Chapter Thirty-Four

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T h e   H o l l o w s O f
H    I    R    A    E T H

This boy has a thing for carrying me. He also has a thing for carrying me and running, something that he is very good at. I wouldn't mind taking a peak at his muscles sometime.

I'm delirious.

The more flights of stairs that we went down, the colder the air became and several chills ran through my body—I used Jameson's body heat to my advantage by snuggling into his chest.

"Warm?" Jameson's voiced echoed throughout the stairwell and I looked up at him to see an amused expression on his face as he skilfully ran down the steps.

I laughed but the sound seemed to quiver as I shivered again. I nodded into his chest and a short chuckle escaped Jameson's lips. I smiled at the sound as it bounced off the walls.

After a while, we finally came to a stop and Jameson steadily set me on the ground. I leaned against the wall for support as I felt the ache in my limbs return. We were faced with a steel door and I raised my eyebrows at the sight of it; it all seemed very drastic to me. Jameson picked up a metal rod and pried the door open.

After a while, he dropped the metal rod and I watched as it fell down all the steps. Jameson took a few steps back before running up to the door and kicking it open with full force.

My jaw fell as I watched the door fly open.

"And that's supposed to keep me safe?" I asked, shock laced in my tone. I turned to Jameson to see him half smiling at me.

"No." He responded and pulled me into his side. I honestly would've preferred him to carry me again, but I guess he needs to reserve his strength for anymore run-ins with psychotic people.

We walked through winding corridors, and it reminded me of the long walk to our dorm. A faint smile ran on my lips as I thought about it, soon, Sky, when this is all over.

We eventually made it to yet another steel door, but this time, it had a code to open it. Jameson quickly entered the code, and I found myself weirdly unsurprised at the fact that he continued this action for a few minutes as he typed in some really long code. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that it's more than one hundred digits long.

Finally, the door clicked and Jameson pushed it open, guiding me into a cold and dark corridor. The faint smell of damp and dank filled my nostrils and the dust particles tickled my nostrils. I then found myself bending over to sneeze, an enormous shrill escaping my lips as I did so.

A chuckle escaped Jameson's lips and I glared at him.

"Is that really how you sneeze?" He teased with an amused grin playing at his lips.

"Yes," I replied, crossing my arms on my chest, "What's wrong with it?" I asked him and Jameson snorted in response to the question. I groaned and leaned into Jameson's side because, despite his annoying taunting, Jameson was very comfortable to lean against.

Jameson walked us up to a wall and stopped.

I frowned, "That's a nice wall." I commented sarcastically, failing to see what the purpose of standing in front of a wall was. A sound escaped from Jameson and I imagined it to be some weird kind of laugh.

However, we still stood in front of a wall. I turned around to see Jameson's eyes flitting all across the wall, then he outstretched his arm to brush his fingertips against it.

"So now we're molesting the wall?" I questioned and Jameson smiled but still kept his concentration on the wall. I sighed in boredom and fell out of Jameson's hold, leaning against the cold stone wall instead.

My shoulder pressed into a dent in the wall and then I felt as I fell backwards. Jameson caught hold of my arm and pulled me forward. I crashed into him and his eyes widened slightly at the impact.

For a while, we stared at each other, not creepily, just a search carried out with our eyes; I was looking for Jameson's reaction to the sudden proximity.

But then Jameson cleared his throat, "You found it." His eyes tore away from mine and instead he stared off behind me. I turned around and was faced with a door disguised as a wall. Ah, now I get why he was molesting the wall.

I too cleared my throat, "Well, I guess we better go then." I offered before turning back to face Jameson with an eyebrow raised. Jameson looked down at me but didn't respond, instead, his eyes met mine again. I laced my fingers through his—a common theme of today—and turned around to begin walking.

I pushed open the door gingerly, my hands and my arm violently protesting against any movement as rushes of pain shot through my limbs. I ignored the pain and guided Jameson in—don't ask me why I'm guiding Jameson into somewhere he was taking me.

The room was cold, but not as cold as the corridor. However, it was much, much darker. So much darker that I could only make out some of the shapes around me.

The warmth disappeared from my hand and the frosty air bit at my hand. I feared the worst as I realised that Jameson had let go of my hand.

I couldn't make out anything in the darkness and Jameson had closed the door behind him. My breathing quickened and I'm pretty sure the sound of my heartbeat bounced off the walls.

I was about to call out for Jameson when the lights flickered on. I squinted slightly at the brightness and jumped back in shock when Jameson appeared in front of my vision.

Jameson's hands reached for my arms and held them, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. "I'm here, it's okay." He told me and pulled me closer. My breathing slowed and I allowed myself to be comforted by his velvet voice.

I pulled away from Jameson, though his touch was still on my arms. I took in my surroundings—the place appeared to be similar to a normal basement. Dust had collected in thick masses on the few furniture that was dotted around. For example, a sofa was in the middle of the room and a filing cabinet was to my left next to a barred window. Both were blanketed in dust and I resisted the urge to sneeze again.

Jameson eventually let go of me and I, again, longed for the warmth that escaped my body. However, the warmth wasn't too far from home as Jameson walked over to a fireplace to my right and knelt down. He pulled out some matches and began to start a fire.

I rushed eagerly over to the fireplace, my bones beginning to chill from the icy air. Jameson got a welcoming fire started pretty soon and found myself nearly falling into it as I craved the heat.

Jameson yanked me back from the fighting flames, "Careful!" He scolded me in a harsh voice but I ignored him in response, not liking the scolding tone of voice that he had spoken in. Jameson stood up shortly after and I moved myself so that I was now sitting comfortably with my legs crossed.

I closed my eyes as the heat wrapped around me, the feeling of a faint smile warming it's way onto my lips. Then I felt as a soft blanket was draped over my shoulders. At first, I jumped in shock, but then I pulled the blanket around me.

"It's a bit dusty." Jameson commented sheepishly and I turned to my right to see him sit down beside me. He looked over at me, a weird looking smile plastered to his lips.

"What?" I asked him and a point five second chuckle escaped his lips.

"You aren't going to sneeze again, are you?" He questioned, the taunting tone back in his voice and I shook my head at him, an amused expression playing at my features.


the end

(If only)


woo yeah

Who thought they were going to woohoo

#skyson too strong

Nothing else to add

Bye humans

Love from, human who has nothing else to add

Next update: Sunday




More Skyson

And then a person we've all been missing dearly


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