The King's Demands

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 Of all things that Grimmjow hated, it was being looked down upon that he despised the most. The higher ranking espada like Nnoitora and Ulquiorra were among those at the top of his shit list. However the shinigami were different, despite him technically being a POW, the soul reapers had been respectful. Though he probably knew that his rank as the sixth espada and the fact he was touching on the door of becoming a Vasto Lorde before he became an arrancar, had something to do with how well they treated him. Sure he wasn't allowed to leave the 2nd division barracks without guards but at the very least they gave good food, good sake and aside from the occasional questions he had to answer they left him alone. The captain of the second squad could go pound sand for all he cared, Soi Fon always held an air of superiority about her and it really pissed him off when he had to deal with her. However, the fifth squad and ninth squad captains had earned his respect. Today though he can feel Kurosaki and the insane doctor sparring across the seireitei. He recognised the hollowfied reiatsu of Kurosaki and the captivity is making him complacent. He was bored and wanted to at the very least stretch his legs with a half decent sparring match.

"Oi, you." Grimmjow declares pointing at Soi Fon's fat lieutenant as the man walks by gawking at him again. The lieutenant points at himself questioningly. "Yes you dumbass, come here." Grimmjow demands prompting the other man to approach the holding cell that Grimmjow has been inside of. "Where's your captain, I'm going stir crazy in here with nothing to do and I want to go fight Kurosaki."

"I-I'll go get her." The cowardly lieutenant says before rushing down the hallway to go and locate Soi fon. Grimmjow grumbled under his breath for a brief moment before Soi Fon flash stepped in front of the door to his cell.

"What do you want, Grimmjow?" She says, her tone abrasive still holding that air of superiority that he hated.

"I'm bored, Kurosaki and one of the vizards are sparring and I want in. Carrot top said that in return for my assistance I'd be taken care of." Grimmjow says, causing the petite black braided haired woman to arch an eyebrow. "You've given me food and drink but you haven't given me the last thing I need."

"And what is that?" She asks.

"Battle. I'm a hollow, a hunter, a predator. I live for battle and you've denied me that basic requirement for life as a hollow." Grimmjow responds. "I want to fight Kurosaki, then I'll tell you and anyone else what they want to know about Aizen, Arrancars and even the Espada. Might be able to teach the hollow soul reapers how to get a resurrection as well but who knows."

"Very well." Soi Fon responds before lifting her finger into the air gently. Grimmjow arches his eyebrow as she does this but shortly after a black butterfly flutters into existence from the void. "Head captain, the espada wishes to indulge his need for battle against Lieutenant Kurosaki. In exchange he has stated that he will reveal everything he knows. Do I have permission to release him temporarily, I will of course be monitoring the battle to make sure he doesn't try to escape." She speaks to the small butterfly as it gently opens and closes its wings. She allows the small creature to fly from her finger disappearing into the aether.

"The hell was that thing?" Grimmjow asks.

"A hell butterfly, we use them for communication." Soi Fon explains, knowing full well that Aizen is already aware of the hell butterflies. Shortly after her explanation another one flutters into existence before landing on her shoulder.

"Permission granted Captain Soi Fon, Keep an eye on him and make sure he holds up his end of the agreement." The head captain's voice comes from the butterfly and Soi Fon motions for the two guards at Grimmjow's door to unlock it.

"I'll need my Zanpakuto." Grimmjow says, Soi Fon motions for one of the onmitsukido ninjas to retrieve the weapon. With a nod the man vanishes and hardly a second later he returns with the blade still in its sheath. Grimmjow grabs his blade and snatches it away from the ninja in front of him. He ties the blade to his waist and purrs slightly feeling the familiar hum of his Pantera on his hip. "Bout time I get to stretch my legs. Alright, let's blow this popsicle stand." He grins before breaking the sound barrier as he uses sonido to get out of the second squad barracks making a B-line for Ichigo.

