The Hollow King

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Despite the old captain's predictable nature, Aizen is mildly surprised with the resistance force that Captain Yamamoto has put up against him. Constant of only the seated members, lieutenants and other captains the army of the Gotei 13 was smaller than Aizen had anticipated. Then again, he only arrived to the human world with his top three espada, their fracciones and a small number of arrancar independent of the espada. This is what he thought would happen, but his attention is drawn to the lieutenant of the 10th squad, Rangiku Matsumoto and her battle with the Tres Bestias, Harribel's fracciones. The orange haired woman deflects an incoming sword swipe from the tallest of the three fracciones, Mila Rose, before parrying her cutting the blade from her hand before flash stepping away from the fraccione before Apache can stab her from behind. She gets to a roof top before Aizen lifts an eyebrow seeing the gesture she is making. "Well I'll be damned. Seems like Yamamoto wishes to fight fire with fire." black and orange smokey spirit energy begins to bleed from her fingers as she claws a hand over her face. This stops the three fracciones in their tracks watching as the lieutenant they were nearly dominating suddenly eclipses the three of them combined in power. The orange haired woman's face is covered by the smokey spirit energy as her own power grows exponentially. The crushing weight of her power destroyed what's left of the crumbling building she's standing on. The black reiatsu covering her face soon wisps away with the breeze revealing a stark white Cheshire cat mask with a wide grin and purple accents on the mask. A single yellow eye stares out at Mila Rose, Sunsun and Apache as her spiritual pressure starts to crush them as well. 

The tall dark chocolate skinned amazon Mila Rose tries to bark out an order to her two other fracciones but the weight of Rangiku's power chokes the words in the fraccione's throat. "Growl. Haineko." her voice now echoes from the power of her hollowfication as her blade seems to disappear into a cloud of smoke. The three fracciones look on confused as the sword seemingly vanishes but that confusion is quickly replaced by pain as they're suddenly and abruptly slashed almost a dozen times with a single flick of Rangiku's sword handle. "Stay down, or you will die." Rangiku's warning is cold and almost as intimidating as Aizen himself as the three fracciones fall to the ground.

"I wouldn't think you would stoop to my level just to defeat me, Captain Yamamoto." Aizen says more to himself than to the other captain. "I should have anticipated this after you recalled Kisuke and the vizards to Soul Society." Aizen returns Yamamoto's cold stare from across the battlefield. Getting brief glimpses of him through the ring of flames that the ancient dragon had seemingly sealed him in.

"You actions opened my eyes to how blind I was. I punished the wrong people for your actions a century ago. Now they share the power you gave them to my allies and we are going to use the very thing you created to destroy you." Yamamoto's voice echoes across the battlefield, halting several fights at once.

"If that is the case, then where is my greatest creation? Surely you haven't lost track of the only two who can defeat me." Aizen asks mockingly, causing the scowl on Yamamoto's face to deepen slightly. "I know exactly where he is."

"I have faith in the boy." Yamamoto responds.

"Faith? There is no greater ignorance than blind faith. Your faith in that corpse you call the soul king led to this entire war. When I learned of that dead false god, I aspired to achieve apotheosis and rule over life and death as a true living god." Aizen's voice booms over the flames and throughout the battlefield. "I have brought something special to deal specifically with you. Captain Yamamoto."

Within the Garganta

Ichigo runs just behind Captain Unohana as he and the rest of his allies make a mad dash for the human world in order to intercept Aizen and prevent him from defeating the Gotei 13. The kind and gentle speaking captain leads the way as she forms a pristine pathway out of her spirit energy beneath her feet. The pitch blackness of this void irks Ichigo as he can sense something a great deal ahead of them, something massive and an arrancar with it. "Ichigo." Unohana says calmly, pulling his attention from trying to sense out the creature ahead of them. "Are you capable of killing Aizen?" She asks, able to sense the doubt that he has in the back of his mind. His lack of a response is all the answer she needs causing her to sigh slightly. "Have you ever killed another being that wasn't a hollow?"

"Unless you count ants and bugs, no. I killed a couple of the arrancar in Las Noches though." He responds, but this answer troubles the calm captain causing her to slow her pace slightly.

"If you hesitate you will die. He won't hesitate in the least, he will not show you mercy and you should either." Her voice is now cold, calculated. Almost as if he's in the presence of an apex predator and one that kills for pleasure not for sustenance. "Did you rely on your hollow powers to kill those Arrancar?"

"Yes." He answers, his instincts screaming for him to tell her the truth fearing what the consequences of lying would cost him.

"Then Aizen has already won this battle. You don't have the bloodlust it takes to be a true warrior. You will have to cut him down without any remorse, don't even give him a moment to plead for his pathetic life." There's a brief moment of silence after she says this where Ichigo contemplates this before he speaks up.

"Aizen will die." He says coldly, focusing on his drive for battle from White to delve into is lust for battle. "There's something ahead of us. Something massive, and it's hollow."

"Then this will be your chance to prove your resolve. Kill it with no remorse." Captain Unohana instructs. "Are you going to consume it? Its power might be helpful for this battle."

"Yes." Ichigo says as he draws the bankai blade from the scabbard he formed for it on his waist. "Collapse. Black Hole Sun." He speaks, causing his skin to ignite in black red flames.

