Chapter Fifty-One

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^ The ORIGINAL book cover and a random video of 'Sky' to celebrate 5 months ^


T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

Yes, Jameson's lips are on mine.

For a few seconds, I stood there like a dumbstruck idiot. But as Jameson's tempting lips started to feed my hunger, I let them. Our lips moved in sync as if we had practised this a million times. My eyelids shut as and I let only the passion guide me.

How the hell do I even know how to kiss like this? Sure, I've had a first kiss, but I was in a school playground—and the kid stuck his tongue down my throat.

I dismissed the thoughts, finding it very easy to just focus on Jameson in this moment. My hand rested on Jameson's chest, whilst the other cupped his neck. One of Jameson's hands found it's way up my top and I shivered at the sudden contact. I could feel Jameson's ever so prominent abs under his shirt, and I traced them with my index finger.

What is happening? I feel delirious.

My state of ecstasy abruptly ended as my foot got caught in a shoe and I fell forward. Jesus Christ, Sky. Well done. Jameson caught me, of course, but our lips separated as I fell. Jameson steadied me, and I bit my lip with embarrassment. I looked up at Jameson, both of us heaving as we regained our oxygen.

Just when I thought that everything was not ruined, Jameson went and lost his emotions. I frowned as he let go of me, recoiling backwards.

"That shouldn't have happened." Jameson pulled at his hair, looking frustrated and disoriented. I gulped, blinking a few times.

"That's not allowed to happen." Jameson continued in shock, as if he couldn't believe what just happened. A pang of hurt hit me straight in the heart and I restrained myself from wrapping my arms around my torso to hold and contain the aching pain in my chest.

Jameson continued to mutter things that were either incoherent or just weren't in the English language at all. However, he was torn away from his trance as his phone rang. We both jumped at the sudden noise that wasn't Jameson's voice. He fumbled around for a bit before he pulled out his phone, quickly answering it.

"Ye–" He paused suddenly and I frowned. As if it was even possible, Jameson appeared to get even more worried and distraught. Soon, the phone call ended, along with Jameson's last strand of patience, of which I realised when he stormed out of the room.

I quickly ran after him, closing the door to our room behind us. Jameson was already halfway down the corridor and I wondered how on earth a human could walk that fast. I sprinted to catch up with him and struggled to get my words out as he kept walking off.

"Where are you going?" I asked him breathlessly, fighting to keep up with him. Jameson continued to charge ahead, and I thought he would never respond.

"We've been called to a meeting." Jameson told me, no sign of emotion in his voice whatsoever. Back to square one, I guess.

I stopped in my tracks, in shock about being called. How much trouble does that make me in? Or—worse—us? I soon regretted stopping to think when I refocused on the reality and found that Jameson was absolutely nowhere to be seen. I let out a frustrated shriek before running around the corner.

Jameson had stopped outside a door and I almost ran into him. I skidded to a halt, then went flying forward—of course. Jameson's arms went out to stop me from falling but I had already caught myself. I was about to thank Jameson for trying when the door opened and a very concerned and stressed looking Kate was on the other side.

She nodded at us, "Thank you for getting here in a timely manner. Come in." She opened the door wider and stepped back to let us in. She better thank me; I just did a flipping five minute sprint.

Jameson and I followed her and were greeted with a huge table, with a lot of people sat around it. Anxiety built up inside of me; what did we do wrong? Surely it can't be the kiss we just shared, if so, then, Jesus, that was quick.

"Take a seat." Kate gestured to the only two seats that were available, on either side of the table. My eyes found Eden before I found the seat. And her seat was next to mine. I hesitantly broke apart from Jameson and took my seat as if Eden didn't affect me.

There's no way I am going to acknowledge her again, but upon glancing at her briefly, I noticed a sly smirk sitting on her lips, one that made my stomach churn. What did she do?

