Chapter Thirty-Six

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

I pinched Jameson's hand.

"Sky, what the hell?" He exclaimed and tripped on a step. I clutched his arm as a reflex as I saw my life flash before my eyes. Jameson stabled himself before looking down at me. At first he looked furious, but then a frown made it's way between his brows as he looked down at my fingers wrapped around his arm and my other hand grabbing a fistful of his shirt.

I let go immediately and saw as Jameson's eyes met mine again.

"I want to be put down." I demanded. We had gotten halfway up the steps and I could feel Jameson growing more weak and tired by each step.

"Why?" Jameson asked me and I smiled genuinely at him, gazing up at the weary look on his face.

"Because you're tired." I pointed out and Jameson immediately straightened up. I laughed at his failed attempt to seem tough and alert.

I patted his chest, "Just put me down." I told him and Jameson rolled his eyes but eventually carefully set me down on my feet before blowing out a breath.

"You can take a rest if you want!" I called over my shoulder as I started to climb the stairs. To my amusement, Jameson actually leant against the wall and took a few seconds rest. I laughed and the sound echoed down the stairwell, that's when Jameson shot after me.

He soon caught up—of course he did. I'd like to blame it on my aching muscles but it's mostly down to the fact that I'm just not fit. We got to the last set of stairs and I cheered as I walked up them two steps at a time.

I got to the top and fell down onto the floor, I laid like a starfish as I exhaled and inhaled. Jameson chuckled and, to my shock, slid down the wall and sat down next to me. He was most probably waiting for me, but, nonetheless, it still amused me.

When my breathing had slowed and my heart was beating at a calm pace. I slowly sat up and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

"You know, it's a good job that I don't wear a lot to bed; I'd be sweating for a nation." I retorted as I stood up and tried to air myself off. A slight laugh escaped Jameson's lips as he too rose.

"I'm also lucky that I don't wear a bra to bed, now that would be sweat fest–" I stopped abruptly and my eyes widened. Dismissing the fact that I had just told Jameson I wasn't wearing a bra, I turned to him and exclaimed,

"I'm not wearing a bra!" A string of profanities fell from my mouth and then I turned back to Jameson.

"I need to get a bra." I told him seriously and Jameson burst into laughter. My jaw fell at his rudeness and I slapped his chest.

"What?" Jameson questioned me at the end of his longest laugh ever. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest, hating how my arms pushed my boobs up. Jameson's eyes noticed it too, maybe a little too much.
Being Jameson, he immediately cleared his throat and walked over to the final door.

I dropped my arms and my pout with a defeated sigh. "Can't I just run to our dorm and get one?" I pleaded and Jameson snorted, but didn't turn back to face me as he opened the door.

"Not unless you're Usain Bolt, no." He told me and walked out. I followed him in annoyance but I instantly lightened up as I saw that the sun was indeed shining.

"Hurry up, Sky." Jameson called from afar and I rolled my eyes but ran to catch up with him. When I reached him, I complained nonstop about my bra problem, until I finally broke him.

Jameson sighed as he tugged at his hair, "If it helps, I left my jacket in the guardian room. Maybe if you shut up, I might be kind enough to lend it to you." Jameson lost all control and nearly shouted. I tried to dismiss the fact that he had told me to shut up as a victory smile stuck to my lips, yet it still stung.

I trailed behind Jameson and we eventually made it to what was apparently the guardian room. The last time I saw it, I was running from another person who was trying to kill me, so I had only took a brief glimpse at the hall.

Now that I am back, I get to look at it fully. It was a massive hall, and the seating was set out almost to what you would expect of theatre, or a court room. Three huge chandeliers hung in the centre of the hall and I cringed at the reminder of the other time I nearly got killed.

The floor was wooden and the walls were pretty plain for such a grand room. But then again, little sunlight seeped through the windows as they held a black tint. The only light provided for the room were the ceiling lights and the chandeliers.

There were people everywhere, either in deep discussion at the tables, people searching for free seats, or just people frantically rushing around. There were so many people that I hadn't even realised that Jameson had left me, until he appeared at my side with a jacket in hand.

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow. Jameson handed me the back, leather jacket awkwardly. "Sorry for snapping at you earlier." He apologised, looking anywhere but at me. I smiled at the flustered look on his face as I took the jacket from his hands.

"And who are you apologising to?" I taunted him with a grin on my face as I slid on the jacket. Jameson turned to look at me, a death glare displayed on his face. And then he got distracted, his eyes trailed down to the jacket that I had slipped on. It didn't feel very flattering, which I soon realised as it was very big on my small frame.

Jameson's eyes met mine again, "I'm apologising to you." He told me, a hint of annoyance in his voice, however the glare had left his face. I smiled and zipped up the jacket, making sure it covered my boobs, and my embarrassing panda patterned pyjama top.

I turned to look up at Jameson again to see that his eyes never left me. "How do my boobs look?" I threw the question at him with a smirk. This was probably one of the first times I have ever caught Jameson off guard, and it was hilarious. Jameson's eyes trailed down my body and I raised an eyebrow at him when the eyes met mine again.

"I can't see them." He shrugged and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Well then your jacket worked, well done." I patted his shoulder with amusement. I was about to walk off, then I realised I had no where to walk off to. I was stuck with Jameson until–

"Jameson," A voice addressed the boy from behind me and I turned to see a female guardian. At first, her eyes diverted to the jacket in what looked to be a mix of shock and confusion, and then her eyes found my face again.

"Sky," She continued, "Follow me." She ordered before turning around and walking off. I felt a tug at my wrist and saw that Jameson was trying to pull me along. I rolled my eyes at him but followed him anyway.

Jameson's hold on my wrist weakened and his hand fell slightly, and then all of a sudden we were holding hands. Well–
And then he let go.

I shrugged it off and continued to follow Jameson, who kept checking to see if I was following him. We finally came to a stop at a table full of guardians. There were three seats spare and the guardian that had led us here sat at it.

Jameson guided me to two seats and we both sat down at the table. I began to recognise the table from when I had first got here, and when Jameson had been assigned my guardian.

"Welcome," Someone directly opposite me addressed us and I saw it to be one of the head guardians.

Looking over to me, she continued, "Let's get down to business."


Dun dun dunnnn

Who else was crying when Sky was talking about all the times she'd nearly been killed 😂😂

Also. Cheeky Jameson.

#skyson for the win.

But who misses squad ? 😭

Don't worry, they are coming back soon 😉

And that's the end. Goodnight.

–Love from a human who knows it's not nighttime.

Next update: Sunday–Monday


The meeting begins.


You should also be aware that our most favourite person will be there.. 😅

Andd shit goes down at the meeting.

What will change for Sky?

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