Battling the Traitor.

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The arrival of Ichigo to the battlefield stopped several fights all at once, Captain Komamura and Shuhei facing off against the former captain turned arrancar Kaname Tousen, Toshiro vs Tier Harribel, Shunsui and Jushiro vs Starrk and Soi-Fon and Hachi vs Barragan all stop when Ichigo arrived. His astronomical spiritual pressure warping the light around him causes the light to bend around his body as the bull horned resurrected shinigami pursues the end of the pitch black cero he had fired center mass into Aizen. When that fight begins, Stark puts his twin pistols into the holsters on his hips before lifting a hand and stopping both Jushiro and Shunsui. "Kurosaki is here, there's no point in keeping up the ruse now." He says, causing both Shunsui and Jushiro to look at him questioningly. "I am not your enemy. I just needed Aizen to think I'm still loyal to him. Kurosaki Rukia showed me his lies."

"That's reassuring, but how do we know you're telling the truth?" Shunsui asks, still holding his swords in a defensive fashion expecting a sneak attack from the primera espada.

"Lying is for the weak, for those who prefer stealth and deception over honor. Aizen betrayed his promise to me, and I have betrayed him in turn." Starrk responds, "Kurosaki Rukia spoke about you while we were in Las Noches. I know that you'd rather not fight and would much rather drink Sake. She believes that we could be friends, it's been a long time since I've had a companion. I even separated a portion of my power from myself to create Lillynette. My singular fraccione, or as you'd call it. My daughter."

"I would like to believe you, Coyote Starrk." Shunsui says but still doesn't drop his guard. "The girl is right, I'm not a fan of fighting. Once all is said and done, hopefully you and I can get a drink but for now we're still enemies."

"Then allow me to prove to you that I am on your side." Starrk responds before turning to face where Barragan and Soi-Fon are fighting. "I'll take care of that decrepit fool and aid the other captain and her pudgy subordinate." Starrk turns his back on Shunsui and Jushiro, half expecting the two to attack him but the attack never comes. "That is, if you'll allow me to earn your trust."

"For her safety, we will come along as well." Jushiro says, causing Starrk to nod before vanishing in the burst of a sonido and shortly after he's followed by the two captains flash stepping to Soi Fon.

Soi Fon growls hearing Omaeda demand that she use her bankai against the resurrected Barragan. His ability Respira is a difficult one to deal with, it causes everything around it to rapidly age and decay, and has already taken Soi Fon's right arm when he released the weapon. Even Hachi's Kido has been decayed by the strange ability of the espada, but just as Soi Fon is about to give in and activate her bankai, she sees someone teleport in front of her. The tall white garbed eyepatch wearing figure of Starrk teleports in front of her causing Omaeda, Soi Fon and Hachi to flinch seeing the arrival of another espada. "Ah. Starrk. It's about time you finished with the trash. But, I have no need of your assistance." Barragan's raspy decrepit voice echoes from the regally dressed skeleton before them. Starrk doesn't answer however, instead he locks eyes with Soi Fon, seeing the fear in her face as he reaches down and grabs the pistol on his right side. "Didn't you hear me, you stupid dog? I don't need your help." Barragan barks at the primera espada, but Soi Fon watches as he pulls the gun from its holster. She closes her eyes expecting him to shoot her but Omaeda gasps when Starrk suddenly turns a 180 and fires a dark blue cero from his pistol right at the second espada. Barragan was caught completely off guard, taking the cero head on as Starrk shot him directly in the face, sending him flying backwards. "Cero Malleta." Starrk says calmly as he unleashes a fully automatic barrage of hundreds of ceros in mere seconds.

"W-what?!" Soi Fon gasps as she sees Starrk now with his back to her holding one of his guns at arms length firing an onslaught of ceros at Barragan. "Are you..."

"Captain. I'd suggest you release your Bankai against this foe. Barragan would have only gotten hit by the first one. I'm going to give you the best chance I can to land whatever attack you can muster." Starrk says shortly before Jushiro and Shunsui arrive at the scene watching as Starrk betrays his fellow espada.

"No. No I can't. It isn't something I'm proud of as an assassin, it is an insult to everything I stand for." She denies him, causing Starrk to draw his second pistol and begin firing at Barragan.

"You are a fool to deny your true strength, captain. You will die if you continue down this path. What is so shameful about your power that you'd refuse to use it?" Starrk asks, increasing the strength of his attacks.

"It's a bomb, capable of destroying an entire city in an explosion. It's massive, cumbersome and I can only fire it once." Soi Fon responds. "My normal blade is fast, discrete and lethal leaving no body. The perfect weapon for an assassin." Starrk thinks for a moment before responding to her.

"Your bankai is the same." Starrk says, causing her to turn away from his words annoyed at him for pressing further. "Your sword as it is now leaves no evidence. Your bankai leaves no witnesses." Starrk responds, causing Jushiro, Shunsui and Soi Fon's eyes to widen at this realization. "We don't have much time. He's getting closer."

"Grrrr!!! You traitor Starrk!" Barragan roars as he closes in on the four warriors, his decaying power destroying the cero barrage as they almost make contact with him.

"Ban-kai..." Starrk hears Soi Fon's voice just above a whisper before feeling her power skyrocket as the winds are whipped to almost tornado strength from the release of her bankai. "Jakuho Raikoben!" She screams as a massive thermonuclear missile looms over her remaining arm. "Get me behind him, I'm only gonna have one shot."

"Hachi! Create a barrier, Starrk, give him everything you've got." Jushiro barks as he and Shunsui grab Soi Fon by the shoulders before flash stepping into battle.

