Chapter Eighty-Two

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T h e H o l l o w s O f

Jameson seemed confused by my input, but soon recovered. "Only for you." He smiled and wound a blonde strand of my hair around his index finger. I think my heart just melted. Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if my body shut down and went into cardiac arrest any second now.

But it didn't matter what I felt for him; there was no way in earth we'd ever be allowed to be together. That statement on it's own sounded peculiar to me; there wasn't even a point in mentioning it-it's impossible.

"What's wrong?" Jameson's voice brought me back to the now, and I saw in front of me as Jameson's index finger still held onto that strand of hair, however his face displayed an assortment of contrasting emotions to his small playful actions. I then realised my eyebrows had furrowed, placing a very deep frown between them.

I sighed, "What next?" I asked him first, "I mean we obviously feel something," I couldn't help but cringe at possibly admitting my emotions to Jameson. "But we can't do anything with it. It's like an underage alcoholic craving a beer at the pub; illegal." I finished with an exasperated heave.

However, it seems as if Jameson doesn't feel the same infuriated way, or just didn't get the memo. He smiled at me, evidently keeping in a small bout of laughter. I crossed my arms over my chest in defence.

"What?" I demanded, thoroughly annoyed that Jameson wasn't taking this seriously. Does he even feel the same way as I do? Is he mocking me?

"Whoa calm, I can practically see all the wrong wheels spinning in your head." Jameson commented, his flippant attitude still lingering as he light heartedly tapped my forehead.

"The comparison was bad," Jameson shrugged, "That's all." Now I feel inferior, and completely foolish. I hate to admit it, but I guess girls really do overthink. Who would've known?

Thinking on my feet, I quickly, and smugly, responded, "Well, it can't be any better than your Notebook comparison." I huffed, my tone much more sour than I had intended, making even me squirm.

Jameson noticeably grimaced, "I'd have to agree." He acknowledged, nodding his head with an expression similar to the underling feeling I had been hit by just mere seconds before.

"So what do we do?" I asked Jameson, the question hitting a few nerves. What can we do? Even if we did carry on this secret and forbidden romance, it'd have to be exactly that: secretive and forbidden. We couldn't show affection in public, it'd be the most agonisingly felonious relationship known to mankind. It would be painful.

When Jameson looked at me in exactly that way: pained and helpless, I felt as my whole world shattered.

"It's wrong, very wrong," Jameson started, pondering on his words for a few seconds before moving forward, contrary to his physical movements as he took a few steps backwards. I felt like a disease, like if he got too close, he'd die.

"There's no way we would be able to keep it hidden, it would take a lot of self-control-on my part anyway, I don't know about you-we would be together a lot, we can't show any type of emotions that are more than friendly to each other," Jameson paused abruptly, probably noticing my facial expression.

He put his palm up to me, "Let me finish," He told me, not waiting for an answer before continuing on. "The only way this would work is if we weren't together all the time." Jameson concluded, though didn't sound at all finished.

"But how would that work? You're my guar-" My lips quivered. No. Surely not.. He wouldn't, right? In that moment I learnt by Jameson's facial expression that I was very wrong. And my world shattered, and the entirety of space. Everything imploded before my eyes, and I only knew it was a matter of time before I got myself killed.

"You'll have to get a new guardian, trust me, it's how it works around here, they're so uptight on the whole guardian and special one relationship but only if it's between a 'Special One' and their guardian. I know it seems weird, but a girl actually got raped by her guardian." Jameson babbled on and my breath caught in my throat. But that was her, Jameson's would never hurt me like that.

"That's why we were hesitant to take you, we had no available female guardians, but your life was hanging on a very thin thread. So they assigned me, a male guardian, to protect you." Jameson continued to spout shit through a straight face, but I knew he didn't like this any more than I did. It hurt him, his tone told me so; he didn't want this. So why torture us both?

Jameson quickly spoke again, as if I would intervene, but I was too stunned to even utter a word. "The trainee guardians just finished their examinations, so I'm sure if we asked, we could get you a new one." He finished. He wasn't looking at me anymore; I couldn't tell whether he was lying or not. Tears spiked in the back of my eyes, what on earth is happening?

When silence fell once again, Jameson spoke up to fill it, "I'll go and request it now." He told me, reaching around me to open the door. But before his fingers even grazed the door knob, I latched myself onto him, grabbing his arm.

"Jameson." It was only one word, a name, but it stopped everything from proceeding. Jameson froze at the mention of his name marred with too many melancholic emotions. It made me freeze too; I hadn't realised just how desperate and despairing I had become. But, all of a sudden, I felt like, if Jameson left me right now, if he walked through that door, my life wouldn't go on, at least not the same. Or my life just wouldn't go on period; I can't imagine that I'd be as safe as I am now with a new guardian.

Those tears that had pricked me behind my eyes began to seep out, but Jameson still wasn't looking at me. "Please, Jameson." I was about to enter hysterics, "Please don't do this, I don't want a new guardian-I want you," Something in Jameson shifted in response to my pleads, I could sense it as well as see it when Jameson's head lifted slightly.

"Please." I attempted again, and then in a small and vulnerable voice that shocked even me, I tried one last time, "Please don't leave me." That last line wasn't even thought over, it didn't happen in my right mind. I was sobbing and waist deep into hysteria, however, I knew from the moment the words fell from my lips that I meant them with all my heart-I meant every word I had just tried to beg with.

Jameson was face on in my vision, but he couldn't see me, he wouldn't look at me. I squeezed his arm, mentally begging him to give me just one glance. I couldn't say anything else; it wouldn't work.

Jameson didn't look at me, his head fell once more, and he wrenched his arm out of my grasp-he wrenched himself out of my heart.

I gulped, "If you-" I couldn't breathe, "If you go-" But Jameson didn't stay to hear the rest, and like that, he effortlessly brushed past me-he effortlessly left me. No.

I rushed to the door and yanked Jameson backwards. I slapped him.

"What is wrong with you?!" I screamed, my tears long forgotten.

"You're insane." I screeched next-ironic since I sounded like the insane one. Jameson said nothing, which killed me. I'm not a bloody mind reader; what are you thinking?

That's it, he's gone. He had his chance. I've pleaded and pleaded, trying to reason with him, if that doesn't work, well, that's all I can do.

Before I had a chance to recoil backwards, I got shoved backwards. I fell into the wall, where I then sank to the ground and burst into tears. I held my legs to my body, curling up in a ball, trying to defend myself.

He left.
He did it.
All of that anticipation and he failed.

Suddenly, something came back to me.

"Tell everyone you don't need a guardian."

Well, I didn't need to anymore. Jameson did that all on his own.

My lungs felt like they were closing up inside of me, my stomach was wringing itself out repeatedly and God knows where my heart is.

Suddenly, I was on my feet, desperation and betrayal coursing through my veins. And so with that, I left the room too, slamming the door behind me and heading for the boys corridor.


Sky goes on the hunt for another boyfriend

I mean guardian




everyone pray for their wall, Sky hit it pretty hard


(Please don't pronounce that as school oh god)

Next update: Friyay


Where is Sky going?

Who is Sky going to meet?

Danger can strike at any time-even when you were sure that you could trust the academy's protection.

You tend to have only one guardian angel.

But things get strange when you call for help and two show up.

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