The Elven-Cat

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  One happy day in the Shire, Bilbo was cooking a fish. After frying it, he set it on a plate, stuffed a napkin in his bathrobe, and began sprinkling salt on it. Just when he was ready to take a bite, the doorbell jingled in its cutesy way.

"Oh come on!!" yelled Bilbo. He could never have a fish in peace.

He opened the door and saw Fili, Kili, and Thorin.

"Woah!! When did you guys get here?! Why are you here?? And most importantly, how are you even more majestic than last time, Thorin??" Bilbo exclaimed.

 "We came to show you something extra cool," Kili said, and pointed down.

Bilbo looked down and saw that Thorin was holding the lead for a shiny white cat, with a few spots of orange. On its head was unmistakably a glittery Elvish circlet. Well, a tiny one.

"Ooh, who's the cat??" asked Bilbo, bending to pet it. It shied away, though.

"This cat has a lot of history, Bilbo!!" Thorin exclaimed majestically. "Long ago, Thranduil gave  her to my grandfather as a sort of present. She's an Elvish cat, so she's lived all this time. After Smaug took the Mountain, I assumed she had been incinerated or something of the sort, but I soon heard that she had turned up in Esgaroth! And so, here she is," he explained.

Kili snickered and whispered to Fili, "Esgaroth! So old school!"

Thorin's head whipped in his direction, and Kili fell silent.

"Fascinating story," commented Bilbo. "What's the cat's name?"

"Durina," replied Thorin. "I named her when I young, alright?"

"Ha! Durina! It's just like Durin, know??" Kili laughed, until Thorin exasperatedly raised his hand.

 "So, um, would you three care to come in? I was actually just about to eat a fish," Bilbo offered.

"We have a little time," answered Thorin, stepping in. Fili strode in like he owned the place.
      Bilbo walked into the kitchen and found that somehow, Durina had already eaten 87% of his fish. He just rolled his eyes, like this was no big surprise.

 "Aw, Durina must be hungry!" said Kili, petting her. She bit the head off the fish and then jumped onto Bilbo's kitchen windowsill, where she began a half-hour licking session.

Bilbo led the Dwarves to his living room, where a fire was not burning.

 "So, Bilbo, I hear you're into boring things, like gardening," Kili started.

"Erm, well, I wouldn't call it boring, but yes, I am," replied Bilbo, scratching his head.

"You should try opening a brewery or something. I'm sure you'd be good at that, right??" suggested Fili.

"Er, I don't know. It sounds more of like a you-and-Kili thing," replied Bilbo.

Durina walked in, looking Elvish, and jumped onto Thorin's lap. She laid down and tucked all her legs out of sight so that she looked legless.

"Hee hee, she's legless," giggled Bilbo.

   Just then, the perfectly round green Hobbit-hole door busted open, and Legolas flew into the room.

"Somebody page me?!" he asked.

"NO! We did not!" shouted Kili.

Legolas ignored him though and looked at Durina. "Hey, this is an Elven cat! Not many of those can be found in this world today."

"Pfft, what do you know?" Kili asked, reaching out to pet Durina. But Durina shied away from him too.

"I think she only likes majestic people," said Fili.

"Which kind of limits her options," added Legolas.

Everyone just looked at Thorin and Durina for a moment. Then Thorin stood up, and Durina jumped to the floor, still with her rope harness tied around her chest area.

"I think it is about time we headed out," he said, straightening his majestic fur coat.
"Aw, I was hoping to get some food," Kili muttered.
"What??" asked Bilbo.
"Nothing!!" replied Kili, too quickly.

"Okay, then, I will be going too. Until next time, peasants!!" said Legolas. He reached out the window and was swept away by an unseen force.

"Hmph. Like father, like son," said Thorin. "Except not in my case."

"Mew!" said Durina.


Hey people! Sorry about all the OC animals! I have many ideas for fanfictions roaming around, and I know I'm not going to write them, so I try to kind of incorporate them into these stories.
  I hope you liked! If you have ANY ideas for a story or more dares, please inform me! Thanks for reading!! :D

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