Chapter Fifty

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

"Room one-hundred and fifty." The old lady croaked behind the desk and daintily handed over the key. All the while, I was afraid her bones would crumble and she'd fall to the floor in a pile of ashes. Carter accepted the key and said a polite 'thank you' before grabbing hold of my hand and guiding me away.

"I can't wait." Carter exploded in a sing-song voice as he turned a corner. I laughed and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You sound like a girl." I accused jokingly, slightly surprised at his sudden excitement for a dorm room.

Carter put a hand over his chest dramatically, "What's wrong with being a girl?" He asked in a offended tone—and a very inaccurate girly tone.

Carter then proceeded to put his hands on his chest, coming to an abrupt stop in the corridor. I could see Jameson carefully slowing his pace behind us, probably wondering what the hell this guy is doing—since I'm wondering the exact same thing.

"Are you saying I have small boobs?" Carters eyes widened as he hysterically, and very over the top, acted like a complete and utter idiot. Nonetheless, I bursted into a fit of laughter and soon I felt tears come to my eyes. I bent over and held my stomach as more laughs escaped my lips.

When I finally gathered some of my sanity, I looked up to see that both Jameson and Carter had joined forces just to look at me like I'm insane. Seriously?

"Oh God." I heaved in and out as I tried to regain control on my lungs. I wiped a tear away that nearly rolled down my cheek with a smile. I fell into Carter and wrapped my arms around him in a sloppy hug.

"God, I missed you." I sighed into him and smiled harder, if at all possible, when he wound his arms around my waist. I felt his chin on my shoulder as he moved closer to my ear.

"I missed you too." Carter's voice was almost pained as he whispered, but I quickly brushed it off. Carter wasn't one to be negative, he always had that positive aura around him, one I would've killed to have been around last week, or last month.

And now, I'm around it. I pulled out of the hug and tugged on his arm to keep walking. Carter chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist and guided me down the hall.

Once we got to Carter's room, something hit me like a truck.

"Wait," I blinked, "That's our room." I pointed to the room that was next to Carter's room, raising an eyebrow at Jameson who rolled his eyes in response.

"Yes, Sky, room one hundred and forty-nine." He gestured to the number plate next to our door, his tone deadpanned.

My eyes widened, "Omg!" I squealed and hugged Carter for the millionth time. Carter laughed and I snagged his key from him, unlocking the door for him. I pushed the door open, ignoring the fact that it hit the wall, and was faced with a room much like mine. The only difference I could see from here is that there is no window seat.

"Hey, Jameson?" I called out, an idea popping into my head. I turned around to see where Jameson had gotten to, and then came face to face with him. Well, to be honest I'm a little smaller than him, so I was looking at his neck. I glanced up to see Jameson looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

I smiled, "Where are we eating dinner?" I asked him, considering that he practically organises everything I do anyway.

Jameson sighed, "The lunch hall." He offered and I nodded, turning back to Carter with a grin on my face.

"You can join–"

"We're eating in." I clenched my jaw and spun around to see Jameson stalking off to our room. He turned to face me as he unlocked the door and gave me a swift shrug.

"It's fine," Carter spoke behind me and I turned back to him, trying not to get angry at him too.

Carter's hand found mine and he rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. "I'll come round later or something." He promised, placing a small kiss on my forehead then backing into his room. Carter smiled at me before letting go of my hand and shutting the door, leaving me outside completely smitten.

I tried to figure out what just happened whilst walking into my room, but I couldn't. Jameson appeared in his doorway at my entrance, holding his phone.

"What pizza do you want?" He asked me but I just stood there and glared at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

Jameson sighed and brought the phone up to his ear, "BBQ, thanks." And then he ended the call, looking back over to me. I stood in the same position, the anger boiling up inside of me with every second that passed. And then the anger switch flipped.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted at him, surprised that my voice had reached such a level.

"What do you mean?" Jameson rubbed a hand over his face but I couldn't careless if he was tired right now. That's his own damn fault.

"I mean when you were rude to Carter!" My voice wasn't getting any quieter and I had a feeling that Carter could probably hear my shrills. Hell, the whole corridor probably heard it.

"That's my best friend." My voice lowered into a deadly tone and I could've sworn that Jameson flinched slightly.

"I don't have a problem with Carter." Jameson told me calmly as he took steps forward. I rose an eyebrow at him, as if to say 'really?'.

Jameson scratched the back of his neck, "I'm just–" Jameson broke off and my angry demeanour faltered slightly. Jameson stopped walking forward as he tried to put together a sentence. And then he gulped.

"Sky," He breathed out. "I think–" He took a small, and hesitant step forward. "You've been ignoring me all day!" He threw his arms in the air and I frowned. 

"Maybe because my best friend that I haven't seen for months is here?" I sassily retorted back.

"And I have not been ignoring you, that is an exaggeration, JJ." The venom seeped out of my words and I saw Jameson clench his jaw.

"Really? We're back to the nickname?" I could hear the growing anger in Jameson's voice and it made my rage grow in response.

"Yes, Jameson, we are back to the nickname. Because you're being so damn annoying and jealous–"

"I'm being jealous? Wow, Sky." Jameson shook his head at me, the frustration building in him.

"I didn't mean–"

But Jameson cut my petty excuses short, "Do you want me to be jealous?" Jameson asked in an accusatory tone, taking more steps towards me until we were inches apart. Did I want him to be jealous? I wouldn't say I wanted him to be, but doesn't his jealousy show that he cares? I mean, that's an emotion I rarely see, and it felt like a phenomenon to witness it.

Then all of a sudden warmth spread on my face. I frowned, am I blushing? Screw you, emotions. Then I realised, I wasn't blushing.

The warmth that was suddenly cradling my face were Jameson's palms. When I looked up into Jameson's eyes, I heard a gasp escape my lips. His eyes held—held too much for me to decipher. If Jameson just learnt every emotion, I wouldn't be surprised.

Intensity thickened in the air as Jameson removed a hand, making me hunger for the warmth again. Though, I wasn't complaining when the palm pressed against the small of my back, pushing me towards him.

"Because I am." The words left Jameson's mouth, and before I had a chance to put together the pieces and understand what he was trying to say, electricity sparked up in my lips, and started to flow throughout my veins.


Sonic the hedgehog




(Why am I fabngirling over my own book)

Gotta go cry

And order a Jameson from [email protected]

Next update: Friyayyyyy


What happens next?

How does the kiss continue?

Do the pair go any further?

Or will there be trouble in paradise?

And, what happens when you combine a bitchy ex-friend, a video, and a great, great ship?

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