Consumed by rage, Barragan flies at his max speed right for Starrk the red haze focusing only on the traitor espada in front of him. Hachi flash steps beside Starrk and performs a series of snaps on his fingers summoning a massive nigh indestructible cube around Barragan. "Kokko no Joman." He declares behind his hollowfied mask causing a large building to be manifested within the cube he's creating. "Kigai no Joman." He declares after another series of snaps and hand gestures causing a blue roofed building to appear to the left of Barragan to further the incarnation. "Hoyoku no Joman! Kigai no Joman!" he shouts, finalizing the barrier around Barragan before opening a small hole in the cube behind him. On the far side of the prism, Soi Fon pours as much spirit energy into her blast as she can and with the help of Shunsui and Jushiro pouring their power into her, the missile doubles in size and turns a dark red as a nuclear symbol pictogram appears on the side of the rocket. "Fire!" Shunsui and Jushiro shout in unison causing Soi Fon to line up the massive missile before pulling the trigger. The missile flies off of her mount at hypersonic speeds breaking the sound barrier and launching the three captains backwards through a building. The missile screams through the air and just barely skirts through the opening of the kido tomb created by Hachi before slamming into the cloak of Barragan. The espada's spiritual pressure decaying the bomb but even that isn't enough as it detonates causing a flash of white light as Barragan is entirely consumed in the nuclear explosion.

Across the battlefield, the black cero fired by the resurrected Ichigo slams into an untouched part of Fake Karakura town. Detonating in a black explosion that swallows almost all the light in at ground Zero. Ichigo appears over the crater as the smoke begins to clear, looming over it as what's left of Aizen smolders in the bottom of the hole but he doesn't remove his resurrection as he can still sense Aizen's power. From the bottom of the crater, a purple light begins to glow amongst the ash and soot as Ichigo looms over it. After a few moments it dissipates and Aizen has regenerated himself. With a flick of his wrist the dust is settled revealing Aizen has seemingly transformed. His body is covered in what looks like a strange white chrysalis. His entire body is covered head to toe in a strange white fabric or maybe even calcified husk as it seems he's covered with the same material as that of the masks of hollows. His right hand has fused with the handle of his sword, and the only markings across his body is a large black cross on his torso with the Hogyoku in the center and a straight black line over his face. No teeth or even a mouth hole is present on the mask over his head and two glowing cosmic colored eyes stare at Ichigo. Aizen lists a hand to the air and drags his fingers through it causing the black red reiatsu of Ichigo's power to bleed from it. He lifts the spirit energy to his face so he can study it more closely.

"Interesting. So this is your reiatsu. Kurosaki Ichigo." Aizen's voice booms from the crater as if he's speaking through the very air. "It has matured nicely and you've mastered your hollow powers. I'm impressed."

"I didn't come here for a conversation. I came here to kill you." Ichigo responds coldly as he sonidos to the ground at the lip of the crater staring down at Aizen.

"I'm afraid that was your only chance to do so, Kurosaki Ichigo. I will not leave myself open again." Aizen responds as he vanishes before appearing on a high rise building, now taking his turn to look down at Ichigo. "Before you believe that this was high speed regeneration. It is not. The hogyoku has responded to my will and has made me immortal."

"I already knew that, but I'm begging to find out what happens when I rip it out of you." Ichigo growls before teleporting to Aizen's height. "Let's put that immortality to the test then Aizen." He declares before sheathing the black blade of Tensa Zangetsu and lifting his right hand high into the air pointing his finger to the heavens. "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy. Boil forth and deny. Grow numb and flicker. Disrupt sleep. Crawling queen of iron. Eternally self-destructing doll of mud. Unite. Repulse. Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!!" Aizen's eyes widen in shock hearing Ichigo say the full incantation and instinctively he lunges towards Ichigo trying to cut him down before he can finish the incantation. However Ichigo parries the attack with his left hand before declaring the final sentence of the spell. "Hado number 90. Kurohitsugi!" Ichigo declares as he stabs Aizen in the stomach preventing him from fleeing. Around the two the black panels of the full incantation Kurohitsugi begin manifesting and growing higher and higher as the massive dark purple tower climbs into the stratosphere before closing in on itself. Instantly within the Black Coffin the gravity is amplified to that of a black hole, crushing inwards so absolutely that the spirit particles are crushed. However both combatants resist this pressure and lock each other into another bladelock.

"Marvelous, truly marvelous. Your power is everything I crafted it to be." Aizen gloats as the walls of the black coffin begin to break apart and dissipate into the aether. "Just as I planned." Aizen punches Ichigo in the chest separating the two and removing the blade from his stomach.

"You didn't plan shit." Ichigo snarls before smashing his white blade against Aizen's sword then grabbing the handle of his other sword and drawing it upwards in an opening strike and slashing Aizen across the chest. The soul steel of the blade striking the Hogyoku with a resounding impact like two blades hitting one another. The strike sending Aizen skidding backwards against the air itself.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong Kurosaki Ichigo. Through meeting Kuchiki Rukia, the quincy, battling the menos grande, then fighting Renji, Byakuya and finally me. I have orchestrated each and every one of your battles to mold you to what you are today." Aizen reveals as the gash across his chest begins to heal. "Even the form you take now. It was one I created, but back then that armor was black and not white. Ironic, as that hollow had the same name... White. It was what brought your parents together, a Shinigami Captain and a pure blood quincy. To create you."

Ichigo remains silent taking in what Aizen had said but then laughs to himself, his voice distorted by his hollow powers. "You really expect me to believe that? Even in the slim chance it is true, I don't care in the least. I came here to kill you and that's what I'm going to fucking do." He growls before lunging forwards, swinging his black blade forwards and clashing it against Aizens. He raises the white blade to the back of the black one and begins charging it with spirit energy causing the black one to hum. "Getsuga Tensho." Ichigo says as Aizen is swallowed by the point blank blast. 

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