What a Man Will Do For Love.

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"Jeez King, if you get any more mad you're gonna cause an inferno in here. The AC is out i my apartment so I'd appreciate if you kindly CALM THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE I MELT!!!" Hichigo shouts from inside Ichigo's inner world. The fury present in the substitute lieutenant causes a massive heat wave in his inner world.

'I'd like to see you deal with this better than I can. Every single one of these jackasses has something smug to say about me, my family or Rukia. I have half a mind to gut the next person who says anything rude about them!" Ichigo responds, communicating with his zanpakuto through his thoughts.

"Fine fine, there's no need to shout." Hichigo teases knowing full well that he was the one yelling earlier. "I think it'd be more entertaining for me to let you suffer through this. I'm gonna go find a room with a working AC and enjoy the show. Try not to kill anyone, partner." His laughter fades away into the aether of Ichigo's mind leaving him all alone in the ballroom of a bunch of puffed up nobles here for a dick measuring contest.

Part of him wanted another arrancar attack right now, the past hour alone had been unbearable. At least the Kyoraku noble family were as laid back as Shunsui, he and Jushiro are both in attendance and probably the most tolerable people here. Soi Fong and a few members of her noble family as well as the Omaeda family. Yoruichi and her incredibly excitable brother Yuushiro are present as well. Then there's Ichigo's side of the family consisting of his insane father, his just as insane cousin, and his short tempered aunt. The twins were both far out of their wheelhouse, not knowing what to do aside from raid the food table. The particular family that has earned his ire is the Omaedas, specifically Marenoshin Omaeda and Marejirosabu. It's bad enough that the fat useless oaf of a lieutenant is here, gorging himself at the deserts table, but the way that the family head and youngest son speak about both him and Rukia is starting to drive the knife.

"Lord Byakuya, have you finally decided on who shall marry your sister? I know my son's name has been on your family's matchmaker registry for several years now. It's about time you gave that street rat some use and married her to a man with some prestige." The Omaeda patriarch, almost as fat as his lieutenant son, sporting what looks like a white fluffy bath robe over a soft maroon tinted kimono and purple sash. Around his fat neck sit a chain of opulent gold framed jewels. He wears a pair of gray blue aviator shades with a thin wispy perv mustache. Ichigo can't even count how many chins the man has. "She'd definitely eat well, married to one of my boys." The jolly man laughs.

"I have decided on whom she shall marry, however it is not your youngest son or Lieutenant Omaeda from the second division." The wind is immediately taken from the fat man's sails. Every time he had mentioned her for the past hour it was like she was just some golden trophy to be collected and hoarded.

"You look like you're going to snap any second now, Ichigo." The laid back and calm voice of Shunsui draws his attention away from the two nobles. "I take it someone is getting on your nerves?"

"You could say that." he responds, the older captain offering him a saucer of warm Sake to calm him down. Ichigo smirks seeing the liquid before accepting the dish. "I hate how they talk about me, about Rukia and my dad's side of the family."

"I can tell, it's written on your face." The older man says, the kimono he usually wore over his captain's haori is now what he wears to the ball. "It's all a game to them, petty politics, one upping each other. They even trade daughters like pawns in chess, trying to solidify truces and stop family feuds."

"I don't know how she stands any of this crap." Ichigo says partially under his breath to the older man.

"She grew up in it, you're the son of a doctor in the human world so your upbringings are vastly different. It will let you grow even more respect for your dear kuchiki princess, Captain Kuchiki will probably announce your courtship soon and after that, your aunt has a fireworks festival prepared." Jushiro says, while the Ukitake family are lesser nobles, he only really tagged along to keep Shunsui mostly sober.

"Yeah you're right." Ichigo says, drinking the warm sake before walking towards the finger foods that have been provided. His attention returning to Byakuya and Marenoshin are talking about, the other noble finally getting over his surprise.

"But who? Yushiro? The boy is far too immature even though he is the Shihouin head. You couldn't possibly marry her yourself, considering she's only a Kuchiki by adoption." Byakuya holds up a hand stopping the large man's protestations at the matter.

"I will announce it shortly, I am going to check up on my sister and the Shiba family matriarch before doing so." Even Ichigo could tell that the Kuchiki head was exasperated at this point, even through his outward facade. The muscles in his balled fists have been a clear indicator of that. The refined captain breathes a deep sigh before walking towards Ichigo and his sisters. Once out of ear shot, Byakuya speaks as he's passing him. "Keep control of your Reishi, I can sense that you are as angry as I am, if not more so."

