Lake-town Swimming

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Thorin, Fili, and Kili hopped off of Bard's boat and onto one of the docks of Lake-town.

"Thanks for the lift, Bard!" Thorin said.

"Any time," Bard replied.

Then the three dwarves prepared themselves to swim.

"I'm not good at swimming," Thorin said. "I drowned in gold, after all. Imagine what will happen in water."

"I doubt anything bad will happen, uncle," Kili said, taking off his overcoat. He knew it was cold in Lake-town, so he was keeping some clothes on.

When they were ready, they all slipped into the water at the same time. They all instantly became blocks of ice (but not really).

'Now I know why we needed a boat to cross the lake," Kili chattered, struggling to stay afloat with all his shivering. Fili was trying to move about as fast as possible to get his blood flowing. Thorin was bobbing in the water effortlessly, somehow.

"I never realized how cozy I was in my fur coat, until now," Thorin observed, looking longingly at his fur coat sitting on the dock.

Fili was finally drifting around, sort of having fun.

"Man, you're lucky. I'm still freezing!" Kili said, watching Thorin float around like oil on water. "It looks to me like water really likes you, uncle."

"Yes, I suppose it does,"Thorin said, amused, which means that he was 100% majestic at that moment.

Just then, Bard came running toward them at full speed.

"OH NO!! BARD NO NO NO NO NO!!" Kili yelled in rising panic.

Bard jumped off the dock and cannon-balled right into the lake, which sent a wave right over Thorin and Kili. Fili was too far off, blowing little fountains.

"ERRRGG!" Kili muttered, his cold hair sticking all over his face.

Bard resurfaced a second later. "Great water today!" he said.

"What do you mean? It's freezing!" Kili exclaimed.

Suddenly, all of Bard's kids flew over Kili's head and splashed into the water, sending yet another wave over them all.

"Come on, Kili, you have to be used to it by now," Thorin said, surfing along.

"Soon, but not yet!" Kili said, watching Bard's kids swim around like it was a hot tub.

"Ever since Smaug burned Lake-town, I've been trying to cool off!" Bain said, diving under an iceberg.

"Me too!" Bard agreed.

"You're weird," Kili pointed out. Thorin whacked his head.

"That's not very nice, Kili, coming from royalty," Thorin said sternly.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, Bard," Kili said.

"No problem. If you lived here, you'd be cold, tired, and ready for home all the time. It's nice to kick back and do some swimming, you know?" Bard replied.

"I suppose, although I'm not especially keen on swimming," Thorin replied.

"So what were you thinking during our escape in the barrels?" Fili asked, swimming over. His face was red, and probably numb.

"I didn't mind that as much because I was in a BARREL," Thorin said.

"I still need to show Legolas how good I am at shooting," Kili remembered.

"Yeah, you're also good at getting shot," Fili added.

Kili gave him a death glare. Bard gave them a weird stare. Thorin gave them a majestic look.

"Well, this is awkward," said Bain.

"Yes, yes it is," Bard replied.

"Perhaps it's time we headed back to Erebor," Thorin said, heaving himself out of the frigid water.

Kili said, "Aw, but I--"

"NO COMPLAINING!" Thorin interrupted, squeegeeing water out of his tunic-shirt-cloak-thing.

Fili and Kili climbed out of the water. An eagle came to pick them up.

"Bye!" called Bard and his kids.

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