Chapter Thirty-Seven

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

"The security gates were breached at approximately ten to twelve last night," The woman, who had introduced herself as Kate, informed us all. She looked over at me, "Sky, at which time did you see this stranger?" She asked me and I pondered the question.

I had woken up at twelve in the morning, and that's the only time I really recall.

I sighed, "Somewhere around twelve." I told her sheepishly and she nodded, writing some notes down on her pad, despite the fact that I lacked specifics.

"What did this person look like?" She fired at me next.

I frowned, "Just like the other times, dressed in all black; a black hoody—I couldn't see their face." I explained and Kate made more notes.

"A gun?" She asked and I shivered.

Clearing my throat, I responded, "Yes, the person held it up to my window and shot two times. That's when I ran." The guardians all shifted in their seats at my recollection. There was an awkward air in the room after my latest piece of information.

"How is it that you weren't hit?" Kate asked as she stopped writing.

I recollected the moment. "The first time I fell, the bullet hit the wall, and the second time, I ducked down and it hit my bed." I told her and she nodded.

"And you managed to find a secret exit in your room?" Her next question was and I nodded. "Can tell us how you managed to find that?" Kate asked and I looked at Jameson in the corner of my eye.

"I found some maps in Jameson's room." I told her simply and felt Jameson's eyes on me.

"Smart girl," She remarked and made more notes, "However, the person followed you?" She asked me with a frown between her brows and it hit me. The person followed me. They knew all of the escape routes in my room. Oh God.

Seeing my reaction to the question, Kate guessed the answer and grimaced before writing down more notes.

"Would you like to change rooms?" She asked abruptly and the world stopped spinning for half a heartbeat. I'd be safe, yes, but where would I be? And who with? Would Jameson follow me to a new room?

I shook my head, "No," Everyone at the table looked at me as if I had three heads—including Jameson. "There's no point, if they really want me dead that bad they'll always find me. It would also be a risk to other people too, if they went looking for me and are prepared to do anything to find me, anyone could get hurt." I explained and the guardians shifted back in their seats, starting to think about my explanation.

"That's true," A new voice spoke and I was shocked when I recognised it as Jameson.

"Maybe it's the security we need to improve," Jameson spoke again and I could see that the guardians were suddenly interested in what he had to say.

"As Sky said, I had maps and diagrams of the schools layout, guard shifts, the security. I've been going over it all," He paused, thinking of his next words. "The system hasn't been updated in a while, maybe we need a new and more complex one." Jameson explained and a few guardians nodded their heads.

Kate sat upright, "You're right, these people could have the all the layouts and plans of the schools security." Kate's eyes widened and she beckoned over one of the guards at the door.

"Get the plans." She instructed and the guardian nodded before pushing open the doors and exiting the room.

"What about changing the shifts?" I snapped my head around so fast that I heard my neck click. Eden's eyes met mine and I gasped at the coldness behind them.

"Change the shifts?" Kate asked but leant forward as if she was seriously considering it. I wanted to shout at her to not believe the crazy girl, but I couldn't, I'd be thrown out of the room if I acted on my anger. I didn't see how Eden was still valued at the academy. She accused Jameson and I of having a wrongful relationship. Then again, I think the suspicions also questioned our value at the academy.

"Yes," The girl interrupted my trail of thoughts. "Jameson was pretty good at the shifts." At the mention of his name, Jameson immediately tensed. Kate leaned back in her chair and shook her head.

"No, we can't." She told Eden, who frowned and opened her mouth to object. Kate interrupted her and ordered for her to quiet down. Eden huffed and leant back in her seat.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea," I recognised the voice and turned to see that it belonged to Max. It was then that I realised that all of Jameson's friends were at the table.

Kate was about to argue back when Max spoke up again. "I mean—just changing the shifts in general, when you took out Jameson, you changed a lot." Max explained and Kate pondered the thought.

"It also wouldn't be a bad idea to put Jameson back on the shifts.." Harry spoke up and I widened my eyes at the discussion. I turned to look at Jameson, he met my gaze for half a second before frowning and looking away.

"Harr–" Kate started in frustration.

"Seriously, why waste someone who was exceptionally good at shifts?" Harry demanded and everyone turned to look at Kate for the answer.

Kate huffed, "Because Jameson is also an exceptionally good guardian." She explained, the annoyance clear in the way she spoke.

"What if someone else looked after Sky when Jameson was on the shifts?" Eden suggested, leaning in. My eyes widened at the suggestion.

"Well I don't know any other guardians who are qualified for that, do you, Eden?" Kate almost exclaimed as the stress was catching up to her.

Eden seemed flustered for a second, "No bu–"

"Exactly." Kate interrupted and shook her head.

"What if she paired up with another guardian, until one of us has passed the examination. And it won't be for the full day, just when Jameson is on shifts." Eden tried again and Kate was about to interrupt her again. But she didn't.

"It's not a bad idea.." Kate wondered. It is a bad idea. Doesn't she understand? This is probably in Eden's grand scheme to ruin my life.

"However, in these circumstances, how can we be sure that both special ones will be guarded?" Kate questioned Eden, with me on the sidelines, having no control over this decision but hoping to God that she would never agree to this.

"What if you chose one of us," Kate opened her mouth to object but Eden kept speaking, "Along with a guardian, we could look after both." That stumped Kate. Come on, Kate, you're smarter than to agree to this.

Meanwhile, Jameson and I had no say in this whole guardian shift business. We just sat back and prayed for the best, watching as other people decided our roles.

Finally, Kate spoke up, "Okay." She nodded and my heart stopped. I turned around to look at Jameson's reaction to see that he was already looking for mine. Without thinking, my hand found his under the table. It surprised us both, but I didn't remove it.

"Harry," I directed my attention back to the discussion, "You're the closet to passing the guard examination, how do you feel about pairing up with.." Kate trailed off as she looked to the other side of the table.
Ah, so that's the layout. I had to bite my tongue when I realised that Eden was on the same side as Harry, and so hadn't done her examination.

"..Kim?" She offered them both and I raised my eyebrows. I soon found Kim amongst the guardians, so now I get a female guardian? Though, I still didn't like the idea.

They both accepted the offer and then Kate turned to face me and Jameson. A half a second look of sympathy found it's way onto her weathered face before it disappeared.

"Jameson, your last shifts were afternoons and nights, correct?" She asked him and he answered silently with a simple nod. She turned to look at me and sighed.

Her eyes trailed over to Jameson. "We will start with the night shifts, that's where we need the guardians most, and we will see what happens." Kate offered him and again, Jameson just nodded.

"We will have to find a room for the three of you, and of course Cassie. But aside from that, the shifts will only be a few hours everyday." Kate informed us as she looked around at Kim, then me, and then Harry.

Thanks Eden.

Much appreciated.

At least I finally get a female guardian.


Dun dun dunnnn

The moment you've been waiting for

Eden to ruin Sky's life a little more 👍🏼

This bitch has a real problem I swear

Oh well, looks like #skyson is over

RIP Skyson:
Chapter 1–Chapter 37

You will be missed.

Next update: Thursday–Friday


Sky has a major breakdown.


Who's there to comfort her?

(Our fave)

(Also, who's that person I introduced a while ago?)

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