Wilted Petals

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"You wanted to see me Nii-sama?" Rukia asks as she enters her brother's office in the 6th squad barracks. The reserved man is standing at the far wall looking out the window in thought, mentally preparing himself for the ordeal that will occur in a few brief minutes.

"Yes." He answers calmly before turning to face her, he motions for her to take a seat in front of his desk. "I wanted to make sure you are faring well after the ordeal yesterday evening, and your thoughts on my decision to take part in hollowfication."

"I am well, truth be told I was just as close to snapping at them like Ichigo did, though I didn't think he was mad enough to partially hollowfy in front of the noble families and elders." Rukia explains, her hands nervously twiddling in her lap as she sits in front of her brother. "I did have a request."

"What would that be?" He responds.

"I wish to be promoted, Ichigo and I have been talking about it and he thinks I'm more than strong enough to take the position of Lieutenant of squad 13." Rukia says, though her voice is uneasy. "I understand if you-"

"Very well, put in the request forms for promotion and I will withdraw my written statement to keep you in the current position you're in." Byakuya interrupts her, the slightly concerned expression on her face turns to surprise.

"Nii-sama?" She questions.

"Please." He responds. "Use my first name, you deserve to."

"Thank you... Byakuya." She responds. "A-as for what I think about you going through hollowfication. I just want to know why you agreed to it."

"I do not care for the power it grants, I care for what it will allow me to accomplish. I wish for you to one day forgive my actions on Sokyoku hill, to forgive what I had said and for my promise to mean something. I have agreed to hollowfy so that I may understand what you have to go through with your own inner hollow." He explains, "I cannot express enough that I am truly sorry for what harm I caused you. I know you'll say you forgive me, but I want you to say it when you truly believe you have."

"What do you think about Ichigo and I?" She asks, having regained her confidence.

"While at first I did not like him, he has done nothing but impress me since you two have begun courting. He bested me in single combat, tried to protect you despite the grievous wounds, he is of noble blood and a natural born prodigy. His accelerated ability to learn and adapt is unlike anything I've seen in my 300 years. Just today, he performed a 90th level hado after only training in Kido for a month. While he could learn some respect, not referring to me by my first name until he's earned it, he is a good man." Byakuya says. "I believe the two of you will defeat Aizen."

"We will." Rukia declares firmly and confidently.

"I do not doubt you. Let's head to the facility. I'd like to have this finished before dinner this evening. I am looking forward to the roast duck that the chef is preparing this evening." He walks towards the door, grabbing his katana and tying it to his waist. "I hope that the hollow that I will soon develop does not attack you. The vizards, Kurosaki, Shiba Isshin, and Yamamoto will be in attendance for this. Let us go."

Ichigo and Rukia's hollowfication had been a fiasco, partly due to Hiyori's overzealous attempt at proving any dominance over Rukia. That being said, today the facility where the experiment will be taking place is under the research and development facility of squad twelve. Kisuke's training facilities all had a certain theme he was fond of, a rocky desert and clear artificial sky, this one has been reinforced with several meters of steel on all sides. Being more like a prison rather than a training facility. Rukia can't help but feel a bit of anxiety regarding what is to come. She normally can't read her brother, his stoic demeanor is usually enough to hide any emotion. However the long deep breaths he is taking and the distant look in his eyes tell her that he is also nervous for what is to happen. Ichigo greets the two of them at the entrance to the division, opting to walk alongside Rukia and her brother as one of Mayuri's men escorts them down to the basement lab. "Nervous?" Ichigo asks, more directing the question towards Rukia but Byakuya answers him. "Yes, I fear that should I escape the restraints when hollowfied I will attack Rukia."

"Tessai, Kisuke and Hachi will be using Bakudo on you after you go into Jinsen to fight the inner hollow. From what Kisuke had told me, it takes a few minutes, maybe five to ten after exposing you to the corrupted reishi for you to hear the inner hollow. At least that's how long he took to appear, it's still a new process so he has no idea what can go wrong." The lieutenant says as the doors to the basement lab open revealing a familiar artificial world.

