed past him.

He and Kili eventually found the Company swimming in a huge fountain. They were diving and splashing everywhere, and disturbing the ones who were trying to relax. Kili could see that Thorin was disturbed by this.

Thorin walked up to the fountain and put his hands on his hips. Kili could already foresee a majestic outburst.

"DWARVES!!" Thorin shouted.

Every Dwarf looked his way and slowly got down into calm, normal positions.

"Who gave you authorization to do this?? Why are you being so violent?? And where is Fili!?" demanded Thorin.

"Um, all I can say is, sorry about that," Dwalin said. 

Just then, Bombur came sliding down a huge seashell-shaped sculpture and splashed into the top-most basin. It produced a tidal wave that covered half of Rivendell (not really). But it did cover Thorin. Every Dwarf looked at his drenched self and then took cover.

Thorin was about to yell, Kili could tell, so he quickly ran up and whispered, "Remember, uncle, no majesty!!!"

Thorin looked menacingly at the fountain and then his anger slowly disappeared.

"All right, Kili, you're right," he said. Then, raising his voice, he called, "Wow, that was so fun. Why don't you send more waves down??"

Kili was surprised at his words, but not at his tone. He sounded rather sarcastic, or maybe just epically failing at not being majestic.

Dori peeped his head up. "What?? Are you serious??" he asked timidly.

"Yes, I'm serious!!" Thorin answered, actually sounding a bit more lively. A hint of a smile was visible on his face. "I haven't gotten wet in forever!!"

The Dwarves slowly stood up, and then starting shuffling around. Eventually Balin made the first move, by diving from the second level to the third. It made a wave, but not a very big one.

"Come on, lads, look lively!!" he called.

Soon every Dwarf in the Company was diving and splashing everywhere. They kind of forgot Thorin, who sat on the edge getting splashed, looking a little happy but also a bit tortured.

Kili watched the scene with some sort of satisfaction.

"Aw, uncle's actually trying to be fun," said a voice.

Kili jumped and looked down. He saw that Fili was hunched up behind a stone bench and was video taping.

"Whuh??" Kili said.

Suddenly an eagle grabbed the video camera from Fili.

"Fool of a Durin!!" he squawked. "You don't have technology in this day and age!!"

"Oh yeah," said Fili. "I forgot."

    Several hours later, Thorin was sitting on his throne again, a towel wrapped around his shoulders. Bard had just dropped by and released him from his dare.

Kili walked up. "Well, uncle, I guess you'll enjoy being majestic again," he said, a bit sadly.

Thorin smiled. "It will come very easily, yes. But I think today has taught me a little something of how you see the world. Maybe I can have just a little more fun now."

Kili broke into a wide grin. "That's great, uncle!!!" he exclaimed.

And he gave Thorin a huge hug.


Hey readers, hope you liked the chapter!! I don't usually get emotional, like it was here a bit, but I just felt like the time was right. :3

I'd like to give a big thanks to TaurielandKili for submitting the dare and supporting my story so much!! Thanks!

Well, until next time, readers! I still have ideas, so there's still excitement in store! :D

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