Noble Nuisance

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Slight lemon warning:

Rukia finds it hard not to look at Ichigo while he strips out of his shihakusho and out of his under clothes before slipping into the warm water of the springs. Her difficulty in not peeking comes from that little devil on her shoulder who's name is Hoakita. The inner hollow of the kuchiki princess demands that she give into her instincts and take him right there in the hot water. Try as she might, she can't help but stare at the toned muscles on his back and shoulders, their definition a necessity when swinging around a sword that weighs as much as dozens of times that of a standard zanpakuto. Oftentimes she wonders how he can even wield Zangetsu so easily even with one hand. His voice inviting her into the hot spring snaps her out of her fantasy, and nervously she undoes the knot that ties her fundoshi (loincloth worn under battle attire), letting the white fabric drop to the floor. Her heart flutters, feeling his gaze on her naked body, her face flushes a bright red as she attempts to hide herself with her arms. There isn't a single hair on her body except for the perfect bob cut style onyx black hair that frames her face. Hesitantly she walks to the edge of the hot spring, Ichigo standing and offering her a hand to help her get in. The entire time he studies her, while her breasts are small by most standards, her thin frame is accentuated with her wider hips, thick thighs and buttocks that captivate most of his attention.

She feels the water cascade up her leg, its warmth as inviting as Ichigo's reiatsu and just as comforting. She enters the water up to waist height before sitting down beside Ichigo, he takes the opportunity to wrap his arm around her and draw her in close. Her heart beating out of her chest as nervousness and excitement emanates through her body, the proximity to his naked body heating her up hotter than the water. "Go on Rukia, give in to your desires that you've denied yourself of for far too long." Hoakita's voice whispers in her ear, the anxious feeling in her chest rises when the hollow speaks. "Just you and him, this might be the only chance you get until after the war... and who knows if either of us will survive it." Rukia doesn't even want to entertain that prospect, the entire point of their training is to defeat Aizen. Failure in that regard isn't an option, nor has it ever been. Though, her hollow is right, it's highly likely that this is their only chance for at the very least some slight intimacy before the war truly begins. "Who cares what the elders might think, who cares what Byakuya thinks, Ichigo is ours and nothing can change that." Deep down, she can't deny Hoakita's words. Here in this moment it is just her and him.

"What do I need to expect for tonight at your estate?" He asks, tilting his head on to hers and allowing himself to relax for the first time in weeks. "I promise, I wont stab anyone if that's what you're worried about."

"Just address everyone with the titles they have and be respectful, you don't have to speak in a very proper way since I know you hate that." She responds, subtly raising her leg and lowering it over his own. "You're probably better off just staying by me and only speaking if they ask you a question."

"And if they insult you?" He asks, taking note of the added contact of her leg across his.

"Try to keep your inner hollow in check." She answers, knowing full well that he will probably blow his lid this evening. "If they get under your skin, just come find me and we'll leave. We can rest in my room for the evening."

"Wouldn't we get caught?" He asks,

"We're probably going to be caught in here to be perfectly honest." Hoakita's voice echos in the back of Rukia's mind. "Sit in his lap, wrap his hands around you. Let's see where this goes."

"The guest rooms are across the hall from where my room is," She explains, "Well just say that we're going to retire to our rooms and once we're out of sight you come spend time with me."

"Your brother is going to kill me if he catches me in your room." Ichigo says, however Rukia quickly stands on the little ledge they're seated on before swinging a leg over his lap and plopping herself on him. He stares bug eyed at her, being completely clueless to what has come over her. "R-ru" he manages to say before she traps his lips with a kiss.