"Ah, you're early. Good, that means we'll be done rather quickly." Shinji says as Ichigo and the Kuchiki siblings walk down the stairs into the artificial desert. "Ichigo, Grimmjow is currently in recovery at the fourth though he did say he was going to work with us about further developing our hollow powers. As for the task at hand, Captain Kuchiki please follow me."

"Fight well Byakuya." Rukia says, prompting Ichigo to arch an eyebrow at her. Byakuya returns a curt nod to his sister before following the other captain down the staircase to the facility. "We spoke earlier, after your tussle with Grimmjow he said that I can apply for promotion and that I've earned the right to call him by his first name."

As the two lovers speak with one another, Byakuya is led to the center of the room where the vizard captains, Captain Isshin, Tessai and head captain Yamamoto are standing. Kisuke greets him with a brief hello before directing the sixth squad captain to take a seat so that they can begin. Byakuya removes his sword from his waist and hands it to the head captain knowing the damage that Ichigo and Rukia had caused with their own swords when they hollowfied. "I believe I am ready." Byakuya says as he sits down cross legged in a meditative pose, the others nod allowing Kisuke to step forwards. The hat sporting scientist picks up a syringe with a black moving liquid within it. Byakuya removes his haori and pulls an arm from within his shihakusho allowing Kisuke to clean the area before pressing the needle into the captain's bicep. The captain doesn't flinch as he is injected with the hollowfied reiatsu, instead he closes his eyes and begins to meditate as Kisuke pulls the needle out of his arm. After a few moments he manages to drown out the others, focusing on his spiritual energy.

His breathing slows as he meditates, concentrating on the feeling of his reishi slowly beginning to become corrupted. His heart beating erratically due to the nervousness from the experiment. The seconds begin to turn to minutes as he remains patient and meditates, then he senses a new presence that isn't that of his zanpakuto. He feels as if it is breathing over his shoulder when he hears a hiss and a laugh break through the silence. He allows his mind to travel to his inner world. On the outside, the others notice that the part of his chest that is exposed begins to change color, the slightly tan complexion of his skin darkens to a deep red color. A small hole opens over the center of his solar plexus. The skin falling away like red leaves in autumn leaving a hollow hole in his chest. The hollow opens Byakuya's eyes revealing the silver eyes had become stained black along the sclera however instead of an amber color for the iris, his are the same shade of sakura petals. The falling leaves from his chest don't listen to gravity's demands, instead opting to float upwards towards his face.

The decaying flower petals begin collecting on his face, predominantly around his nose and mouth. The petals layer themselves like the folds of a flower bulb yet to bloom. Across the bottom of his face ascending diagonally along his jaw, across his mouth and nose and towards his left eye, the mask begins to take a plantlike appearance. Creases in the mask reminiscent of the same that occur in flower petals beginning to bloom, but still nestled tightly together before revealing themselves to the world. The most noticeable aspect of this mask is the lack of a mouth, some of the creases in the face are dyed the same hue as the sakura petals that make up his blade. Despite the lack of a mouth on the mask, the raised cheeks of the hollow's face give a clear indication that he is smiling.

"Hachi, Tessai, Kisuke. Restrain him." Shinji barks as hollow Byakuya attempts to stand from his seated position.

"Carriage of thunder, Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light divide into six! Bakudo number 61, Six rods prison of light!" Ichigo shouts, being the first one to react to the hollowfication, from his extended hand six beams of golden light fire from his palm. The light strikes Byakuya in the chest, restraining his upper body.

"Bakudo number 63, Ethereal binding chains!" Kisuke declares, the incantation creates a winding golden chair that snakes itself around hollow Byakuya before pulling taught.

"Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad butterflies. Standing upright, until the end. Bakudo number 75, Five pillared Iron Weights!" Hachi declares, the kido manifesting in similar iron pillars that once restrained Ichigo, slamming onto Byakuya's back shoulders and legs holding him to the ground.

"Think that's enough?" Isshin asks, resting a hand on his zanpakuto.

"If Ichigo's hollowfication is anything to go by, it won't be." Shinji responds. "For now if he breaks one of the restraints then we use number 99 until then you all focus on holding him."