The red headed soul reaper himself is locked in another blade lock against Urahara who had managed to keep his mask on for over 20 minutes already. Ichigo himself had put his mask on shortly after using the getsuga tensho on Kisuke at point blank range. The mad scientist had been scorched slightly by the massive blast but had immediately used a high level kido against him as the smoke cleared. It was evident that the two of them were going all out and Ichigo is eager to show off the fruits of his training with Tessai and Yamamoto. The kido master had come upon a new method to train the boy, to work backwards from the highest level kido which took the most power and work backwards since he had an issue with drawing small amounts of it to channel into the lower level kido. While it still took an insane amount of control to do, Ichigo has proven capable enough to learn Kido up to level 90, though his spell list isn't as extensive as Kisuke or anyone like that.

"Color me impressed, Ichigo, not many people could deflect a 70 level hado with just a swipe of their sword." Kisuke says as he takes a few labored breaths from the extent of their battle. His chest is covered in bleeding cuts as parts of his shihakusho and green haori were shredded.

"Be ready to be amazed then." Ichigo says as he raises a hand upwards towards the sky channeling his reishi to where Kisuke is standing. "Seeping crest of turbidity, Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self destructing doll of mud! Untie! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"The substitute soul reaper declares at the top of his lungs.

"Ah crap." Kisuke's mask changes to that of the face of tragedy when he hears Ichigo say this incantation. Immediately he pushes forwards using his flash step as fast as he can to get out of the effect range.

"Hado number 90! Kurohitsugi!"

As Grimmjow arrives at the battle he sees the entire top of the plateau turn a purple hued black. Squares of condense reishi fold together like patchwork as they fit and squeeze together, growing taller and taller. The massive black tower climbs dozens of stories into the air as the full incantation Kurohitsugi manifests. As its patches close in together the tower shrinks slightly as massive black swords appear to stab into the void prison created by the kido. It doesn't last long however and it begins to fade back into the aether of the reiatsu of soul society. "Holy shit. Who the hell did that?!" Grimmjow yells before spotting Kurosaki on the other side of the fading void prison. "KUROSAKI!" Grimmjow yells seeing the masked shinigami holding his finger high in the air. "Fight me you bastard!" The panther shouts before drawing his sword and clawing his hand over the flat of the blade. "Grind! Pantera!" He shouts causing his sword to glow a deep cyan blue. He scratches his fingers down the side of the blade before throwing his hand to the side. Immediately his body is enveloped by a whitish blue reiatsu swirling around him in a similar chaotic cyclone that envelops Ichigo when he releases his bankai.

"My my, this certainly has gotten interesting." Kisuke says as he appears out of shunpo a dozen meters away from Ichigo as the vizard stares up at Grimmjow. "This must be the resurrection form that the others used against the vizards."

"Think he's out for blood?" Ichigo asks just before a hell butterfly flutters up to him.

"Kurosaki, Grimmjow has requested a fight with you. Humor him and he'll spill what he knows on Aizen." The hell butterfly says through Soi Fon's voice.

"Well that answers that question." Ichigo thinks to himself watching as the tornado around Grimmjow dissipates. "I didn't take you for a cat person Grimmjow." Ichigo says seeing the resurrection form. The blue haired man now taking the form of a half man half tiger hybrid, his body covered by a white exoskeleton that tapers off into a tail twice as long as his body. His hair has grown down to his knees in length, his arms and legs all have a blade on the back of his forearms and calves. A visor covers the top of his face leading into blue green panther ears on the sides of his head. "You want what I know? Earn it Kurosaki! Fight me!"

"Well looks like you two are gonna have fun," Kisuke says before dismissing his hollow mask. "Thanks for the sparring match, try not to trash the place while fighting Grimmjow. I'm gonna go check up on Captain Kuchiki." The candy shop keeper gives a brief wave before disappearing in a burst of speed.

"This isn't a fight to the death right? Just a sparring match?" Ichigo asks, tightening his single hand grip on his sword.

