Chapter Eighty-Three

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

It was a shot in the dark, but some strange part of me urged me to find Toby. Maybe he could help me? What am I even talking about? I can't do this. But I deserve to, right? I mean, we'll only talk. I just have to get away from the stress of my relationships: the faux—well, faux for me—with Carter and my very hopeless infatuation with Jameson. You gotta love boys.

So, here enters my shot in the dark, my rebellious side, a demon not to be reckoned with. Overall, I'm living my own worst nightmare, letting myself grow weak and make foolish decisions because of this other side of me. Wait, where is Toby's room?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I nearly walk into someone, correction: I did walk into someone. I hit my face against the back of a boy and stumbled backwards at the impact. A string of apologies came to my lips, but were abruptly silenced when my collision boy turned around. Pretty face, alarm bells—Zack Espan. Well, at least I found Toby's room, and Zack Espan. I realised with a mental 'aw' that they most probably share rooms as I saw him locking up.

Alarm bells, pretty face, collision boy grinned at me. "It's fine." He told me, a slight smugness to his voice that told me he knew all too well the effect he was having on me. I then realised how stupid I must look: mouth hanging open as my jaw went slack, messy 'I just cried' hair and bloodshot eyes, of which were stinging since I had stopped blinking. I corrected my appearance quickly, hoping to show a picture of self-control.

Zack quirked an eyebrow up at me, glancing around him, "What are you doing here? You have a sex change?" He joked and I opened and closed my mouth like a fish. Laugh, Sky, what are you doing? I laughed—thank God—and soon spoke up.

"No," I told him with a smile, "I was actually.." I trailed off, what am I doing? By the time I had realised, way too late, that I was a distraught girl about to get to a base I don't think exists, Zack seemed to be engrossed by me.

Jerking his thumb into his room, he said, "You want to come in and wait for Toby?" Pausing, he added, "If that's who you came for?" He rose his eyebrow again, and I found myself nodding. Don't trust your mouth, Sky, you'll commit a verbal crime. Zack smiled, way too excited and creepy for my liking, but I went along with my first intuitive thoughts.

That's how I found myself, minutes later, sitting on the edge of a bed decorated with a cream duvet, Zack smirking at me as he stood across the room. I knew then that I was in trouble. Okay, Jameson doesn't want to guard me, so who the hell do I ask help from?

Everyone, I decided. Well, not everyone. The girls wouldn't be able to do much, not with how far away they are. That leaves me with two very complicated boys, causing me to have two very complicated relationships. I never did get Toby's number, so he's out of the picture.

My eyes met Zack's dark ones once more and he seemed to be moving closer, unless my eyes were tricking me. I hoped they were. Then, out of fear, I texted both boys.


Eh, that should do. Thinking again, I realised Jameson probably didn't have his phone with him. Damn boy. However, Carter certainly did.

'What's wrong?'

He replied with and I let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Who are you texting?" My lungs closed back up again and that sigh of relief felt farther away than I would've liked. Looking up, I could see that Zack had indeed got closer. He was about a metre away from me, but already too close. The feeling of danger pricked my skin and I tried so desperately to brush it off. But Zack noticed. He came closer.

I quickly texted Carter, as if Zack wouldn't get me if I tried. But he did. I sent it, but it wasn't finished.


Literally, that's all it said. He reached for my phone, but I shut the screen off so he couldn't see the conversation. My phone alerted with a new text and Zack frowned at the screen.

"Isn't this your boyfriend?" He asked me and I blanched. Zack shrugged and threw the phone on the bed behind him. I tensed, thinking about my phone crashing and burning, which is how when Zack pushed me down, I didn't respond instantly.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Thinking quickly, I tried to use the same move I had once successfully hit Harry with. But he was practically laying on top of me, there's no way I could get my knee up. So, I screamed. Zack winced and jumped at the same time, before he could restrain me again, I punched him in the face. I'm pretty sure I broke all of my fingers instead of his jaw, but it worked, I shoved Zack off me and scurried over to my phone. Bad move, Sky.