"I'm trying. They're not exactly making it easy." Ichigo responds through gritted teeth, but the admittance that he is just as angry. "I for one am having a blast." Hichigo laughs, Ichigo growls under his breath before trying to calm himself down.

"Ichinii." Karin's voice draws his attention away from his inner hollow, his little sister is standing next to him tugging on his purple yukata. "Rukia wants you." She says, picking up a piece of sushi and putting it into her mouth.

"Thanks Karin. Stay away from the fat guy, he's been leering at Rukia all night." He warns, his sister nods, having sensed a creepy vibe from the omaedas.

"I need the both of you to come up and stand by me, I know your relationship is rather new but tonight I will announce that you two are courting and the date of your wedding." Byaukya begins, as Ichigo walks up to Rukia's side. "After that, the entrees will be served and we will sit down to eat dinner. Kurosaki, remember what I said earlier. Rukia, try to keep him, and myself for that matter, calm."

"Yes Nii-sama." Rukia responds.

"I'll try my best, but I can't make any promises."

"You may retire early after we finish dinner. I'll show you to the guest rooms but keep in mind that the halls are patrolled at night and I do not wish for you to go into each other's rooms. I don't think I have to tell you why." Byakuya's stern voice and solid gaze make it abundantly clear not to test his patience. "Follow me." He instructs, the younger shinigami do as asked and follow him.

Byakuya leads the two of them to a raised podium at the far side of the ball room, where a private table has been set up for the two. Rukia had told him that tonight the two would dine together in front of the guests as a symbolic beginning to their officially recognized engagement. She is dressed in the same red kimono that she wore the day they spent in the hospital. Her lips and fingernails are a matching red and she sports a pair of four inch red stiletto heels. During their meal together, other nobles may walk up and speak to them, offering gifts, advice or well wishes before returning to their meals. Occasionally there might be a challenge for the hand of the daughter to be wed but they'd probably back off once they feel Ichigo's unstifled reishi exceeding that of both Byakuya himself and Jushiro. The table, in Ichigo's mind, is where a newly wed couple would sit during the reception of their wedding. There is a private bottle of champagne in an ice bucket as well as crystal glasses that sit empty beside it. Some of the guests go silent when they see Byakuya walk up on stage, and the moment Ichigo and Rukia do he hears murmurs through the crowd.

"Good evening, thank you for attending the ball tonight." Byakuya says, using his reishi to amplify his voice above the crowd. The party goers fall silent and turn to face the refined captain, giving them their undivided attention. "I have decided to host this gathering as a show of good will to the reinstated great fifth house, house Shiba back to nobility." He pauses, lifting a wine glass in honor of Kukaku and Isshin who are standing off to the side of the stage. "And, to announce the arrangement of a marriage. Rukia Kuchiki will be wed to the heir to the restored noble house, Ichigo Shiba."

The applause wasn't immediate which irked Ichigo further though the captains in attendance, with the help of the Shibas, did begin the applause. Once it started, the other nobles slowly began to join in, though it was evident from the way they started that they were not pleased. The kuchiki elders were some of the first to begin clapping though "At least the in-laws won't be too much of a headache." He thinks to himself, his hand gravitating to Rukia's own to both reassure her and himself. The ones that didn't clap were the Omaedas, of course, they had been ogling Rukia the whole evening. Yoruichi was standing with Soi Fon, trying her best to ignore her clingy brother, but the petite captain did look happy, if not for them then the fact she and Yoruichi were reunited. "The date for their wedding will not be announced until after the war with the traitor captains. I hope you enjoy the event, and the entrees will be provided shortly." Byakuya's announcement was short and to the point, 'much in character for him.' Ichigo thought.

"Lord Byakuya?" Marenoshin says, approaching the small stage just as the captain steps down to the regular floor level. "May I ask who this Shiba Ichigo even is? What will be gained from the union between Lady Kuchiki and him?"

"Ichigo Shiba is the lieutenant of squad five, I believe you have heard of the Ryoka who invaded soul society to prevent an unjust punishment for a soul reaper just performing her duties. Ichigo Shiba is the one who led that attack on the seireitei, defeated five lieutenants, Kenpachi and myself just to save my sister from Aizen's machinations and my own blindness." Byakuya responds, his voice stern and unwavering. "He is a member of the Vizard Shinigami and powerful enough to have bested me in combat."