A long path of sakura blossom trees dot a stone carved road leading into a large shogunate era castle. The land of Byakuya's inner world resembles the shogun's fortress some 500 or so years ago. The massive pagoda style building sits high in the center of the courtyard on top of a lone mountain. Around him and down the valley, distant empty villages sit near tilled fields and along winding rivers reminiscent of ancient Kyoto. He walks silently through the fortress, the amber colored sky giving hints of sunset. At the base of the fortress manor is a small pond with floating lanterns dotting the water drifting gently along the slight current. Bouncing off of small lily pads and off a lone figure standing in the water. Dressed in a black haori with white diamonds at the base, the eerie reflection of Byakuya stares back at him. The hilt of Senbonzakura sits at the figures waist, sensing the arrival of his adversary the hollow turns to face the original.

"It's quite peaceful here is it not?" The hollow asks, tilting his head to the side and giving Byakuya a wide evil smile. "It's strange to be born into a world of such stillness, I possess memories that aren't mine, a body that isn't mine and a face just the same. Though I doubt you'd understand what that's like, Byakuya."

"I don't suppose I can." Byakuya answers, he slowly draws his hand to the hilt of his sword. His left already on the scabbard, he presses against the handguard with his thumb and frees his blade from it's place at his hip. "What is it you wish? A man should at least state his last thoughts."

"I wish for power, for dominion and obedience." The hollow answers, copying Byakuya's movements however on the opposite side, drawing its own zanpakuto and brandishing the weapon with his left hand. "To slay a being mere moments after it was born... how cruel."

"It's unlikely you'll die from this battle, as from my understanding you'll reconstitute yourself in my soul and we'll do this again and again till the day we die." Byakuya responds, walking into the small pond and leveling his blade at his opponent.

"If that's the case, then I have nothing to lose. How do you wish to do this?" The hollow asks, beginning to step sideways around his opponent with Byakuya doing the same.

"Quickly." Byakuya answers.

Byakuya strikes first, slashing hard at his adversary only to meet the edge of the opposite of his sword. The two swords spark and cause ripples in the calm water as they clash with one another. The water sloshes about as the two swordsman clash blades time and time again. Despite having just manifested itself in his inner world, the hollow is nearing equivalent strength to himself rapidly. Each sword strike happens with enough force to radiate shockwaves through the captain's forearms. Byakuya slashes his blade down hard on his hollow's sword, the mirror having to catch the weapon and turn it sideways in order to stop the forward movement towards its body. Using a similar trick that he used against Ichigo, Byakuya lets go of one of the hands on his blade before pressing two fingers together and raising them to his hollow's face. The hollow immediately recognises this technique and breaks the blade lock before kicking Byakuya backwards with a heel to the chest.

Byakuya coughs as he's struck center mass by the heel of his opponent, it nearly knocks the wind out of him, the hollow hit so hard. Having gained distance from each other, the hollow reciprocates this move from his opponent raising his right hand pressing his fingers together before charging a sparking light of blue electricity. "Hado number four, Byakurai." The hollow declares before firing the bolt of lightning at Byakuya. The captain more than fast enough to flash step out of the kido's way. When he appears again, he sees the hollow grinning at him once again. The mirror draws his blade upwards and holds out upside down pointing towards the water. Realizing what's about to happen, Byakuya answers by doing the same gesture with his own sword.

"Bankai." Both hollow and shinigami are declared simultaneously. Their blades fall and sink into the water they're standing in. The ripples from the falling blades extend outwards before colliding with one another.

From behind both fighters, a corridor of massive blades rises from the ground causing ripples of both water and reishi as they grow from the aether. The silver swords of Byakuya are mirrored by the black blades rising from behind his hollow. The blades rise to dozens of meters tall as they tower over the two wielders of Senbonzakura. The silver blades glow a bright pink color before exploding into a maelstrom of sakura petals, each of which is as sharp as the very sword that created them. The darker version wielded by his hollow shatters into reddish wilting leaves cascading around him. "Senbonzakura Kageyoshi." Byakuya says calmly, using the petals of his sword to orbit him in a maelstrom of death. 

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