Any train of thought that he had in response to her sudden decision to sit in his lap is thrown out the window, instead he opts to return the kiss with her. She closed her eyes the moment she kissed him and after a few brief moments with his lips against hers he closed his eyes as well. She grabs him by the sides of his face keeping him from breaking their kiss allowing him to drift his hands down her back. She dominates him through their kiss, invading his mouth with her tongue and battling his own as she tilts her head to the side deepening the kiss. His hands drift down deeper before they wrap themselves around the curvature of her plump and muscular butt. Her legs wrap themselves tightly around his waist as she applies pressure with her hips against his. He squeezes her cheeks, she lets a small moan slip from her lips. The entire time the two lovers are enraptured in each other's embrace neither hears anything from their inner hollows, instead they let their instincts guide their feelings. Rukia could feel his hardened member beneath the water, pressed against her womanhood as she grinds her hips against him. Her insides are burning for them to bring this to the next level.

She allows him to separate from her lips, he immediately takes the opportunity to leave a trail of hungry kisses down the side of her neck. The feeling of his lips against her soft skin elicits another verbal response, this time she says his name, stammering slightly as her brain floods with pleasure signals. He pulls her closer, the entrance of her lower mouth kissing the top of his second head, as he trails kisses down her collar bone and finally onto her small breasts. His tongue gracing over the hardened points at the top of her breast, it being hardly a shade darker than sakura petals. Just as his tongue graces over the tip of her nipple, a voice echoes through the training ground causing both of them to freeze. "Kurosak-san!" the voice of the ever so cheery former shopkeeper rings out through the little cave that contains the hot springs. Seeing his shadow just behind the rocks that shield this hidden spring, Rukia immediately submerges herself beneath the water. Her reishi is more than enough to sustain her for extended periods of time under water.

"Yo, Urahara." Ichigo says after a brief moment to collect himself, he waves towards the green hat sporting captain. "I just got done training, what's up?" He says, which was half true.

"Ah, I thought I sensed you using your bankai." The cheery blonde man says. "I have a project I need your help with for a few moments." Kisuke explains. "The head captain has given me permission to conduct an experiment with the vizards' hollow reishi. I figured that since Aizen is creating an army of Arrancars, why couldn't I do the same with Shinigami giving them the powers of the vizards."

Underneath the water of the hotspring, Rukia suppresses her reishi as much as possible, using it to fuel her lungs and not need to breathe. She can't make out what the two men are talking about from beneath the surface, and luckily for her the water vapor rising off the spring is enough to conceal her form under the water. She notices that Ichigo still throbs with anticipation of their first time, and the little devil on her shoulder speaks up again. "Go on, have a taste." Hoakita coos, and Rukia listens. She sneakily sinks lower in the water until her knees are on an outcropping that Ichigo is resting his feet on. She trails her hands up his thighs until both of them clasp themselves around his penis.

"What do you need me to do?" he asks, just before feeling Rukia's hands touch his member and her fingers tickle his balls. He clears his throat trying to ignore what she's doing under the water. He has to force himself to not shudder at her touch as her hands feel noticeably colder than the surrounding water.

"I just need a sample of your hollowfied reishi. I'm sure with your endless amounts of it, it won't be too much to bother you to lend me some." Kisuke explains before producing a reishi containment device... which looks like a standard mason jar.

"Y-yeah, give me a sec." Ichigo says before raising his hand over his face and summoning his mask. With the mask present, he places a hand over the jar that Kisuke had brought before concentrating on making the reishi become tangible. His arm begins to radiate reddish black reishi allowing Urahara to siphon some of his power and store it in the glass jar.

As he's doing that, Rukia has brought her mouth over the tip of his penis before wrapping her lips around the tip. This time Ichigo moves, outwardly he makes it look like he is shifting his weight in his seat but Rukia feels him instinctively push his hips forwards. Her body temperature thanks to her ice powers is colder than normal, being normally 66 degrees fahrenheit and oddly getting colder when she's excited or in this case aroused. The chill of her mouth is a stark contrast from the hot water but with her lathering his dick with her tongue, even the slightly chilly feeling of her mouth is extremely pleasurable. She bobs her head over the top of his member for a few brief moments before driving his entire length into her throat. She feels his length pulse in her throat as he presses his hips forwards trying to keep the sensation that is present. It is taking every ounce of his will power to not give into his lust, who knew that Rukia was such a succubus.