"He's a human?!" Marenoshin asks, his voice laced with disgust and disbelief. "How... How distasteful! Surely the Kuchiki clan has fallen from their once great pedestal in the soul society, allowing in street rats and now marrying off their daughters to not only a human but one that's a hollow!" Ichigo finally snaps.

"Will you shut the fuck up!" Ichigo roars, his face twisted with fury only Byakuya had seen before. The crass language and outburst sent waves of disgust and shock through the gathering nobles. "All you've done is leer at Rukia like she's a porcelain doll, and talk shit about my family. I can tollerate people looking down on me since I was human, but I will not fucking sit by and listen to the bullshit you have to say about my family and soon to be inlaws. You were so eager to talk shit all night, now I dare you to come say that to my face!" His voice hollowfies mid sentence, his fury becomes so much that half of his mask materializes, covering the left half of his face. The skeletal visage and astronomical output of reishi flood the room, Isshin and Kukaku put up a reishi barrier to protect Karin and Yuzu from their brother's spiritual pressure.

"Ichigo." Rukia says, standing up slightly to grab his shoulder reassuring him. "It's not worth it, he's not worth it." She says, her cool touch soothing his anger, the mask fragments dissipate back into the aether. "Please, calm down." Her soothing voice manages to suppress the inferno of rage that is fueling the vizard.

"Omaeda. You and your clan will be escorted from the premises. You have insulted me, my clan and my brother in law for the last time." Byakuya's voice emanates from behind gritted teeth. "You will not be permitted on the Kuchiki family grounds for a thousand years."

"B-but Lord k-kuchiki." Marenoshin stammers, "I-I..."

"Get out! Get out of my sight right now!" Byakuya shouts pointing towards the exit. The outburst lets the noble facade falter for a moment. Byakuya rarely ever showed emotion much less anger and it surprises everyone, especially Rukia. With a deep breath, Byakuya cools the burning fury from his system before turning to the new couple. The Kuchiki estate guards escort the entire Omaeda family from the premises. "I apologize Sister, I should not have invited them to attend." He says before turning to Ichigo, "Ichigo, I on behalf of the Kuchiki clan apologize for having subjected you to that fool. I am grateful you had the restraint to not run him through."

"Ok, I think we should get to the food, nevermind that idiot. We're here to celebrate! Drink, eat and at the end of the night My sister and I have prepared a fireworks display the likes of which haven't been seen in a milenia." Isshin declares, standing from his seat and holding up his hands. "Ichigo, Rukia, congratulations. I wish for your marriage to be fruitful and eternal."

Ichigo takes a deep breath as he sits back down, most of the anger being expelled with his breath. Rukia holds his hand just under the table, rubbing her thumb gently on the back of his hand. The party goers soon resume their individual conversations as maids and servants usher them to their seats at round tables. "If you didn't snap, I was going to." Rukia says, consoling him about the outburst. Ichigo takes the opportunity to pour a glass of champagne for her then himself as the first course is brought to their table. A plate of thin almost translucent slices of fish laid out in a flower pattern on a piece of flawless porcelain. The slices of fish are accented with a few bean sprouts, a pickled plum and seaweed in the center of the flowering pattern of fish. "Your first course is Fugu, Lord Shiba, Lady Kuchiki." Chef Masaharu, the Kuchiki family personal chef, says as he personally lays the dish out in front of them. Rukia picks up a pair of chopsticks before grabbing a small piece and lifting it. With one hand cupped under the sliver of puffer fish meat, she holds it up to him.

"Ichigo say Ahh." She says offering the piece of fugu to him, the singsong-like tone she uses causes him to smile. He opens his mouth and allows her to feed him the piece of sashimi. Isshin off in the corner taking pictures of them the entire time.

