Bonus Chapter 2: Isahia's first Quest

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"Hello, your lordship! Wake up!" My eyes wince to the sunlight as they open only to see the plaster that is Counciler Sharens face. "Unga..." I say in mere pain as I try to lift myself from the bed. "I am no lord..." I also exclaim to correct her. "Well... you seem to be tired." She says, opening the curtains to a point I hiss a little. She smacks me on the head playfully and all I do to counter is hiss again and flail my arms lazily. I eventually get up and put on my cloth. She stares, distracted of the snow outside. "Why are you looking so intently at the snow?" I ask out of curiosity. She answers with a point. I look out the window to see father and mother outside. Sharen speaks, "I always wondered why your father paced around objects like that." I look closer and see what she means. He seems to be walking in a circle around a snowpepal. Mom stares at the door, waiting... "I don't even think he knows why he does it." She smirks, still staring. "He is getting quite impatient." I look out the window again. He is no longer pacing. Instead he shows an irritated face as he taps one foot on the ground. He leans on the snowpepal. "Heheheh..." She laughs suspiciously. "Why is he so impatient?" She looks to me, still showing a devious smirk. "Because I haven't brought you down yet." "Sharen!" She laughs pretty hard to my reaction. She must like this new holiday... "Get on your cloak. If I wait any longer he will imprison me!" I put on my overcloak even though I don't really care for it. We head to the main gate from the upstairs balcony and head down, open the door, and begin heading toward our right. Toward the coup, to my distress. I tread lightly going around the corner of the castle. We now head to my spire... where I see dad drowning in snow while mother struggles not to laugh. I get less than 2 feet away from father, who was unfortunately upside down... His foot almost touched my face but I pushed it away. I think he leaned too much on the snowpepal and fell... I hope. "Hows the weather down there?" Father immediately flips to his upright position, barely without casualties. "Cold..." He responds. I smile in response as he looks to mother. "Don't you you think we are a bit too old for you to piledrive me into the ground?" Whoa! Really? I never thought mom could do something like that. She almost falls to the ground from laughter but dad catches her hand before it could be completed. He pulls her up. "Where have you 2 been?" Sharen looks ashamed... I got you fam! "We got caught in the hallway by a feral Shine!" Father raises an eyebrow to my sudden response then suddenly returns to natural calm-face. "Very well..." Sharen winks at me and mom apparently noticed and whispered in my ear. "What did you do." I respond back in hers. "We stayed in my room and watched dad get impatient." She giggles a bit at that. "Hello Isahia! I was talking!" "Oh! Sorry dad!" He face-palms himself. "What did I say yesterday?" I think about it... nothing? "I have no clue, dad." This time he full-on slaps himself. It looks like it hurts but he doesn't show it. "Dont do that, your majesty!" Sharen blurts out. "There he is!" Mom says, pointing to an airborne Budd heading toward us. It stops right in front of Father, waiting for him to take the box ontop of the domestic Budd. "Thank you, Budd Zazl..." He takes the box from the named Budd and it leaves at bullet speed. "Why was it moving so slow on the way here, father?" He points to the box. It says caution. I feel like an idiot all of a sudden. "Well. Now that we have this parcel, please follow me, everybody." We seem to all listen without acknowledging him, since we all follow without words. He leads us into the castle, again through the main gate. From there we entered the door to OUR left's. From there we were in a room that I really couldn't characterize. It was empty and the floor was checkered. We just went into the next room. From there we were in an exact replica of the hallway on the other side. It had the outer rims of the paintings and everything! The only difference was that there was only one painting filled on this side. I checked it when we got to the stairs, which went down on this side instead of up. It was a picture of mother... It said under it these words. "Makenna the first" It had the same title as fathers... I guess that makes sense. We head down the stairs through a crude rusted metal door. Father held the door for everyone. What a show off! He continues on. We are now in an area similer to the third floor with the winding hallways that are hard to map out. The only difference is it doesn't look like it has been taken care of. It was getting darker as we went deeper in. Eventually we reached another staircase. It went even further down... of course. We reached the bottom without complication but I was starting to get scared. In front of us is a large metal door with a crack in the side just large anough for a child... me. "This is it..." Father says, taking my breath. "This door was heavily damaged by a beast that has been sealed otherwise but now it cannot be opened. The only entrance to the sewers is here and the pipes in the capital, but only a few of those are possible to enter. They entered through the capital though, so they may be hard to find. Good luck son... and I am proud of you for taking charge." He opens the parcel and reveals an orb about as large as the palm of my hand. He goes over to me and pushes it... into my chest. Ahhh! "Why and