Chapter Thirty-Eight

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^ Sky wears this later on ^


T h e   H o l l o w s   O f
H    I    R    A    E    T    H

"This is stupid." I remarked as Jameson and I walked down the corridor and back to our dorm after the meeting.

"It isn't; we need to protect the school." Jameson explained defensively. I shook my head and sighed as Jameson sped up. I grabbed hold of his arm and he came to an abrupt stop as he almost fell into me.

"Sky-" Jameson was about to shout at me when I shouted over him.

"It isn't the school you need to protect, it's me," I laid a palm over my chest to gesture to myself but Jameson only pulled his arm out of my hold in frustration. He turned away from me and was about to start walking when I stood directly in front of him.

Jameson immediately stopped before he went crashing into me and his nostrils flared as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Haven't you noticed?" I demanded and Jameson turned to face me, his eyes searching mine.

"I'm always in danger when you're not around." I almost exclaimed but managed to keep some sort of management on my emotions, preventing them from seeping through into my words. I saw as a frown appeared between Jameson's brows.

"Why is it even sane to put you on night shifts?-"

"Sky, calm down." Jameson reached out a hand for me but I backed away.

I shook my head frantically, starting to become slightly hysterical. "It's Eden, don't you understand? She suggested it. And night shifts? Have you not realised most of my near death experiences have been at night?" I babbled on, anxiety making me think about any possibility.

"It's like everyone's out to kill me!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms in the air. Jameson looked haphazard as he tried to separate actual words from my babbles.

"And why the hell did you agree to the night shifts? Do you want to kill me too?" I almost screamed at him in frustration and my eyes blurred as the familiar feel of tears welled up in my eyes.

All of a sudden, Jameson had roughly shoved me up against a wall in the hallway and was centimetres away from my face. I could see and feel that he was angry as his lips were pressed into a tight line and his fingers were tightly locked around my wrists.

"I do not want you dead!" Jameson startled me as he shouted. I jumped slightly in response but it appeared that Jameson didn't even notice.

"Of course I know that Eden is up to something, but I accepted the night shifts because I pretty much had to; I was cornered. Sure, it could help if I catch the intruders before they get to you, but I didn't have a say in the decision." Jameson pushed up against me in rage and his hands tightened their hold around my wrists.

"Sky," His voice calmed down and I almost thought I heard it crack slightly. "I don't want to leave you, especially at night when, as you said, you've been targeted the most." Jameson explained and I frowned, seeing just how badly he meant his words. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want to leave me unprotected.

The thoughts that clouded my mind finally stopped spinning me out of control and I whimpered at the realisation of the situation at hand. The tears that were welling up finally spilled and I leaned my head into Jameson's chest.

Jameson finally let go of my wrists and I brought them bellow my chin, almost curling up into Jameson's chest. It took a while, but Jameson's arms snaked around me and he held me as tears fell from my eyes.

I guess all the antics from these past few months had finally caught up to me and I found sobs racking my body. I honestly couldn't stop crying. Jesus, where's the tap?

Jameson realised this too, and so started to rub circles in my arms and my back to calm me down slightly. It was awkward to start with, don't get me wrong, but I relaxed into it and found that the patterns he was creating on my back were a great distraction.

I eventually pulled away and laughed, trying to rub away all tears on my face.

"Why am I crying so damn much?" I tried to joke but another tear fell midway through the sentence.

"Because you're stressed." Jameson spoke and I looked up at him to see his expression sincere. His features softened slightly as he saw my face and he wiped the stray tear away. I ducked my head, wanting for him to see no more.

"You need to sleep," Jameson told me and I thought for a while.

"That's probably it." I nodded and looked back up at Jameson, who point five seconds later, was holding me in his arms.

"Jameson!" I huffed in annoyance. This boy must have a thing for carrying me.

"Go to sleep." Jameson murmured softly and I smiled at the gentle tone. I did what he said and found myself falling into dreamland.

Thankfully, it was dreamlike this time. However, I jolted awake as my world tilted.

"Sorry." I heard a voice whisper and I squinted as I was hit by a ray of light. When I finally had my eyes open I found myself on my bed with Jameson looking over me.

I yawned, "What happened?" I asked him, my words slurred in sleep. Jameson sat at edge of my bed and rubbed his face with his fingers.

"You fell asleep and slept the whole way here." Jameson informed me, sounding rather drained himself.

I laughed, "Yeah, until you dropped me and I woke up." I pointed out and Jameson shook his head, a slight smile on his lips.

"I didn't drop you." He argued but I just smiled at him. I heard a buzz behind me and I jumped. I rolled over on my bed and checked my phone for texts. I immediately found several thousands from the girls.

It was the group chat and they seemed to be becoming increasingly worried for my whereabouts. According to their texts, the whole school had been on lockdown ever since I ran into the guardians room.

And then I saw a text from Saph that caught my eye:

'Are you still going out with Toby?'

It was a private message so Avery and Cassie hadn't seen it, but I'm sure if they had, they would've had a field day. The three are convinced Toby has a thing for me. Ridiculous, of course.

I saw that the time on my phone was almost twelve and confirmed mentally that I could still meet Toby-if I wanted to. I turned around to face Jameson to find him checking his own phone. Woah, this boy actually gets texts? I mean, apart for the occasional text from me, of course.

I started to take the covers off to slip out of my bed but Jameson immediately shot up and pressed them back down.

"What are you doing?" He demanded and I frowned up at him as if it was obvious. Which it is.

"Getting out of bed?" The answer came out like a question because I wasn't sure why Jameson didn't understand the concept of slipping out of your bed.

"Well—don't, you need to sleep. You'll be tired after the last few days." Jameson pointed out and I rolled my eyes.

"Says the guy who gets one hour of sleep a week." I muttered loud enough for him to hear and he shook his head at me in response. I held my hands up in defence and got back into bed, rolling over onto my side.

I heard Jameson patter out of the room and the squeak of the door as it shut slightly. I silently slipped out of my bed and tiptoed over to my drawers and picked whatever I saw first. I picked out a sky blue thin, and oversized, jumper and a pair of acid wash blue jeans. I went into my bathroom to quickly wash, not bothering to cleanse in the shower.

My hair looks disgusting.

I sighed, as quietly as I could, then dressed before sorting through my vanity drawers for my dry shampoo. I found it and quickly spritzed some in my hair. I grinned confidently at my reflection in the mirror; my paring of clothes was actually admirable and my hair was no longer a grease fest.

I grabbed some random blue earrings from my vanity and a charm bracelet, courtesy of the girls hospital presents. I showered myself in the first perfume I could find-okay, not literally, that would be far too strong.

I quickly threw my phone into a bag I had previously used out of school and was about to leave. But then I frowned; I had easy access to the door. Where the hell is Jameson?

Curious, I quietly pattered over to his room to find him-



Progress in skyson: Jameson doesn't want Sky dead.

I mean-nah, bitch. Is this hoe oblivious.

Jameson has saved your ass time in and time out and you're still doubting whether or not he wants you dead or not



Next time, we see Jameson interacting in more human things 👍🏼

Ooh and could Toby and Sky have their own little 'thing'? 😉😏

Find out next time.

Next update: Monday-Wednesday


Sky eats dinner with the devil. (it could be lunch or breakfast, I didn't really check)

Then proceeds to follow said devil into an unknown place 👍🏼

(and this bitch is surprised when she gets attacked?)

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