"We were very hesitant to pair you two together, regarding the rules," Kate began, folding her hands together in front of her on the table in a very business-like manner. Jameson nodded as she turned to look at him. I had a feeling he was replaying our kiss over and over in his head, managing to pick out three things—three different things—wrong with it every time.

"But that was okay since we trusted you," She continued, mainly talking to Jameson. I kept my eyes on her, afraid that if I looked elsewhere my eyes would somehow meet Eden's. And then I'd be assassinated or some bullshit.

"However, something was brought to our attention that wasn't–" Kate paused, picking her words carefully.

"We just want to double check something with the both of you." Kate informed us both before hand signalling to the guy behind her. Looking up, I saw a video begin to play on the television screen. My room, or what appeared to be my room, was being screened. Out of nowhere, Jameson and I both came flying out, and I picked up on Jameson's tactical body switching as we hit the floor. I instantly knew what this was.

I glanced over at Jameson to see him already looking at me, a worried and slightly confused expression etched on his face. Then his eyes left mine and met someone else's next to me. His expression hardened before he turned back to the screen.

Upon looking back at the screen myself, I saw video me knee him in the leg, and then I witnessed Jameson falling onto his back. I have to admit—I am pretty proud of that.

Then I jumped on him and started searching for the spoon. Oh my God, this angle–

Oh crap.

Video me bent down and I awkwardly ignored my bottom going up in the air. I mean, it looks great though. My butt, thankfully, lowered, though that wasn't any better because now I was straddling Jameson again, and–wait, what am I doing? This angle makes everything look intensely sexual. 

Thankfully, something that didn't look sexual appeared on the screen; me looking through my pockets. Woah, that looks like–

I snorted as I hit Jameson on the forehead with the spoon, but after acknowledging everyone's glares, I embarrassedly continued to watch.

I watched as I got up onto my feet, then Jameson pulled me down again. Wow, this is stressful. Everything just looked worse than it actually was, I mean, come on, I was trying to find a spoon. Jameson and I laid there for a while—then the screen went black.

I blew out a breath, "That was intense." I muttered under my breath and Kate rose an eyebrow at me, to which I responded with a small smile.

"So, would you like to explain what that was?" Kate asked both of us. Is she serious? That was me trying to find a spoon to eat my goddamn ice cream, you fool.

"Well," I surprised myself as I was the first to speak up.

I pointed to the screen, "That's me looking for a spoon." I looked over to Jameson who was currently rolling his eyes, to which I responded with a confused look.

"Why were you looking for a spoon?" Kate asked slowly, as if I was insane.

"To fly to the moon." Sarcasm poured from my deadpan tone, earning both bewildered and amused looks from my audience. "To eat my ice cream, he took it." I reiterated whilst gesturing to Jameson accusingly.

"Who took it?" Kate asked, her head raising from her notebook, pen in hand, ready to scribble down more notes.

I opened my mouth to respond, but someone beat me to it.

"I did."

All heads turned to look at someone who was not Jameson.


Plot twist: The dish said it.

Great joke.

(Hey diddle diddle if y'all aren't three like me)



except it won't be days

Because today is THE FIVE MONTH ANNIVERSARY OF THIS BOOK (so I'm posting again later tonight)


so here I go

The Three Month Tally:
734 Reads
119 Votes
28 Parts

And now

The Five Month Tally (before posting this):
#109 In Mystery/Thriller (best rank so far)
1.87k Reads
194 Votes
51 Parts
(50 Chapters)

Well then

When you put it like that

It sounds like I have a book

Okay I don't want to make this A/N any longer but






THEN SAY "that wasn't supposed to happen"


okay bye

Next update: Sunday


We finally reach the epic halfway point of the book.

Part 53/106.

Who spoke up at the end of the chapter?

Why did they?

Sky recognised the voice of her most recent attacker.

And we all find out who her most recent attacker is.

Nonetheless, threats and uncovered secrets aren't the only things that give you a numbing ache in your chest.

Heartbreak does, too.

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(might start doing this):

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