Zack was already up and hunting his prey: me. My chest heaved up and down as I desperately tried to seek out an escape route. I couldn't find one. Just then, in my moment of despair, the door jolted open and the force sent it flying into the wall.

In ran a very out of breath Carter, taking only seconds to figure out what was going out. Jameson could've done it quicker, a small voice told me. With a few punches, Carter rendered Zack useless, and I ignored the voice in my head again that told me that Jameson would only need one punch.

Too focused on this voice and the omissions it scattered, the next few minutes flew by in a blur as I was tugged out of the room.

"What on earth were you thinking?!" Carter's disbelieved shout shocked me out of my thoughts and I turned to face him, giving him a small shrug. It didn't take us long to get back to my dorm room, but when we did, we were met by another boy.

"Sky! What happened?" Jameson immediately asked as he rushed over to me and met me in the middle, seeming to come from the dorm room.

Before I could respond, something entirely different happened—
Jameson got a punch to the face.

I recalled earlier when I had thought that Jameson would only need one punch, well, it seems that Carter was saving that one punch—for Jameson.

Jameson stumbled back slightly, but, insanely, instantly regained balance, immediately lunging for Carter when he did so.

"You should've been protecting her you ass!" Carter burst out as Jameson shoved him into the wall. Too late, I sprung into action and joined the boys by the wall, but I was way out of place to know what to do.

"I don't see you saving her life." Jameson seethed as he held Carter by the neck of his top, nearly strangling him. I froze; what on earth does one do in a situation like this?

"I just did! Espan nearly raped her you bastard." Carter pushed back roughly at him and Jameson stumbled back farther than he should have, but Carter didn't go any further with this outrageous brawl—thankfully.

"What?" It took a while for Jameson to compose a sentence as he stared at Carter, then he glanced over at me. All anger and frustration disappeared, his face softened as he looked into my eyes.

"We don't need to argue about this, I'm fine." I told them both. Their response surprised me, especially as both responded similarly. They both gave me a unconvinced look and I awkwardly nodded at them to confirm what I had said.

I sighed when they both stood there unflinchingly. I grabbed hold of Jameson's wrist, "Thank you, Carter, but we have to go now." I told him before I dragged Jameson over to our room, and something told me he was willingly leaving; there is no way I'd be able to tug him along so easily if he had been unwilling.

"I knew from the start that you shouldn't have been hanging around with the likes of Toby Espan," Jameson growled as soon as I shut the door, spitting out Toby's name as if it was a toxic poison.

I frowned, "This has nothing to do with Toby," I told him and he scoffed, "Zack did this." I continued and Jameson frowned for half a second before narrowing his eyes at me again.

"Well you shouldn't have been near him anyway!" He shouted and I flinched, "What were you even doing?" I winced at the disapproval in his tone before taking a step forward.

"Feeling sorry for myself, because you decided that you didn't want to protect me anymore," I told him, proud that no tears had sprung to my eyes yet. Jameson, however, looked like a conflicted mess between anger and regret.

I honed in on that regret as I continued, "Maybe I do need a new guardian after all; Carter seems like a possibility," Jameson clenched his jaw at the mention of Carter. "Especially since he, at least, has the decency to protect me from a lowly, horny guy, who's only goal is to shrink me down to a compacted size, making it easy for him to use and throw me away, just like you have." I spat, imitating Jameson's earlier tone when he had spoke Toby's name. Jameson looked surprised at my outburst, then proceeded to look hurt.

But I didn't see anything else as I turned away and left the room.


well then




bro Carter busted some ass and all Sky did was walk away

With Jameson


Next time on Keeping Up With The Kardashians:

*loses inspiration*

Next update: Monday


Where is Sky going this time?

To meet who?

And what happens when you present a love-triangle fanfare on a silver platter—or, rather, an invitation?

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