As the evening progresses, the newly engaged couple are served various dishes that befit a traditional Kaiseki or multi-course meal. Their second course consists of pieces of nigiri with Uni, Salmon, Tuna and Roe over top of the fluffy rice. The third, slices of thicker cut Otoro, the fattest and most expensive portion of bluefin tuna. Their next dish is a steamed vegetable medley consisting of chinese cabbage, shredded carrots and a daikon radish as a palate cleanser, Ichigo noting that Rukia was not as much of a fan of radish something he'd have to remember when he would cook for her in the future. The fifth is a simple miso soup with tofu and scallions, every part of which was grown in the Kuchiki estate gardens. The Su-zakana or sixth dish is another palate cleanser being thin slices of cucumber slightly pickled in ricewin vinegar. This dish is Rukia's personal favorite and Ichigo is well aware that her favorite food is cucumber. The following course was something that they got to choose for themselves, Rukia choosing a couple of rice dumplings (Also one of her favorites) and Ichigo's favorite: a dish called karashi mentaiko or spicy cod roe. Afterwards they were given a brief break from the food allowing the guests to come up to the podium where they were seated and congratulate the two on their engagement.

"Ey, Ichigo." Yoruichi says in her typical greeting having decided that she will be the first person to come up to the couple. "I take it this means I can't tease you anymore? How boring." She says with a wide grin on her face, "You two better get to main munchkins soon, you might be my protege but I want a successor."

"Oh no, when we have kids you are not teaching them." Ichigo responds, causing the chocolate skinned beauty to tilt her head back and laugh.

"I'd like to see you try to catch me, but I won't teach them like I did you. I'm only teasing." She grins.

"Neesama is pretty friendly with you Lord Shiba." Yoruichi's brother, Yuushiro chimes in, appearing at his sister's side. "She doesn't speak highly of people that much, but she did about you when she told me you learned Bankai in two days. I'm Yuushiro Shihouin, the 23rd head of the clan, and I congratulate the two of you on the engagement." Yushiro says, a wide friendly smile present on his face and neither of the two vizards could sense that it wasn't genuine. The Shihouin siblings bow to both Ichigo and Rukia before walking off the small stage where the couple is seated.

"I can definitely tell they're related, though Yoruichi seems to only tolerate her brother." Rukia says noting how excitable Yushiro seems, a similar energy to the typically playful and rambunctious thunder goddess herself.

"Out of everyone here, minus Shunsui and Ukitake, they're probably the ones I actually liked talking with." Ichigo says, "Don't ask what Yoruichi did to me during our training together. It was embarrassing."

"Oh, I think I'll ask her myself." Rukia responds, giving Ichigo a similar cheeky smile that the werecat woman always wears.

"Don't, it'll make you mad and you'll either hit me or try to hit her." Ichigo responds as a couple Kuchiki elders approach them.

"Lord Shiba, Rukia." The older woman greets, while most of the other nobles wore an air of superiority about them, the woman in front of them looks genuinely happy for them. "I hope that your marriage will last through this life and the next. Byakuya-chan knows you two will be happy together." Her aged voice and outward demeanor are like that of a happy grandmother.

Thankfully the rest of the evening went perfectly, no interruptions, rude comments or even slighted looks directed towards the couple. The incident from earlier begins to fade from Ichigo's mind and he begins to actually enjoy himself and the evening. The rest of their meal was some of the best food he's ever seen, let alone eaten, though he did laugh slightly when they were served strawberry tanghulu. (A strawberry dipped in molten sugar to give it a candied exterior.) As the meal ends, Isshin and Kukaku invite everyone outside to the gardens where tatami mats and pillows are set on the ground. The Shiba family matriarch holds up a small flare gun and fires it into the sky. The glowing red and yellow flare explodes like a firework high above the estate, and not long after a distant boom is heard. A lone streak of light shoots up towards the heavens before exploding into a dazzling display of orange and violet colors. Soon more fireworks begin to follow, as the Shiba's show off what they're best known for.

"Ichigo." Rukia whispers, their place in the garden far away from the other party goers, "All of the guards are outside watching the fireworks, and Lady Kukaku said that the show is going to last an hour and a half." She says, trying to get him to connect the dots.

"Ok?" He responds in a questioning manner, not really sure how to use the information she has given him.

"Means we have time to finish what we started earlier.~" She coos, whispering into his ear, Her cold breath causing goosebumps to prick up on his skin. "Want to?"

"You don't have to ask." He says, grabbing her hand he grins and places a gentle kiss on her lips before they sneak off back into the estate heading towards her room. Isshin sees his son and soon to be daughter in law sneak back inside and a tear of fatherly pride runs down his cheek. "I've taught you well." He says to himself before turning his attention back to the fireworks display. 

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