Chapter Ten

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T h e   H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E   T  H

"Sky!" My shoulders were being shaken but I only screamed at the top of my lungs, still trying to free myself from the suffocation of the dirt.

"Sky, stop!" I ignored the voice and continued shrieking, trying to claw my way through the mud.

That's when I realised—I wasn't under the earth.

I was actually in my room—in my bed. I sat up and gasped for air, choking and heaving. I was drenched in sweat and I had tear stains on my cheeks. A hand starting to rub circles on my back but I jumped away from it, scared of the slightest touch.

I looked at the culprit, "Jameson?" Jameson's eyes met mine and I broke down into sobs. It took a while for Jameson to swallow his pride, but, when he did, I found myself enveloped in his embrace. I grabbed fistfuls of his t-shirt as sobs racked my body.

Jameson stayed silent the whole time, his strong arms wound around my body being the only reminder that he was there.

When I had finally calmed, at least for now, Jameson still held me in his arms as I relaxed into his embrace. I was left heaving and gasping for air as I felt a strong sensation of numbness wash over me.

Once I had my breathing in order, I sniffled and wiped away any evidence of my sobbing. Jameson pulled away from me and held me at arms reach, examining my face. We stayed like that for a while, and I saw as an unknown emotion flashed in Jameson's eyes.

Usually, Jameson held a blank stare and had an emotionless shadow to his eyes. But right now I could see something different, but, because it was such an unfamiliar sight for me, I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

Jameson blinked and coughed awkwardly—the emotion left his eyes. "Are–" He cleared his throat, "Are you okay?" I glanced up at him and his eyes flitted around the room until they landed on mine. Then the look in his eyes returned.

"I–" I began before sighing, "Quite honestly, no." A small frown formed between Jameson's eyebrows. Then it was gone.

"But," I paused, "I think I will be." Jameson opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the door swinging open. Jameson immediately let go of me and prepared to fight.

He instead relaxed when he saw the face of what looked to be another male guardian. The boy heaved for air, "J, I think you should come down into the hall." He directed at Jameson.

"It's urgent." He added. The boy's eyes met mine and he ran a shaky hand through his hair, "Bring her." He ordered, gesturing to me. Jameson frowned but I was already at the door.

As the boys charged ahead I found my little legs straining to keep up.

"So what exactly are we dealing with here?" Jameson asked as we—they—ran down the stairs.

"Man, I don't even know what to say." The other boy replied.

I cleared my throat as we made our way down the last flight of stairs, "Who even are you?" I asked, sounding sourer than I would've wanted to.

The boy laughed, "I'm Maxwell, another guardian here." I nodded and then he led us down the corridor towards the hall.

When we got to the hall it was absolutely chaotic. People I had never seen before were standing on tables, all clustered together at the front. They were all looking towards the large TV at the end of the hall.

"What is going on?" Jameson muttered under his breath as we pushed through the crowd. Then I started to hear it.

"So you and Jameson, huh?"

I froze.

"You're a girl and he's a boy, anything could happen."

Looking up at the TV I saw the dimly lit corridor that I was in when it all happened. All you could see was what was behind Eden, which suggested that she too had been filming from her back pocket. Well, Sky, I guess we've learnt that two can play that game.

"So the feeling is just mutual?" The recording continued.

I frowned; that isn't how it went—I definitely spoke beforehand. I looked at Jameson, who was looking at the TV with a confused expression. Oh my God.

Then as my eyes moved across the stage. I saw Eden standing at the end with a laptop and her phone in her hand. How I wish I could slap that smirk off her face.

"The feeling isn't even mutual, Eden."

My jaw went slack. Not many people knew of me yet, so not many people would recognise my voice. But Jameson certainly did, and he turned around to look at me. Oh no.

"If you have a crush–"

The whole hall gasped. And then a deafening silence broke out. I frowned, peering around to see what was going on. But I didn't need to look for the interruption.