"That's what I need for that part, now I do need you to demonstrate a cero for me." Kisuke asks, taking a few steps back and throwing a small capsule on the ground. When it hits the dirt, it explodes into a puff of black smoke creating a small hollow that howls at him.

"G-give me a little more warning than j-just that!" He shouts, the stutters in his voice coming from the fact that Rukia is currently giving his dick a spit shine. His length is almost long enough to reach her collarbone as it's down her throat. He shakily raises a hand and points two fingers at the small hollow that Kisuke had synthesized. A red ball of reishi materializes but its form is slightly erratic due to him being distracted. However he does manage to fire the blast, which takes the head off of the hollow. The beast transforms into an electrical transformer that draws the cero into itself before lighting up with a red light on the outside.

"Thank you, I'll leave you to your relaxation." Kisuke says as he walks over to the device and picks it up. "Oh and if you and Rukia wanted to have fun, you could have just put the do not disturb sign up."

"Y-yeah... I'll tell her that the next time we're here." He says, trying to insinuate that it's just him. He takes his mask off before sinking further into the hot water. "See you later Kisuke." He says but the R&D captain had already left. Him leaving finally let Ichigo give into her fellatio assault on his member. "R-rukia." He shouts, his hands pressing her head into his crotch as he cums hard in her mouth. The experience leaves him panting for breath, his hands go limp and he slumps back further into the water submerging everything lower than his mouth in the hot spring. Rukia surfaces shortly after, her mouth so full of his spunk that her cheeks are puffed out. She locks eyes with him, smirks as best she can with a full mouth before knocking her head back and swallowing every ounce. "W-where'd you learn t-to do that?" he asks.

"Instinct." She responds, swimming up to his side and lying against him. "I have never been with another man other than you, Ichigo." She says.

"Holy shit... that was amazing." He says still panting heavily from the experience.

"We didn't even get to the main event." She responds before standing and exiting the hot spring. "We'll get there some time soon, hopefully we won't be interrupted again." She says as she begins to walk away, swaying her hips as she does allowing him to drink in the sight of her perfect butt. "The ball is tonight at seven, and my brother probably wishes to have you dressed in something nice so get to the estate early and tell the guards your name. They'll escort you to my brother's office and he can get you fitted for a regal yukata fitting of a noble. Ichigo Shiba." She says before disappearing in a burst of reishi.

"Wow..." Ichigo says to himself, as he comes down from the high of endorphins. "That was a hell of a birthday gift." He says to himself.

"I'll say King, you should see your inner world, it's snowing." Zangetsu says, Ichigo smiles to himself as he continues to lay in the hot spring. He was madly in love with that princess, and Aizen won't take her away from him.

Lemon end.

Ichigo arrives out of a burst of Shunpo a few meters from the entrance of the Kuchiki estate, the noble family home appearing like a shogun era samurai manner which is fitting for soul society. The two guards flanking the gate are startled by his appearance, his monstrous reishi having been suppressed as best as he can but the guards can still sense the suffocating pressure just lurking under the surface. While his training with Yamamoto has yielded some results in reishi control, his suppressed reishi is still greater than a lieutenant despite his best efforts. Taking note of his even repressed reiatsu being too much for the guards, he slips on a black watch on his left wrist and it immediately cuts the reishi he is putting out by two thirds. The small watch is a kido seal much like Kenpachi wears and thankfully it's enough to keep people conscious around him. Taking a deep breath to quell his slight anxiety about the evening, Ichigo approaches the two men.

"Good evening, do you have business with lord kuchiki?" the guard to his right asks, taking note of Ichigo's giant zanpakuto still on his back.

"Captain Kuchiki requested I arrive early before the gathering tonight, I'm Ichigo Shiba." He introduces himself, using his father's surname, prompting the guards to nod at his statement.

"Greetings Lieutenant, I'll escort you to Lord Kuchiki's office." The same guard says before turning to the other guard and nodding, the second man returns the nod before taking a few steps forwards and standing in the center of the doorway once the two of them have entered the manner. "You are the same Shiba Ichigo that attacked the seireitei to rescue Lady Kuchiki and is now courting her correct?"