"I ain't gonna kill you if you prove you're strong enough." Grimmjow responds, he flexes his hands and exposes the sharpened claws of his resurrected state. "Now quit talking damnit!"

Ichigo tilts his head down slightly and furrows his eyebrows before disappearing; however this high speed movement technique isn't that of a soul reaper. The espada smirks seeing him do this, immediately swiping his hand behind him to counter the sword strike that was coming down at his back. The technique he used shattered the sound barrier, and while shunpo created noise, it was nothing like that of a Sonido. The technique that high level hollows use to close distances and ambush their prey conceals their reishi entirely for the briefest of moments when they execute the technique. It's only indicator being the sound created when it's used, seeing Ichigo use this technique causes Grimmjow to smile wickedly. This is going to be fun.

The tips of Grimmjow's claws make contact with the sharpened edge of Zangetsu, the collision creates enough force to disturb most of the dust and small rocks around the plateau below them. Grimmjow's face is split with an excited and wicked grin, finally getting a fight worth his time. With his opponent at such close range, Ichigo grips the blade with his other hand and opens his mouth. Sensing the slight vibration of reishi run through the blade, Grimmjow immediately backs off, opting to punch the sword with his opposite hand and then try to spin kick Ichigo in the stomach. However the soul reaper manages to get the blade in the way to block the strike from Grimmjow using the flat of the blade to create more surface area. "That trick won't work on me again Kurosaki!" Grimmjow yells as he draws up his other leg and hammers it down on Ichigo's shoulder. The strike slams Ichigo into the rocky mountain below, cracking the stoneface with his body. "Come on, i've been bored for a month bumming around that fucking cell. Give me something worth my time!"

The black blade at his side explodes in black flames as Ichigo glares up at Grimmjow who is gloating over him. He drags the blade across the stone of the rock face before up at a wide angle across him. The blade releases a massive black crescent moon shaped wall of energy towards Grimmjow before it's quickly followed by a second one creating a massive X shape in the air. Grimmjow raises his hand to combat the attack with a cero, charging the red energy from the points on his claws. He smiles wider as the attack from Ichigo gets closer but he feels someone touch his shoulder. Turning his head slightly he sees the skeletal mask of Ichigo over his shoulder, the length of the blade pressed firmly into his spine. "Getsuga Tensho." Ichigo whispers causing his sword to once again explode in black flames. He thrusts the weapon downwards releasing the reishi attack at point blank range. Instead of exploding like last time however, this one acts as a bulldozer forcing Grimmjow towards the two blasts in front of him.

"Ah... Crapbaskets." Grimmjow says as he careens face first into the cross beam getsugas in front of him. When the three getsugas make contact they explode immediately with poor Grimmjow in the middle of it all. The resulting explosion and expansion of black reishi blots out the sun and turns the afternoon sky almost as black as night as it bathes the seireitei in hollowfied Reishi. The shockwave shattered windows, shoji doors and half of the plateau beneath them. Some of the soul reapers that had gathered to watch the fight are sent flying as the shockwave radiates through the seireitei shaking places as far away as the Kuchiki manor. Yamamoto grumbles to himself as he sees the sky turn black from the resulting explosion, it had blocked out the sunlight he was using to read. As the energy dissipates into the atmosphere Grimmjow is laying flat on his back in a crater staring up at Ichigo, blood pours from multiple wounds all over his body.

"You should be careful what you ask for Grimmjow." Ichigo says as he appears next to the nearly flattened espada. His mask had parted from his face after launching the three massive blasts.

"Damn that hurt." Grimmjow responds, turning to look at Ichigo, "This mean I lose?"

"Ichigo 2, Grimmjow 0." Ichigo responds.

"Well shit," the espada says as Ichigo offers a hand for the wounded man to grab. "I don't need your charity." Grimmjow responds by swiping Ichigo's hand away before sitting up. His resurrected form dissipated from him in the process. "Alright, you win. What do you wanna know?" He asks as Ichig takes a seat on the dirt beside the espada.

