Misty Mountain Camping

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  Kili rolled up a sleeping bag and tucked it into a larger bag. Then he slung the larger bag over his shoulder, and the force of it pulled him halfway across Erebor until he finally fell.

He happened to fall next to Thorin, who was carrying a pack twice the size of Kili's, and didn't seem to be struggling at all.

"Really, Kili, work on your muscles," Thorin said. Then he herded the Dwarves together and they started moving out of Erebor.

"I'm not sure I want to go camping," Kili pouted. "I mean, the Misty Mountains are so...misty...and all that other stuff."

  Thorin rolled his eyes majestically. "You act rather immature, for a 77-year-old," he said.

"Hmph," said Kili. "Well, ever since I found out that I couldn't be majestic, I figured I didn't have anything to lose."

"You have your dignity," Fili replied. "Small as it may be."

"Hey!! What are you implying??" Kili yelled.

The Company grumbled. It would be a long walk. Especially since they had vouched not to call the eagles.

   Thorin stood directly on top of a mountain's peak. They had finally reached a fine camping spot in the Misty Mountains.

"Let all those who doubted us, rue this day!!" he shouted triumphantly, his majestic voice ringing out across the earth. The sun shone behind him, giving him the air of an angel.

"Man, I just now realized that it really is impossible to be as majestic as he is," Kili said to Fili.

"Yes, I'm practicing my majestium," Thorin said, somehow hearing him.

"What's that?!" Kili asked, looking bewildered.

"Majesty and freedom, rolled into one," Thorin replied. "But the majesty is the dominant element."

"Ah," Kili replied.

  The Company set all their stuff down and started a fire. They cooked tons of sausages and Dwarvish food and had a feast. Just as they were ready to lay down, a presence entered their camp.

"Wake up!" Thorin shouted.

Everyone sprang to their feet and yelled a battle cry. They looked at the presence, and then instantly were surprised.

"&^$*%&!!!" Thorin shouted in Dwarvish.

"Hello, peasants!! What on Middle-earth are you doing here??" asked Thranduil, atop his elk. Behind him, a small caravan of Elves were walking on top of the snow, including Legolas and Tauriel.

"We're camping," responded Dwalin shortly.

"What a coincidence!! We were on our way to attend the king convention in Dale, but I think we'll have to stop here for the night. Might as well camp with you!" Thranduil said, his face hardening a bit when he looked at Thorin. Thorin returned the look, only it was ten times more majestic.

 The Elves started setting up huge fancy tents and making fire pits and whatnot. The Dwarves watched them with disgust.

"They don't know how to really camp," Kili muttered, snuggled into his sleeping bag.

"Agreed," responded Fili.

The last bit of the sun was vanishing, though they couldn't see it because it was blocked by the mountains. Snow began to fall on them, and the temperature dropped.

"I just remembered that this is a particularly dangerous, cold pass," Thorin stated. "But we're not far from Azanulbizar."

"Yes, the Pass of Caradhras," added Legolas, suddenly standing there. He was wrapped in a fuzzy green robe.

"We already knew that, Robin Hood," Kili retorted.

"Who?" Legolas asked.

"Never mind. Forget about it."

"Oookay," said Legolas, and hurried back to his tent.

"Smarty," mumbled Kili.

"You need to quit messing with that guy. You're going to become the next Uncle-and-Thranduil combo!!" Fili exclaimed.

"Wow, you're right. That would be bad," Kili said. "I am getting very sick of those two arguing."

"Yes, but we argue about important matters," Thorin butted in. Snow glittered on his hair. "And no matter what you think, we are not friends with each other."

"But you never declare war on each other or anything, and you invite each other to your parties!!" Kili reasoned.

"So??" scoffed Thorin. "We don't like each other, and that's final. He turned away from the suffering of MY people, and the inferno that destroyed us!!"

"Yes, I know," Kili said knowingly.

"Why don't you just go to sleep? No one can win an argument against me," Thorin replied.

"Oh, yeah. That is true," yawned Kili and hugged Fili, thinking he was Goza.

"I should not have slept next to him," Fili mumbled.

    The next morning, everyone awoke to whiteness. And they were very cold. Fili woke up and quickly realized that he was buried in snow. He burrowed his way to the top and saw Thorin standing on the mountain's peak majestically again. Then he started shoveling the snow off with his hands. Pretty soon everyone had woken up, and was busy cleaning the snow off their stuff.

  "We were unwary of the snow last night," Thorin announced, coming down just when everyone had finished.

"Yeah, we figured that out," Dwalin said, wrapping up his stuff.

Next to them, Thranduil walked out of an igloo that the Elves had probably fashioned overnight. He was in his blackish-gray dress-*ahem*robe.

"What a warm, refreshing, fabulous night!" he exclaimed. "Shame you Dwarves don't know how to really camp."

"PFFTT! You were just cheating," Kili said, whipping the snow out of his hair.

"We actually were under the night sky, appreciating nature, while I reckon you were sitting in a tent with a fire, feasting all night!" Thorin added majestically.

"Hm. I guess I just can't win an argument against you," Thranduil admitted.
 Then he clapped his hands and the igloo disintegrated and all the Elves were ready to go in five seconds.

  "We'll be off then," Thranduil announced, and the group began trekking right over the Dwarves. Well, not really. They just pushed the Dwarves aside like they were peasants. As they passed, Thranduil gave Thorin a I'm-better-than-you look. Legolas gave Kili a death stare. And Tauriel gave everyone a smile, though she gave Kili the brightest one.

  Soon, the Dwarves were hiking back in the direction of Erebor.

"I surely cannot wait until I'm back in my warm mountain, sitting on my throne," Thorin said, as he lead the company.

Kili then said, "His scepter shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty, wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings."

"Why are you talking Shakespeare????" wondered Fili.

"Who's that?!?!" asked Kili with exasperation. "I'm just speaking my mind!!"

"Ooookay," said the whole Company.

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