"Yes," Ichigo responds, looking at the sakura trees that line the cobbled path. A small stream frames both sides of the pathway with koi fish swimming through it and under the stone bridge this place is peaceful but it feels empty.

"Your reputation precedes you, Lieutenant." The guard says, his tone showing a hint of being impressed and respect for the shinigami substitute. "I don't know another man who'd fight an entire government and army to go against what was wrongfully sentenced."

"I did it because it was the right thing to do." Ichigo responds as they enter the main estate house. "Thank you for showing me where to go."

"Your welcome lieutenant, if you'll excuse me, I'll return to my duties." the guard excuses himself and exits the room.

"Shiba Ichigo." Byakuya greets as Ichigo enters the room, the older man looking up from a list of forms he had been working on. "Would you care for some tea?"

"Sure." Ichigo responds, taking a seat in front of the small kotatsu table in front of the captain. "Is there anything I'll need to know before the event tonight?"

"Several, however, before we get to that. Urahara had asked that I tell you what we will need your assistance with." Byakuya says as he pours a small glass of tea for the orange haired man. "Captains Urahara and Mayuri have conducted some experiments with hollowfication, they have learned how to cause a shinigami to develop an inner hollow without causing them to completely hollowfy."

"He did come by earlier when I was training, requesting some of my hollow reiatsu." Ichigo responds, "Why are they doing this?"

"Aizen's army consists mostly of arrancars made from gillains and menoses, most of the gotei thirteen are unable to defeat a menos grande, much less an arrancar. From the report given by the vizards during the encounter yesterday each of them had to use their shikai to cut them down. Every vizard has enough spiritual pressure to be considered a captain, with this knowledge we are out matched in terms of power and this experiment is to close that gap." Byakuya explains, "What we need your assistance for is to help duel myself as well as Captain Hitsugaya and your father if we are to go berzerk during the process."

"Hold on, you? You actually agreed to become a vizard?" Ichigo asks, completely dumbstruck at the premise. "Did he blackmail you?"

"No, this decision is for the best of soul society. I have no doubt that I will be able to slay my inner hollow once the experiment has taken palace and succeeded. The first test subject shall be Kisuke himself and it's likely that he will be doing that test tonight. The other vizards as well as captains aside from myself and your father will be present for the experiment. If all goes well, this will be a vital trump card against Aizen's army." Byakuya says before finishing the tea he has. "As for tonight at the ball, I believe Rukia has told you what is expected."

"Yes, be respectful, don't say anything stupid and try not to talk to anyone, or stab them if they insult her." Byakuya chuckles when he hears Ichigo's response. "Ayon from the research division gave me a reishi sealing device so I won't accidentally crush anyone."

"I noticed, once everything is said and done, I will go over what is to be expected of you and Rukia during your courtship. The matchmaker has already been informed that you have been personally selected by me to court Rukia. I have told them that you two will not be wed until after the war is over, however there are some expectations to be upheld before that point. Most importantly no public displays of affection. You may show it to each other in privacy but it is not something that commoners should see." Byakuya explains, "Since you are of a lower noble house than the Kuchiki's when you and her wed it is likely that you'll be asked to take up my family's name. However, that decision is up to you and her. I know you prefer to be called Kurosaki, but for tonight use your noble name."

"Yes sir." Ichigo responds, "Rukia also said that you wanted to get me fitted with a yukata or haori for tonight."

"Yes, our tailor is already waiting. I have requested that your haori for this evening be purple as it works with your... strange hair color."

"There's a lot of people with orange hair, you work with a man who's hair makes him look like a rooster. I doubt that's his natural hair color." Ichigo responds indignantly, hearing Rukia chuckle to herself from the other room.

"I suppose you're right, now let's get you fitted for this evening, the guests will be arriving soon." Byakuya says at the end of the conversation. The black haired captain stands from his kneeling position and motions for Ichigo to follow him. 

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