Secrets and the New Burglars

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Thorin was discussing important matters with Fili and Kili when suddenly, Bard popped up out of nowhere.

 "RAAAH!" he yelled.

"AAH!! Get back, Gollum!" Fili yelled.

"I'm not Gollum! I just came to deliver some dares!!" Bard exclaimed, pulling out his list. Then he put on some unneeded spectacles for dramatic old-guy effect. "RunFFaith dares Thorin..."

"Oh no..." Thorin said.

" tell Kili the secret to majesticness!! Er, majesty! Being majestic!! Whatever!" Bard said.

"What in Durin's name?! Do you really think I'm going to do that?" Thorin asked, while Kili's eyes lit up brighter than Gandalf's fireworks.

"Yes, I do. You don't want to let down the fans!!" Bard exclaimed.

"Oh, alright. For the fans," Thorin grumbled. He turned toward Kili, but then stopped. "Do you mind?" he said to Bard.

"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll be pillag--I mean, waiting in the kitchen," Bard said, slipping off.

Thorin stared after him. Then he finally said, "If you want to be majestic, you have to be...ME!!"

Kili's face exploded (with sad emotions). "But I can't be you!! Isn't that obvious?" he asked Fili.

"Rather," Fili replied. "But one does not simply be as majestic as Thorin, you must understand."

"Yes, I get it. Thanks anyway, uncle," Kili said, dragging himself away to sulk forever.

"He has fallen into shadow," Thorin observed.

"I'll go see what I can do," Fili sighed and headed off after Kili.

Soon they found Bard eating cake with Bofur and Bombur.

"You two!" Bard said. "I have a dare for you!"

"What?? But I'm still recovering from the last dare," Kili mumbled.

"WELL, too bad, because it's for you and Fili. RunFFaith dares you to steal the Arkenstone!!"

Kili jerked upright. "Are you kidding me?! Thorin will kill us!! Not only with majesty, but maybe with a sword!!"

"That's the fun of a dare," Bard said, and pointed to the door. Fili shuddered and walked with Kili back up to the throne. Luckily, Thorin had left.

"Hopefully he's in the shower or something," Kili said. He went up to the throne and pushed the button. The Arkenstone fell out into his hands.

"Okay, now what do we do?" Fili asked.

"I guess we just hide it," Kili answered.

Suddenly, Thorin's head appeared over the back of the throne. As it would happen, he had just been sitting on the other side to look over the vast chambers of Erebor.

"Fili? Kili? Is that what I think it is?" Thorin asked.

"Um, hopefully not," Fili answered.

"I am going to kill you!!" Thorin yelled, drawing Orcrist from its sheath.

"AAHHH! I TOLD YOU SO!" Kili yelled as he and Fili ran down the halls screaming.

Bard peeped over the railing and saw Thorin chasing after them at surprising speeds.

"Fly, you fools!" he yelled to Fili and Kili.


Hey people, I'd just like to apologize for the long wait, especially to RunFFaith!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! ;)

I'd also like to ask your opinion: should I start writing some more crazy fanfiction, with actual OCs in them? I even thought up a crazy one with characters from Frozen in it...I probably won't end up writing that. I also thought of maybe publishing a story where people come and share their stories of how they got into LOTR/TH and how they reacted to certain things, and stuff like that. The problem is, I feel pretty unpopular, so I don't know if that sort of thing would be heeded by anyone. Any tips for success?? Thanks!!

Also, I'm sorry about the constant references! You got them all, right?

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