how did you do that!?" I respond to the phenomenon with utmost fear. "Calm down sweety! That Orbux plus the spell I chanted last night is only to protect you." Father pokes my shoulder to get my attention. "Take this. After all, its dangerous to go alone." He hands me a shortsword, one that I've used many times before. I hug the 3 of them and slowly slide into the crack. "See you all later... all right?" Both father and Sharen nod in agreement. But mother only smiles. It kind of deludes my confidence but I don't let her know. As I step into the sewers of Steelwater... I realize my feet are wet. Darn it! I step onto the concrete and slowly head down the half-circle hallway. I remain crouched as I go. I stop and look back. I see Sharen through the crack telling me to come back. I do and father peers into the crack. "I forgot to tell you that you only have until the end of the day to do this. As soon as the clock hits 12:00, were pulling you back." "Pulling me back?" Mom peers in front of dad, pushing him out of the way. "There is an invisible rope you are attached to. You can make it visible by thinking about it. If you are ready to leave early just tug the rope twice and we will begin to pull. Got it?" "Won't it break if we pull through the winding halls?" "No, It follows behind you as if it were a solid object. Its more like a rail." I begin thinking about it and it apears as golden rope tied around my waist with a knot. Another length of rope comes from the knot leading directly to mother even through the crack. "See?" "Thanks mom. But now I must take my leave." I begin to walk down the sewer sidewalk crouched to avoid hitting my head on the half-circle roof. I look back one more time to see mother smiling and waving. I wave back then take the first turn I see. I think about getting rid of the golden rope but thinking about not thinking about it only lead to thinking about it. So I got a bit distracted to make it disappear. I looked down the hallway. Everything near me looked a tint of dark green or stronger. The water was a lightly brighter green... gross. It lit the way to an extent. As you look farther down it gets darker until it is so pitch black you could see nothing. That is unless you reach one of the many splits. Then it will be perfectly greeny lit. I just kept trecking the halls crouched to the point I would have to stop and sit on my legs every once in awhile. The occasional random noises and moans along with the blood on the walls every couple of turns added a fear factor I could have done without. But I kept winding. Every once in awhile I would have the urge to take the first turn I see. Also on occasion the rope will reappear when it slipped into my mind and I would jump because of it. I was starting to lose track of my objective. I felt loss in hope as time was running out. I dropped to my knees which were about to shatter from pain. I thought of the rope and it didn't hesitate to appear. I grabbed the line that glows in a golden splendor all the way back to mother. I knew I was just too stupid to find them, but I wouldn't even listen to my own conscience. I pull once... but I hesitated the second and it turned out well. I heard a flicker of chance. "HELP!!!" That was not a moan! I try to follow the girls voice but no visible routes were... well... for lack of a better term, visible. My knees were killing me and begging me to stop... but I am a Jouste! A warrior of the Paladin line! I will not falter! I'll stand my ground! I kept going and finally reached a 4-way breach. "Hang on!" I had to jump over the glowing water to reach the other side so I could continue to head north-ward toward the distressed. I go down that hall and eventually reach her. She is bit younger than me and is having trouble with her height in the water. Not only that, but the current was getting to her as well due to the now slanted hallway. I stand a bit, only anough to run. I was still at a critical slant as I got ahead of her. "Ack!" My legs felt as if Death had given me my final rights and was ready to execute. I jump to the other sidewalk to my left so I was on the closer side. "Mph!" No! You will not stop! Save her! I look to the end of the hall as I kept running at a steady pace. "If I can't get her before we reach that caged off area... I'll lose her. I guess I only have one try!" I begin to skid down the hill to slow down to close our space. But now a sharp pain went through my feet. Shards of loosened rock were piercing through my boots. I was about to lose it! But the border was getting closer as we did and my time to catch her was lessening. "Reach out!" I manage to spill out without shrieking in pain. I felt tears well up and I couldn't let them. My vision must be sharp! She pulls her arm toward my side. The sound of the skid was messing with my focus, but I wouldn't let it flood my determination! "Grab my hand!" I reach out with all I could. The crashing waves bursting on, as if the sewer was against me. I shut my eyes as I reach the border. I manage to pull it off. I grab her hand and tighten my grip with an unknown force! I pull with all my strength and in a flash... it was over. I open my eyes from thier involuntary winse. I was slammed against the wall. My legs were split apart and she crashed into me... cushioning her crash. After that split second I found that my arms were around her waist and her back was against my chest. I was breathing hard from those few seconds but all you could hear was the unsteady waves that still go unfaltered as if nothing disturbed it. I am so happy... I did it. I felt pained and she climbed on her hands and knees up the hill a bit, leaving me some space. She turns around facing me and hugs the wall, afraid of the water. I scooted next to the wall as well. Now I lean on the corner between 2 walls. She looks at me but I didn't notice at first. "Are you alright?" She says, concerned for my welfare. