Chapter Thirty-Three

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T h e H o l l o w s   O f
H I R A E    T    H

All of the guardians were staring at me. I spotted Jameson instantly and a wave of relief washed over me at the sight of him.

"Sky, what are you doing here?" His voice was like velvet to my ears and I wrapped myself in the comfort it provided.

"There's someone following me," I breathed out as I lent against the wall for support. My legs were aching, my knees were sore, I was too out of breath for speech and my hands were clammy.

I willed–forced myself to move, then rushed over to him, "With a gun." I added and the guardians sprang into action, eyes wide and their bodies tense. A gun shot was heard from the depths of the vent and Jameson pushed me behind him, keeping a hand on my waist to hold me still.

I leaned into him and tried to settle my trembling hands by grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. The last time I came face to face with someone chasing me, they held a gun out at me and had actually shot at me. The time before that, I nearly died.

You can understand how mortified I am.

"Put the gun down." A male ordered and I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard shuffling. I pressed my face against Jameson's back in fear and I felt as his hand tightened its grip on my waist.

"Hand the girl over, and I'll put it down." The voice was female, and I could feel as Jameson tensed as he spoke. I could feel my own body do the same. I didn't recognise the voice, which I guess is fortunate since that means the person has never met me. But still, it gave me shivers.

I dared to peak out from behind Jameson's frame but Jameson pushed me back. When nothing happened, I turned to my right and laced my fingers through Jameson's right hand, using his hand for support.

Jameson held my hand tightly and I was grateful for that, since, I had a feeling that if he had recoiled at my touch, I would most likely be freaking out right now. Jameson's touch was offering me comfort and I tried to find ways to calm the trembles racking my body.

"I'll kill all of you if I have to. I will get her." The female voice and a quiet whimper escaped my lips, one I'm sure only Jameson would've been able to have heard. He squeezed my hand and I tried to calm my clenching chest with deep breaths.

All of a sudden, I felt the warmth of Jameson escape my hold as I was yanked off him. A scream escaped my lips as I felt my world tilt. Someone had thrown me over their shoulder and was running at a great speed with me.

I kicked and punched the person wherever I could, thrashing around in their hold, trying to escape. The person groaned slightly but my attacks just weren't strong enough. Then the person fell—and I went smashing through a window.

My arms started to flail around, trying to grab hold of something to hang onto. There was some sort of windowsill to my right and I reached out for it. My hands waved around desperately for a while, until I grasped the windowsill with both hands and slammed into the wall.

My legs were the main thing that went smashing into the wall, and the pain was hard to ignore as I hung from the windowsill. The sweat that had collected in my palms was making it hard to hold onto the ledge and I felt myself slowing slipping.

Frustration and desperation to hold on was slowly killing me and I felt wet droplets run down my cheeks—I didn't know if they were tears or trickles of sweat. I slipped slightly and only my fingers were still on the ledge. I cried out as I realised I was nearing my death.

"Sky!" The voice made me jump. But I recognised it. Jameson was leaning out the window and my lips turned upwards into a smile. It's okay.

And then he disappeared.

My breath hitched in my throat and I felt my heart race. Jameson came back almost immediately and I brushed away the assumption that he had abandoned me. I was a few metres down from the window that I had fallen out of, and Jameson and the guardian he had brought to the window both knew this.

They were in deep discussion for only a few seconds before Jameson leaned out the window.

"Sky, just hang on for another minute, okay?" He called and I whimpered but nodded my head.

"I want you to close your eyes," He instructed me and I looked up at him as if he was crazy.

"We need to smash open the window your hanging from," He shouted, "There's no other way to open it." Jameson concluded and I took a deep breath before squeezing my eyes shut.

For a while, I heard no noises and became extremely paranoid that someone was either going to push me or pull me and I'd go thundering down to my death. I trembled in fear as I slipped again. I tried to pull myself back up but my arms were beginning to ache.

I willed for Jameson to hurry up, surely he's coming to save me. A smash was heard in front of me and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter than before as pieces of glass hit me in the face. Some chips pierced my skin and some grazed the surface.

I felt the pain and I'm sure there was blood trickling from each injury on my face. I shot my eyes open and saw Jameson right in front of me, leaning down again. But this time he was closer, and my body relaxed at the sight of him.

I slipped.

Jameson practically threw half of his body out of the window and grabbed hold of my right arm. I got hold of the ledge again with my left hand and Jameson started to haul me up. Eager to get up into safety, I started to pull myself up with my left arm.

When I was closer to the window, Jameson reached out for my left hand and I let go of the ledge to grab onto his arm. Jameson continued to pull me up and I winced as he had to pull me through the window. It wasn't a tight squeeze at all, in fact it was a huge window, but the broken glass caught my skin slightly.

Jameson manoeuvred me slightly in his hold so that he was pulling me inside by my waist. My legs grazed against the glass slightly but I didn't care as I crashed into Jameson.

Because of the long run and holding onto the ledge, I was worn out and weak. I fell right into Jameson as soon as my feet touched the ground. Jameson embraced me into a tight hug and I wrapped my arms around him, using his body to hold myself up.

I had no strength left and so I leaned into Jameson. I was surprised by the hug, it was long and Jameson held me tightly. I could feel his breath hitting my neck in puffs as he turned his head slightly.

"Jameson." A voiced interrupted and Jameson pulled away from our embrace. I was too weak to move much, but I turned my head to see the same guardian from the window I had fell from.

He looked expectantly at Jameson before gesturing to me, "Get her to safety." He instructed and I felt a new warmth in my hands. I turned around and found that Jameson had laced his hand in mine.

"Of course." Jameson responded and guided me down the stairs. Unsurprisingly, since I had only been here a few months, I had no idea where we were. The staircase that we were running down was long and I suspected that 'my safety' was at the end of these steps.

However, our rush was cut short as I fell in weakness, thanks to my jelly legs. Jameson stumbled slightly but caught me tactfully with his hands underneath my arms.

"Sorry." I apologised and stumbled into Jameson again as my legs grew more and more weak by the second. There was no hesitation as Jameson quickly scooped me up from the ground.


See? Nothing to worry about here.




Thanks to everyone who reads this book, including myself (is that a joke)


Next update: Wednesday–Friday (a massive let down)


So first of all there's some Skyson

Then the chapter hits a high with some Skyson

Around the middle of the chapter there's some Skyson

Toward the end of the book there's some Skyson

And then the chapter ends on a nice note.
With some Skyson

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