Chapter Seventy-Six

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

Nearly falling on my face, I watched as Jameson locked the door, then rushed to my window seat.

"You're eager." I retorted, taking a few breaths to calm my racing heart before finally acknowledging Jameson's unusual, sketchy behaviour.

"What's wrong?" I then asked, moving towards the window, seeing as Jameson's usually watchful eyes flitted all over the place. I gazed out of the window, trying to find whatever Jameson was looking for. Jameson cursed profoundly under his breath and I turned to look at him, reading further into his action and realising how serious the situation was.

"Are we under attack?" I blurted out, fingers trembling. Not again, surely. Jameson looked over at me and his expression softened slightly, though he still looked troubled.

He sighed, "The academy got higher protection on the gates, a better system," Jameson explained and I glanced out of the window, trying to look for the big entrance gate he was referring to.

"Someone tried to get in whilst you were with Carter, but they got the passwords wrong. So a warning was sent out, now everything's haywire, again." Jameson finished his explanation and I nearly laughed at the term 'again'. But something else caught my attention and turned to look at Jameson, seeing that he was already gazing over at me.

"Passwords?" It was the plural part that had me confused. Of course they upgraded the system and of course it would have to be tough to get through, however, just how many passwords were there?

"Yes, there are a lot of pass codes; several for each gate," Jameson informed me, an amused expression shadowing over his eyes as I rose an eyebrow at him.

"There are more gates than you'd expect, the academy owns a lot of ground. So the gate I'm talking about won't be found by just gazing out the window." Jameson smiled at me, though I'm sure I looked like I had just taken a trip to the sauna as my cheeks heated up. Jameson was referring to my earlier position, looking for the gate out of my window and poised for an attack.

"The important part is that they didn't actually get in, so now we've got our field guardians out on the look." Jameson continued despite the fact that I had fallen face first into a pit of embarrassment.

"Field guardians?" I never knew such guardians existed, then again, there were a lot of logical things that I hadn't thought about when it came to the academy.

Jameson just nodded in response, "But I'm still keeping you here, just in case." He told me adamantly, sounding as if I'd actually plan an escape and sprint out somehow.

"Just in case." I repeated with a roll of my eyes and Jameson gave me a knowing smile. We stood like that for a while, until Jameson finally spoke.

"So, did you eat with Carter?" He asked, trying to keep a look of grimace off his face as he spoke his name.

I sighed, "Yeah." I fell down onto the window seat and glanced out of it, wishing to be up on the highest hill where the most beautiful tree grew. I remembered when I first arrived and it was in full bloom, displaying stunning, rose coloured blossom. Yes, I fell in love.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier." Jameson suddenly said, and I looked up at him to see him looking flustered. After running a hand through his hair, he sat opposite me.

Looking into my eyes, he said, "I've closed myself off to emotions, and I don't know what this is—this feeling," Jameson frowned and searched my eyes for something, maybe for answers to his questions.

He sat down opposite me and slumped back against the wall, "Love is a pretty popular term," My heart fluttered; love? "And it's cliché," He spoke again and I felt a pang in my chest, and I'm pretty sure my face fell. If Jameson noticed my reaction, he certainly didn't pay attention to it, and instead delved deeper into an oblivion of foreign emotions to him.

"But if I'm going to talk about us? It's an understatement," Jameson leaned forward and his hand hovered over mine. "I don't even have to touch you to feel.." He trailed off and my heart started to race. God, Jameson, don't leave cliffhangers like that.

"To feel our connection." Jameson finished and then raised the hand that had hesitated over my hand, but it no longer hesitated. Pressing his palm to my cheek he said, "But when we do touch," His thumb caressed my skin and I leaned into the warm touch, "It's like I've found something I never knew I was missing."

"Like two pieces in a puzzle." The comparison was daft, yet I found myself, in a brief blonde moment, making it. I gave Jameson a silly—probably love-sicken looking—grin, and though I thought he'd pick on my dazed moments, he didn't. Instead, he nodded his head and agreed.

Feeling indebted to return the favour, I quickly responded with a quick summary of my feelings. "I'll be honest, I was confused, my morals were mixed in with my emotions and I found myself in denial. Then Carter came along.." I trailed off, leaving the rest for him to finish for it was quite explanatory.

"It was an easy excuse, but it wasn't right. Just now I practically walked out because I don't feel the same way that he does!" I nearly exclaimed, though being cautious of my volume as I remembered how audible our previous arguments had been, allowing Carter to hear bits and pieces.

Jameson frowned, "You don't love him?" He asked, seeming surprised, confused and relieved all at once.

I shook my head, "I love him," I started, "But I'm in love with you." I finished, pressing my hand to Jameson's wavering one, still softly cupping my cheek.

He gave me a goofy grin, something I hadn't ever seen from him before. "What's the difference?" Jameson asked and I laughed.

"Think about it," I offered to him and he hummed, smiling and leaning forward. He lightly kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a second longer than was necessary. Soon, Jameson pulled away, a little too eagerly and I jumped in response, acknowledging the sudden mood change.

Jameson presented me with a gleeful grin and a thoughtful expression, a vast contrast to the battle mode face I thought he'd be pulling.

"What?" I asked tentatively, not quite too sure where Jameson's new found mood would take us.

"I have an idea," Jameson grinned, "Friday," He continued and I frowned, "As soon as we break up for summer." He finished, giving me another flash of that heart-fluttering grin.

I waited for more information, but that's all he revealed. "Is that the only context I'm getting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Jameson laughed and tapped his nose, then removing his hand before standing up. I frowned after him as he walked into his room. I nearly walked after him—then he returned with ice cream.

"Wait," I held out my palm to him and Jameson cocked his head to the side in confusion. I refrained from smiling at the cuteness.

"You're not going to make the same mistake of denying me my right to a spoon, are you?" I asked Jameson in a warning tone, who's response was a deep bellow of laughter.

"You're lucky I learn from my mistakes." Jameson told me as he granted me with a spoon. I smiled, acting chuffed as he gave me the tub after. I ripped off the top, my stomach somehow screaming for more food after the pizza. Jameson smiled and shook his head at me as he plopped down again opposite me.

And so we ate. Taking scoops of ice cream, spooning them into our mouths and staring out at the view that was the academy's grounds. When I looked out the window, I never saw beyond the gates anymore; I no longer longed to be back where I was. This is my life now. And I've accepted that. So we ate, looking outside, but thinking of each other.

At least, that's what I'd like to believe.



So I just wrote the ending to this and it's actually good wow I still have talent





SKYSON the end


Next update: Thursday–Friday


With the conclusion reached at the end of this chapter, Sky begins to explore the problems within her life at the academy.

Want to guess any?

And does Jameson continue to be all cutesy and corny, or does he close himself off again?

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