Chapter Fifty-Four

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^ Sky with her hair (I'm dead) in this chapter ^


T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

I gasped, "Does that mean you'll buy me lunch?" I almost exclaimed in a jokey excitement. Carter flipped me off and I raised my eyebrows.

"That's not very nice to your girlfriend, is it?" I smirked when he looked at me, flabbergasted—if I may say so myself.

"Really? You'll–"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes at his shock, duh; I wasn't going to say 'no' and throw him out the window. Carter pouted, which made me feel guilty in response, so I pecked his lips apologetically and a grin overtook his face.

Carter looked down, "What are you actually wearing?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at my attire.

I sighed, "I stole one of Jameson's tops." I told him simply and Carter laughed.

"That big of an argument, huh?" He smiled and pulled me closer to him with his hands on my waist.

"It's his favourite top." I whispered behind my hand and Carter shook his head at me, before giving me a quick hi-five.

"Well, you're going to have to take it off." He looked down at the top with a look of disapproval and I slapped his arm.

"I'll take it off in the bathroom, when I'm getting changed." Carter huffed at my response and I rolled my eyes.

"Killjoy." He muttered under his breath and I trod on his foot. Whilst he was shouting profanities at me, I scurried off, grabbing clothes as quickly as I could and rushing to the bathroom.

I threw my hair up into a tight bun on the top of my head and had a quick shower. Once I was smelling, and feeling a lot more cleaner, I wrapped a towel around my body and released my, thankfully not greasy, hair from the bun. It fell down in gorgeous curls and I grinned, deciding then and there that I would curl my hair.

I brushed my teeth and slipped into my clothes quickly so I had enough time to curl my hair. I slathered moisturiser on my face then followed up with concealer, powder, a quick coat of mascara and, very rushed, wings of eyeliner.

Just as I started to curl the other side of my hair, a loud thumping sound jolted the door and I rolled my eyes at Carter's impatient nature.

"I think the world could end and you'd still be in this bathroom." Carter retorted and I watched in the mirror as my lips pressed into a thin line as I shook my head. I instantly stopped though, the heat of the curling wand nearing my hand. I quickly finished and smiled at my, very rushed, but handy work.

I turned off the curler and strode out of the bathroom with some new found flirtatious confidence. Carter raised his eyebrows at me as I brushed past him and walked over to my vanity.

"What's the occasion?" Carter asked with an amused expression on his face, sneakily checking me out—though, it wasn't very sneaky since I caught him in the act in my vanity mirror.

I spritzed some perfume on me and shrugged, "Food." Was the one word that I spoke as I searched for some earrings. I found some simple gold studs and put them in. Before turning to grin at Carter, I picked up a charm bracelet and slipped it on.

"Hey, isn't that the one I bought for you?" He asked, moving over to me to analyse the bracelet.

"Yeah, I must've had it in my school bag on the day I got here. I sneaked it out." I smirked and Carter laughed, picking up my school bag from the floor and handing it to me. I smiled at his manners and slung the bag over my shoulder, grinning when I looked up and spotted my too–fancy–for–school black boots. I slipped them on and zipped them up, happy that I was now around Carters height with the added height from the heel.

Carter laughed at the change in height and I slapped him, a pout on my lips. Carter pecked my lips before winding an arm around my waist, guiding me over to the door. We walked like this down the corridor, and through the many halls, to get to the lunch hall.

"Hey.." I began a conversation, just as we were nearing the lunch hall.

"Hey." Carter replied and I shoved him in the shoulder whilst I threw him an eye roll.

"If I told you I loved you," Carter turned to face me, eyebrows raised.

"Sometime in the future," I continued and Carter's eyebrows relaxed and he nodded, gesturing for me to continue.

"What would you say?" I asked him. The conversation was really out of the blue, but we are so close that I feel like I can just ask him everything I need to know. Well, not everything. But most things, especially about our new relationship. Since I have no idea what it really means in the long run.

"Would you say it back?" I asked him without waiting for his response.

Carter shrugged, "Sure, I'd say it back." He agreed before winding an arm around my waist. I smiled in victory and we continued our walk.

When we finally got there, we only had half an hour left of lunch and so there wasn't much of a variety of food left. Because of this, I decided to just pick up the first sandwich that I saw and walked over to the cashier to pay. Whilst waiting for my food to scan, I saw Carter look rather exasperated at the finished food tins and plates.

I was about to laugh when the lady behind the till told me how much my food was. I nodded and searched my purse, smiling when I saw a five pound note. I was about to hand it over when someone came out of nowhere and handed one over instead.

"Here you go." The voice belonged to a male, and it was familiar, with an undertone of smug and immature behaviour. I turned around to face the only person one would suspect after that description—Toby Espan.

"Keep the change," He winked to the lady as I clenched my teeth at him. Toby turned to me after grabbing my food, "Come on." He beckoned me with a nod to a table in the small room next to us. Toby started to walk off, with my food, so I reluctantly followed after him after glancing helplessly at Carter, who was still searching for some food—the poor thing.

Toby stopped and, upon sitting down, pushed my food over to the other side of the table. I sat in the chair opposite him and snatched my food away from him before he could steal it again.

"This better be good." I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow after taking a bite of my sandwich, not even wanting to know what kind I had blindly picked up.

Toby's amused smile was dropped and instead a very serious face replaced it. I almost didn't believe my eyes at first; does Toby even know serious?

"I found more.." He trailed off, rubbing his chin with his thumb, his stare elsewhere. "Answers." The word was simple and the secretive tone that he used made him sound mysterious, and I wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery. Remind me to file that as a future pickup line.

I leaned forward, keeping my voice at a hushed level, "So..?" I trailed off, hinting at him to tell me what he found out. Toby caught on—his smartness levels surprised me, to be honest. But that's just me shaming all pretty boys—fuck boys.

Toby looked around slightly before glancing back at me, "Later," He paused to look at his watch, "Meet me here after school." Were his last murmurs before he pushed back his chair, got up, and left.

As I saw Toby disappear through the double doors, questions sprung into my head. What did Toby find out? And just how impressive were his findings? I mean, considering we couldn't discuss it in public, it had to be something good. Or, at least, that's what I hoped. I was jolted out of my thoughts when someone brushed against my arm, dropping their food onto the table.

"Here you are! Wow, Sky, way to ditch a guy." I smiled, suddenly feeling relieved that the 'someone' was Carter and not some crazy stranger.

"Sorry, I just wanted to get a table." I lied through my teeth whilst offering him a sheepish smile. Carter shook his head at me, a grin on his face as he sat down in the seat that Toby had been previously occupying.

"You and your excuses." I wasn't even guilty that Carter saw through my lies; I was happy. Only a best friend would be able to take one look at you and confirm that you're lying.


Dear all best friends,

Have trust issues because it makes it look like you're really close with your friends ☺️



Your mum, love FreeFireMc

Bye humans


a human

Next update: Thursday–Friday


What did Toby find out?

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