Chapter Fifty-Three

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

A pounding at the door tore me away from dreamland and I groaned.

"Sky?" A voice called. "Sky, I'm going to be late for a meeting." The pounding continued shortly after Jameson shouted from the other side of the door and I tried to block out the noise. Knowing that I couldn't stop the loud noise any other way, I tossed the covers off me and made my way over to the door in clear disorientation.

I winced as my up-do had strained my hair and my head was starting to ache. I sloppily pulled out the hair tie and didn't bother to look for it when it slipped out of my hands. I let my hair do it's own thing as I searched for the key with half closed eyes. I finally found the key, thanks to another sense that wasn't my sight.

I forced my eyes open to find the lock and then proceeded to fight with the lock and key for a while before the door clicked. I picked up my clothes from yesterday before pulling the door open to face a not so impressed looking Jameson, until he saw me. An amused expression took over his features as he looked me up and down.

Gesturing to my clothing, he said, "Well, I see that you found my favourite top." Jameson's voice was a little more cheerful than I expected and I rolled my eyes, or sort of did, with my eyes half shut it's kind of hard to do anything.

I pushed past Jameson and fell onto my still perfectly made bed, indicating that Jameson either slept on the floor or didn't sleep at all. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the latter was true. The covers engulfed me and I heard a chuckle come from Jameson but I shut him, and the rest of the world, out before falling back to sleep.

And then I wasn't asleep. The covers were torn off me and I squealed at the sudden cold impact.

"Oh—oh shit erm–" The person who ruined my sleep put the covers back on and I slowly opened my eyes to face a very blurry Carter.

I wiped the sleep away from my eyes, "Carter?" My voice was still ridden with sleep. "What are you doing here?" After a few minutes silence, Carter sat on the edge of my bed.

"Are you kidding? Sky, you've missed half of the school day!" He exclaimed and I bolted upright, bashing my head against his. A string of profanities left my mouth as I held my head in pain.

"Well, that woke me up." I retorted before cursing some more at my throbbing head. Carter chuckled and I smiled, peeling away the covers to find Jameson's top revealing things it shouldn't. I quickly hid my underwear, but then an annoying voice in my head reminded me how I had woken up. Great.

I ignored the fact that Carter had seen me in my underwear, and tried to get up.

Carter was immediately trying to pull me down, "Woah, slow down, you might get concussion." Carter managed to pull me back down to the bed and I slumped down next to him.

"Concussion is for losers who hit their heads on brick walls." I complained and Carter laughed, pulling me closer to him.

"So exactly what you did last year at my uncles?" I laughed at the memory, before slapping Carter.

"That was your fault." I accused with a pout and Carter smiled at my expression.

"Scaring you is just too funny." Carter's excuse was feeble, and offensive, and I showed my appreciation of it by slapping him in the chest. Carter swore before chuckling and rubbing the wounded area.

"What were you getting up for anyway?" Carter asked and I pulled away from him slightly, remembering the pain in my head.

"Some ice, Jameson has a fridge in his room." I told him, trying to ignore the prickling pain that shot through my skull.

Carter nodded, "Got it." He said before getting up and walking into Jameson's room.

"I have to give it to him," Carter spoke as he came back into my room, "This guy is prepared." He commented, holding two ice packs.

I smiled, "He knows how clumsy I am." I joked and Carter smiled, evidently not believing my excuse, but gave me the ice pack anyway. I pressed it to my head and winced in pain at the pressure.

"Where is Jameson?" I asked no one in particular but the boy next to me shrugged in response.

"I haven't seen him but he obviously isn't here; I'm guessing he left." I rolled my eyes and huffed. How to impress a girl 101.

"I heard something interesting last night." Carter spoke up suddenly and I frowned.

"What did you hear?" I asked, I intrigued to what the new subject was about.

"You two, you were quite quiet, then I heard a door slam. Figured it was another argument." I froze. I raised my eyebrows at the new information I was receiving. Well, it wasn't really new information, but how was I to know that Carter could hear everything?

Then I recalled what I had heard, "Another argument?" I asked hesitantly and Carter nodded.

"The day I got here, I could hear you guys going at it—he hates me, it's really nice to be welcomed." Carter joked with a sarcastic tone and I rolled my eyes, shoving his shoulder.

All fun aside, I began to frown, considering the fact that Carter may have heard everything we said when we were arguing about him.

"So, you heard what we were saying?" I asked, really not wanting to know the answer.

"Yes, I heard your beautiful shouts too." Carter joked with a wink, not making any attempt to sound serious. I punched his arm and he started to tickle my sides in retaliation. I squealed and fell on my back, my hands trying to fight his hands away.

Before I had time to react, or time to realise what on earth was going on, Carter had grabbed my face and planted a kiss on my lips. Well, planted is a small understatement. Carter had pushed me down so that I was laying on the bed, his lips were moving against mine, despite the fact that mine weren't responding. After a few seconds, my eyes fluttered shut and felt myself giving into the kiss. Wow, first Jameson then Carter? Who's next?

Unlike with the kiss I shared with Jameson, this one wasn't full of hunger and passion. At first, it felt weird; Carter was my best friend, and making out with him kind of tears him away from the friend department. But then I began to feel more comfortable, my fingers buried into his hair and one of his hands cupped my face whilst the other pressed against my waist.

Carter pulled away and I went rigid in shock, the only movement I allowed was the opening of my eyes. Carter was still hovering over me and was scanning my face, trying to read me like he used to do. In an instant, Carter knew, or thought he knew what I was thinking or feeling.

In a flash, Carter was off me, awkwardly running his fingers through his hair and standing at a great distance away from me.

"I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry." He rambled and I sighed, pushing myself off the bed. I walked over to him and, to his surprise, entwined my fingers with his.

"What's done cannot be undone." I smiled softly and Carter raised an eyebrow.

"Where's that from? Shakespeare?" Carter joked and I grinned, leaning into him slightly.

"Yes, it is Shakespeare. Well done." I rolled my eyes at his flippant attitude but grinned at the familiar tone nonetheless.

"Wait, are you kidding?" Carter exclaimed and I frowned. "I was just joking." He continued with a proud expression on his face and I shook my head at him, a silly smile stuck to my lips. The room grew quiet and we began to stare at everything but each other.

"So.. What now?" Carter sliced through the silence.

"That is an excellent question." I responded and Carter rolled his eyes at me, to which I replied with a laugh.

"I'm being serious; we kissed, I don't think that's what best friends do.." Carter trailed off and I raised my eyebrows at his omission.

"What are you implying?" I asked him, already guessing the many answers to my question. Knowing full well I probably already had the answer, Carter glared at me.

"You know what I'm implying, Sky." And I smiled innocently.

"I just wanted you to say it." I spoke with a childish tone, pouting my lips and my face holding an expression of disappointment.

"Oh God, please not that face." Carter began to beg and I almost let my act go as I held in a laugh.

"Then say it." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.



"Will you–"

"Carter, this isn't a marriage proposal." I interrupted with a roll of my eyes but Carter carried on, ignoring my comment completely.

"–be my girlfriend?"




sorry Jameson you missed out


funniest ship name I have ever read

And Cassie invented #skameson

(I'm keeping that ship name even though #skarter sounds better for the lols)

sorry everyone, guess the love triangle is a line

Bye mammals

Love human.

Next chapter: Tuesday–Friday


What does Sky say?

"No cos Jameson my bae."


"Okay, sure babe, I'll check my calendar."

There's this boy, totally hot and totally popular.

Does he have any answers to offer?

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