The Feelings are Dared to Come Out!

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Tauriel was walking along the river that ran out of Mirkwood. Suddenly Bard walked up, dragging Kili by his shirt.

"When did this happen?" Kili asked.

"Just recently," Bard replied.

"Why are you treating Kili like that?! It's thoren," Tauriel exclaimed.

"Did somebody call me?" asked Thorin, walking up.

"NO!! I was saying something!! With an 'e', not an 'i'!" Tauriel yelled.

"Oh, got it," Thorin said, melting into the hills majestically.

"Aaanyway," Bard said, "I have a dare for Kili, from RunFFaith."

"Again??" Kili complained.

"Yes. They dare you to tell Tauriel your true feelings!!" Bard revealed dramatically.

Tauriel stared at them them, like she was totally frozen.

"Erm..." Kili said, getting up. Then he said to Tauriel, "I know how I feel; I'm not afraid. You make me feel alive!"

"This sounds familiar," Tauriel said.

"Uh, yeah, I don't know what else to say," Kili said sheepishly.

Just then, Legolas came swinging by on some vines like a monkey or something. Bard grabbed his boot and he came crashing down, only when the dust settled, Legolas was heroically standing on top of Bard like HE had pulled BARD down.

"Weird," said Kili.

"Legolas!! You've also been dared to tell Tauriel your true feelings!" Bard groaned from the ground.

Legolas looked up and saw Tauriel and Kili staring at him from across the river.

"A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind," he said. "That this smelly dwarf will take away the one thing I lo--erm, admire!! You're the whole reason I left home and defied my father!"

"Aww," said Tauriel. "But wait, aren't you supposed to be looking for 'Strider'? And aren't I supposed to be banished??" she asked.

"Yeah, why WERE you at that party??" Kili wondered.

"Hm. It seems the space-time continuum has just been shattered," Bard said.

"Or my dad just doesn't really care," Legolas suggested.

"Yeah, it's probably that," Kili said.

Legolas gave him a death stare.

"What? What's wrong with speaking my mind?" Kili asked.

"Your mind doesn't work the way 2000-year-old minds work," Legolas replied.

"I'm not even gonna ask," Kili sighed.


But seriously, people, look at this.

Putting pictures is not my regular thing, so this is a treat!! :)

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