"How do I learn how to use a resurrection?" Ichigo asks.

"No beating around the bush huh? I can respect that." Grimmjow responds, wiping away some blood that dripped into his eye. "You need to become one with your hollow self. After Aizen changed me into an arrancar he explained that I was a hollow with the powers of a soul reaper. Hollows I kill with my blade will fuel my power like when I used to eat them. He said to talk with my sword, and when I spoke to it I entered a new world."

"We call that Jinsen." Ichigo explains, "Communing with your zanpakuto and entering your inner world."

"So that's what that was? Weird." Grimmjow responds. "Mine was like a vast jungle, where I was the king, my old self hunted and prowled the landscape. The version of myself I saw and battled said his name, Pantera. I defeated and devoured him, becoming one with my old hollow self."

"I don't think I'll be able to do that." Ichigo responds. "Zangetsu is fickle, he is both my inner hollow and my soul reaper powers."

"So your sword's spirit is already an arrancar?" The blue haired man asks.

"I think so, though when I asked him if he thought we could have a resurrection he thinks that its a matter of him strengthening himself as a hollow." Ichigo responds, "I'll have to communicate with him, but Rukia might have better luck than me since her swords are two different people and she already has her hollow's zanpakuto."

"What are you two bozos doing?" The abrasive voice of Renji asks as he arrives to the top of the hill. "Having a little hollow powwow?"

"Fuck off Pineapple hair." Grimmjow responds.

"Kind of, I kicked his ass and he was explaining how to gain resurrection." Ichigo responds.

"Whatever, Captain Kuchiki and Rukia want to see you. Kisuke's got that thing happening in about an hour. I was asked to drag blue raspberry here back to the second division."

"Actually, send him to Shinji and the vizards might be able to figure out the resurrection stuff faster than me." Ichigo responds as he stands back up, he once again offers Grimmjow a hand up and finally the espada accepts the offer.

"Don't think this makes us friends Kurosaki, but you've earned my respect." Grimmjow says as he gets to his feet. "I want food first."

"We don't serve souls."

"Fuck off Renjo."

"Renji." Ichigo corrects.

"Whatever the fuck your name is." Grimmjow reiterated. "Hollows eat souls, I'm an arrancar, I can eat normal food. The fight worked up an appetite. I'll do whatever you need me to once I have a full stomach." He attempts to take a step forwards but falls face first into the dirt.

"And a trip to the hospital." Renji says as he bends down and grabs Grimmjow's arm before throwing the espada over his shoulder. "Word of advice, don't be rude to Unohana. You wont like her when she's angry."

"Ugghhh..." Grimmjow growls as the loss of blood has finally caught up to him.

"I might just take part in the masquerade party you and a few of the other captains are staring up with Urahara. If I ever wanna beat Captain Kuchiki, I'll need those powers as well after today. Head down to the hidden training grounds when you're ready." Renji instructs before hefting Grimmjow down the mountain he just climbed up.

"So, this complicates things." Hichigo says, "Think we'll come up with anything beating the tar out of each other?"

"Only thing that's worked so far." Ichigo responds. "Still need to talk to Dad about what gramps said."

"Tall, dark and moody hasn't left that flag pole since the last time we spoke. Though wanna know something interesting?" Hichigo asks.

"It better not be perverted."

"Only slightly." Hichigo responds, which earns a groan from Ichigo himself. "When you fucked the queen, it started to snow for the first time. Not only that but the city has changed. In the distance there's a massive forest out there now. Yours and Rukia's inner world have become one."

"That is interesting, but what's the part you're not telling me?"

"Thanks for the small harem Ichigo. Hoakita and Shirayuki say hello." Ichigo groans when his hollow says this, he cuts the connection to his inner world off when the spirit starts laughing. He sighs in frustration before making his way to the training facility. 

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