Renji, Byakuya, Uryu, Chad and Orihime are almost flattened by the magnitude of spiritual pressure that Ichigo is releasing. His body is consumed in a black and red ball of fire that burns brighter and brighter before collapsing into a black sphere encompassing his body with a burning orange and red accretion disk around the black hole of spirit energy surrounding him. Even Retsu herself finds her movements slowed by the astronomical output of reiatsu that the young soul reaper is putting out. "Perhaps you will be the one to take away my mantle. Maybe even undo my greatest sin." She thinks to herself as the black hole beside her condenses into the small hollow hole in the center of Ichigo's sternum. Having released his resurrection in Bankai, his appearance now looks like the form he took when he fully hollowfied against Ulquiorra alongside his wife. He now towers over the forth squad captain and the rest of his friends. Even the 7ft tall giant that is Chad is dwarfed by the size of Ichigo's resurrected form. In his right hand the bankai blade of Tensa Zangetsu has elongated, now featuring three serrated points on the spine of the curved blade. The manji on the handle now has sharpened points on each of the lines. The chain at the base of the weapon is now fused with his skin appearing like a tattoo on his lower right arm. Retsu is shocked to see a white blade manifest in his other hand, identical to the right except it is as white as new fallen snow.

The eleven feet tall resurrected shinigami suddenly vanishes allowing the others to get to their feet once the crushing weight of his spiritual pressure has lifted. Chad, Uryu, Orihime and even Renji gasp for breath as the gravity of his power diminishes. As they get to their feet, they look in the direction where they were running to, seeing a strange crescent shaped purple eye staring at something moving towards it. Then there's a flash of red light from a cero released by Ichigo and the void between the human world and Hueco Mundo is filled only with the sounds of veracious eating. "What the hell was that?!" Uryu asks in fear, having been the first to see the strange eye. "I don't know... but I felt thousands of menos grandes for a moment... then it's as if they all cried out and were suddenly silenced." Renji says before the magnitude of Ichigo's spiritual pressure begins to wash over them, but he himself doesn't reappear. "This guy just keeps getting stronger and stronger."

"If what you said is true, then he just devoured an army of Menos Grandes, consuming hundreds of thousands of souls in an instant." Byakuya says, "His hollow powers come from his blade, which means if he was to consume a soul they'd merely return to soul society but leave their power with him."

"I hope so. I don't think Ichigo could live with himself if he learned that he just erased that many souls."

"It's a better fate than being a true hollow." Retsu says solemnly before channeling her spirit energy to heal the others. "This should help the soreness after almost getting crushed by Ichigo's spiritual pressure."

"C-captain Unohana?" Orihime asks, causing the mild mannered kind woman to turn to her. "Why did you say that stuff to Ichigo? I thought healers were supposed to be against violence."

"Oh honey..." Retsu says before her face darkens and that foreboding sense of impending doom returns. "I learned healing so that I can prolong it. Retsu Unohana is just the name I've been going by for the last few centuries. I am Yachiru Kenpachi." Yachiru says, and her cold tone pricks goosebumps of fear across all five of them the moment the words slip from her mouth. Even Byakuya is startled by this.

"A-are y-you Kenny's m-mother?" Orihime asks but the twisted captain just laughs at this question.

"No. Kenpachi is the title of the strongest soul reaper. He is only a pretender to that title." Yachiru says as she turns to start rushing to where Ichigo had gone off to. "Ichigo just may have what it takes to be the last Kenpachi."

Back in the human world.

"I have made something special just for you, Captain Yamamoto. Something that will handle that pesky sword of yours." Aizen boasts as he swipes his hand to the side and dissipates the wall of flames surrounding him, alarming the other captains to Aizen's power. He grins evilly as he lifts his arms up towards the sky as if presenting something.

Behind Aizen the air is filled with a strange warping noise, almost like scratching a record extremely slowly. Behind him high in the air, the sky splits as if someone had pulled it open like a zipper. A long black line splits the sky going almost all the way across the horizon with black lines bleeding upwards and downwards from the unraveling zipper-like structure that has just appeared. Looking as if the sky just formed a long black mouth filled with teeth. As it begins to split open into a large wide oval shaped grin, spiritual pressure that eclipses every single combatant in the battle for Karakura town. The pressure is so intense that it flattens what's left of the crumbling buildings and forces all the arrancar that haven't used their resurrections to their knees. Any soul reaper without a hollow mask is almost crushed flat under the weight of this power. The concrete and asphalt closest to the opening of the garganta is crushed so thoroughly that it forms into a hard gemstone like surface. The sidewalks crushed so powerfully that the concrete is compacted into a new grayish clear diamond like gemstone cementite and the asphalt just the same becomes a dull bluish black gemstone asphalite.

"W-what is that?!" Rangiku asks in horror looking up at the massive black maw that has appeared in the sky. The spiritual pressure cracking her hollow mask from its magnitude alone.

"It's as if every single hollow just appeared..." Captain Toshiro gapes at the pressue, him being unable to stand to his feet under its strength.

"Is that... Ichigo?!" Shinji asks in shock, standing over the corpse of one of Barragan's fracciones.

Aizen turns around in horror feeling the astronomical pressure from the arrival of the resurrected shinigami. Looking up to look at the massive frame of the full helmed warrior that has just arrived to defend his home. Aizen blinks and Ichigo vanishes from his sight, causing a shockwave so strong that it sends visible ripples across the air like a stone cast into water. With less than a fraction of a second to react, all Aizen can do is look down slightly, being greeted with the sight of the bull horned horror in front of him. An ebony and ivory katana in each hand is scissored across his chest and an empty void arcing with red electricity between the horns of this devil. "Die." Ichigo commands before scissoring both blades through Aizen and blasting him with the black cero swallowing the villain in a beam so black that it casts a shadow on darkness itself. 

Author's Note: G-X9k_Literature did the artwork for the vizard mask Rangiku give him a follow.

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