"What is going on here?" A stern voice shouted. People started to scatter out of the hall until only a few remained. The voice belonged to a middle-aged woman, brown locks curled to perfection and makeup looking not half as bad as I've seen around here. Jameson never took his eyes off me and I was about to tell him that nothing happened—then the recording spoke for me. But it was not what I wanted to say.

"I love him!"

The recording stopped. And so did my heart. I didn't even say that! She edited it to make me look bad!

The few people remaining in the hall turned to look at me and I blanched. A string of profanities rang loud in my head as I lost all words.

"Eden," The woman made Eden's name sound like an alarm. She looked at me expectantly and I stood there awkwardly.

She sighed, "Jameson, bring her." Was the last thing I heard before she turned on the spot and strode out, her heels clicking on the marble floor as she did so.

Jameson turned to look at me and I stood there like a goldfish for a few seconds, opening and closing my mouth as I searched for words. When I remained unsuccessful, Jameson sighed and grabbed my wrist, pulling me across the hall and down the corridor, the woman and Eden had disappeared down.



"But, I–"


I sighed and grudgingly kept my mouth shut, stopping anything else from flying out during an episode of verbal vomit. We met the woman—and, my nemesis—outside what looked to be an office room. She beckoned us in and I found my hands trembling. How could someone get into trouble so quickly?

Upon entering, I knew I was correct about the office theory, the room being filled with cabinets of records, a table with documents and chairs that only fools in trouble have to sit on. I begrudgingly took my 'fool' seat and watched as she sat down in front of us. Even Jameson was there.

"Miss Blancha–" Eden began.

"Mrs Warding." The woman corrected with a clipped tone.

Eden sat up from where she was seated next to me, "But your husband–"

"Loves me very much." Mrs Warding shot fireballs at Eden with her eyes, who learnt to shut up in the blink of an eye. Eden slumped back in her seat as Mrs Wardings eyes intimidated us all. Well, I'm not sure about Jameson.

"You must be Sky." Mrs Wardings questioned me and I nodded, anxiety and anticipation burning up inside of me.

"Would you like to tell me what was going on in this video?" She asked me, leaning forward in her chair. Before Eden could make some snarky remark, I sheepishly began.

"The video, for one, is edited–"

"So you're saying you said none of those things?" Mrs Wardings interrupted me and I frowned.

Clearing my throat, I elaborated, "No, I said all of those things, but somehow," My obvious and accusatory eyes flitted to my left side where Eden sat, "The video got edited so that the things I said were used to.." I shut down. Crap.

"Get you in trouble." Jameson finished and I turned to look at him. He stared straight ahead but when his eyes found mine I hoped he could see the 'thank you' I was trying so hard to display with just my facial expression.

Mrs Warding rose an eyebrow, "And you," She directed at Jameson, "Unless you've forgotten the rule." She questioned slightly and Jameson's voice echoed in my head. My memory took me back to when Jameson had explained the rule of the door to me, he said I'd be punished, but he would be exiled. What has Eden done?

A heavy silence fell upon us and anticipation built up inside of me as I considered every punishment possible for a crime that I didn't actually commit. That bitch–

"Well," I nearly jumped out of my seat as Mrs Warding's voice brought me back to reality—a reality I didn't necessarily want to be in.

"There isn't actually enough evidence to take this to court," I held in a sigh of relief at that conclusion, but also held my breath as Mrs Warding spoke up once more.

"However, Eden, you're on cleanup for a week," Eden stiffened next to me, and I could only imagine her restraining a snappy retort.

"As for you two," Mrs Warding directed and I felt my hands go clammy as my heart sank. Oh god.

Her eyes narrowed at us and her expression became a deathly trap, "If I even suspect a more than friendly relationship going on between you two, I'll have you both on community service until I gather enough evidence to prosecute you in court, and you both know what happens next." She threatened. I gulped. We sure do know what happens next, Mrs Warding, we sure do.


Boo it's not Wednesday but..

Here, take it

Goodbye now




Next update: Sunday afternoon (if I don't forget)



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