Chapter Eleven

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T h e H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

I closed the door to the office of hell behind me before letting out a hybrid screech–groan. Don't ask me how it works. I looked over at Jameson who seemed to be acting more than calm whilst I mentally freaked out. His expression was unreadable—until he looked at me.

He displayed a funny looking smile, contorted with many different feelings, "I think we got off easy." I nearly fainted at his words.

"Easy? That was easy?" I was shouting; it was a good job Eden and Mrs Warding had left before us.

Jameson rolled his eyes, "You're only complaining because you were scared shitless." The smile dropped and was instead replaced with an ugly smirk.

I grimaced, and then, pushing off the wall, I said, "I'm going for a walk." I sped off before he even had a chance to reply and I hoped to the heavens that I had lost him.

I made it to the exit doors—which lead to the outside grounds of the academy—in record time, my fast pace helping me to achieve both distance from Jameson and aching legs. I pushed the doors open and reluctantly accepted that I was going to get lost.

I walked around outside for a while, trying to find a secluded place to bury all my worries. I find an opening to a forest and I look into it—I have always been an adventurous soul, and something, whether my desire to adventure or some weird magnetic pull, was pulling me into the forest.

I smiled and closed my eyes as the smell of earth and rain filled my nostrils. As I walked further in, I noticed that the dirt on the ground was of a wet, muddy texture. I soon realised why when I came across a lake.

I grinned in delight once I saw it, it was big and definitely cleaner than most other lakes that I've seen. I giggled as I saw a duck sitting upon the water with three little ducklings trailing behind.

I found a bench and I sat on it, totally mesmerised by this beautiful lake to even question what happened just a few minutes ago.

My head snapped to the side as I heard a twig snap.

As cliche as it sounded, there was definitely someone else out here with me, and it usually isn't the hero stalking you in the forest.

My first instinct was to run, but knowing that that would only get me caught and make me an even bigger bait, I decided to go with a different route.

I pulled out my phone and acted as if it had just started buzzing. I put it up to my ear and greeted the non-existent caller.

"Hey!" A few seconds passed as I nodded.

I smiled, "Sure," I paused again, "No I'm actually not watching Netflix." I laughed. I actually felt like I was in some random horror film on Netflix.

I stood up, "Okay, I'll be right there," I started to walk casually to the exit of the forest.

"Well, I'll see you in like five seconds!" I laughed as I pretended to hear the response, only ending the call when I was a few feet away from the forest. Did that work? Well, we are about to find out, Sky.

As soon as I felt the piercing eyes disappear off my back, I texted Jameson.

SOS. I just left the lake.

Not three seconds had passed before I got a reply:

What the hell are you doing there? I'm coming right now. Try and head back.

That is exactly what I'm trying to do, Jameson. I didn't bother replying and so I just carried on walking back to where I thought the entrance to the school was.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder. I screamed in response, pushing the hand away, thinking that I was about to be murdered.

Turns out the hand belonged to Jameson. I tried to burn him alive with a cold and fiery glare, "Jameson, what the hell?"

He was panting but looked slightly amused at my response. I slapped his arm and he frowned, nursing the injured area.

I rolled my eyes, "How did you get here that fast?" I asked, acknowledging the fact that he sounded out of breath.

Jameson smirked but it soon disappeared, "I ran." Wow, thanks for that.

"Can we please get back to our room now? Netflix is definitely calling me." Jameson let out a small laugh and gestured to the way back—which was not the way I had begun heading in. I frowned but followed his lead nonetheless. Silence overwhelmed us and it didn't seem like the good kind.

Speaking up, I said, "I'm sorry she did that," Jameson turned to look at me, a frown clear between his brows.

"It's not your fault." He told me earnestly but I shook my head.

"I shouldn't have run away from you in the first place," I kicked a stone, "And if only I had kept my big mouth–"

Jameson came to a halt, "This was not your fault." His voice was stern, and I wondered if I was being scolded right now.

"I'm sorry," I apologised with my head hung low and we started to walk again. "I guess I just wanted someone to blame, another excuse for what Eden did. I just can't believe she'd stoop so low." We reached the doors but Jameson held back for a while. I turned around to see a troubled look on his face. Then it hit me.

"How are you doing?" I asked him and he looked up at me, looking both confused and despaired, "She is your best friend," I pointed out to him.

"Was my best friend." Jameson muttered sourly and I had to blink a couple times to realise the meaning of what he had said.

"So your friendship," I started, thinking maybe he'd get over what he just said, "How's that going to hold up?" I asked him curiously. Jameson scoffed.

"It won't; there's no way in hell I'll ever look at her again." He retorted.

My eyes widened, or maybe he won't get over it.  "Jameson!" I exclaimed. I have never heard Jameson be rude like that before. Usually, Jameson is well reserved and conceals all his feelings, usually to put mine first. But right now, he is being a total arse.

"What do you expect me to do? She just tried to set us up as criminals, people who broke a major rule here at Zasolnište. That's not only you, but it's me too. She just tried to get me exiled." I was very surprised when Jameson's voice broke and I tried to find a way to comfort him.

Jameson spoke up again before I could share words of wisdom I don't have, "If Eden can't be truthful with me then the problem isn't me—or you, the problem is how little trust we have in each other." I nodded. Now I understand, this situation was just the breaking point for their friendship, but if the trust was wavering from the beginning, then eventually the bridge would break.

Jameson opened the door for me and I thanked him whilst stepping inside. We took a few steps away from the door until–

"Jameson!" A voice down the hall shouted. Then came a patter of heels. Both of our heads turned and Jameson's body immediately created a shield in front of me.

"Stay away." Jameson growled.

Eden rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, you don't have to protect her." Jameson scoffed at her comment, and Eden looked baffled by his response.

"Eden, what you did was unforgivable; you were trying to sentence me to death." Jameson took a step away from me, "I can't believe I was ever friends with you." Jameson hissed. Wow, that's gotta hurt.

"I wouldn't have done it if she wasn't being such a slut!" Eden shouted and everyone passing by turned to look at us. How am I the slut?

"Who are you calling the slut?" I did a double take as I realised who's mouth the words came from—Jameson's. This is getting out of hand.

I walked out from behind Jameson and Eden glared at me, I saw those balls of fire in them, the ones of which I had tried to explain to Jameson. I looked away from her and instead focused on Jameson.

I'm not going to lie, he looked an absolute mess. I put my hand on his arm comfortingly and he peered down at me.

"Let's go." I coaxed him softly. Jameson took a deep breath and nodded. We both turned away from Eden and walked away.

"Have fun with the slut!" My nose flared but I ignored the comment. Jameson, however, had a different idea as his jaw hardened and fists clenched.

I put a palm over his white knuckles, "Calm down; she wants a reaction."

To my surprise, he mutters, "And a reaction is exactly what she's going to get when I plant bombs in her room tonight."

I shook my head, "No, tonight you are going to stay in our room and keep me company," Jameson frowned as he looked over at me, all signs of anger had diminished.

Jameson opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it, "We may not be friends yet but you just lost your best friend, I think you're going to need someone around."



Make friends with your enemies but best friends with your friends #relatable

I'm kidding what even was that 😂


dear humans,
love your friends as you love baby lambs, gently, with great care, affection, and milk bottles.



Next update: Hmm hmm, Wednesday evening.



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