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She chuckles in a cute way and accidentally slips on the removed water, now leaning against me from her back again. "That startled me!" She says in surprise. "This hill is pretty steep. You have to be more careful." She leans her head on my shoulder. "Thank you for saving me." I feel a bit weird. I have no idea what I was feeling, but I just pushed it aside and continued. "Your welcome..." She smiles in a strange way. Still on my shoulder. "Are you Makkenial by any chance?" She opens her eyes wide. "How did you know?" "I was looking for you and another named Azekial." She looks with even more surprise. "He was my neighbor back in Itropolice! He was with me when a Grok attacked only a few minutes ago! I was pushed into the water and he ran." WHAT?! Sorry...I got a little angry at that. "The coward!" "I don't blame him. He isn't in the best of shape. He is a bit dumb." I was surprised at how forgiving she was. I don't think I've ever met someone like her. "Ack!" She looks at me. I was hoping she wouldn't notice, but I could never be so lucky. "Oh my! That scratch!" She stops leaning on me and checks my wound. "Your bleeding..." "I'm fine... don't worry about it." She gives me a stern, grim glare, insinuating the inevitable. "How did that happen!? I'm sooo sorry!" I try to cover the wound that scratched through my cloth but she smacks my hand away. "Okay... I'll talk only to stop your worrying. This is an old scar. It only reopened because of how much movement occured." "Oh! Well that doesn't matter! I still injured you!" "No! I injured me." She throws me another cute smile. "Ack!" "What?!" "You touched my leg. It's fine, just don't do it again, please." She giggles then pokes my abdomen. "You know something?" She looks in confusion proving otherwise. "My mother does that, too." Wait... something is wrong here. "In fact... you have the same half-Coloria hair... and the same red clothes... and your name is similar to hers... what? How can this be?!" She stares at me, wide eyed. "I have no idea what your talking about but I need you to stand still." "Why?" "Just do it!" She puts her hand to my scar. "Your hand!" "Calm down! This is normal!" Her hand glows in a mystical mint color. My blood begins to defy gravity and return from whence it came. My scar returns to its original state! "Your a healer!?" "I belong to that web but I am a Musa, to be exact." "Wow!" She suddenly hugs me, leaving me in scattered in confusion. But she soon clears it up. "I am glad you are okay." I discide to react the only way I know how. I hug her back and unto her I spake these words. "Same here, Makkenial. Same here to you." The feeling... It's growing stronger. She lets go and as do I. "Well... I don't have much time left before Luna high... We need to hurry if we are to save your neighbor." "I thought you didn't like him?" "I don't... But I am a Jouste! I will save- Erk!" "Whoa! Can you stand?" "Don't be concerned. My legs are just numb." After that we sat there until my legs blood returned. There was a bit of small talk between that time but it wasn't important anough to say here. We started walking back up the abnormally long slant. I made sure she was on the wall side so she didn't face the wrath of the downward currents splash-back. We walked in unison and suddenly break into converse. "So, mystery savior... Where do you live?" "Oh, forgive me! I never introduced myself! My name is Isah-" Oh crap! "Isah, huh? Are you named after our king? Assuming you are from this kingdom." This is the most luck I've had for days! "Yes, and yes." "You know, he has a son named Isahia. You could pass as his statue in Drake towns square." Tread lightly Isahia... It might be a good idea to keep your Princehood a secret. "So I've been told." "Sooo..." "Oh! I am... the son of a Gladiator named Jayce. We live in Leo." Isahia... keep it together. "Any other family?" "I have a sister and mother." Isahia! Stop digging yourself deeper!  "Why are you all the way in Itropolice, Isah?" I look at her and notice a slight glow reflecting off the green water on her face. It really brings out her eyes... what is that feeling? "Hello? Is there something on my face?" Unga... "What?! No! Not at all!" She looks as if she is staring through me to find my lies and seperate them from truths. "Well then, can you answer my question?" "What question?" "Why are you in Itropolice?" "Oh! Ummm... Father Jayce sent me here to become a knight of Steelwater! (Nice!)" "What was that last part?" "Nothing!" "Are you hiding something from me, Isah?" I turn my head to the water in shame, now staring at my cape behind me dancing with the reflection of the light as we walk. "(Everything...)" "You mumbled a bit there, Isah." Ouch. Every time you call me that it hurts a little more. Why is the strange feeling changing? "Nothing important. Lets find your friend, okay." She grabs my arm as I try to get a bit ahead, stopping me in the act. "Your my friend too, Isah..." Ack! Why does it hurt so much?! WHY!!! "Please let go of me, Makkenial..." "O-okay..." Oh no, now I feel something I remember! Remorse. "I'm sorry. That was a bit rude of me. I shouldn't have overreacted." She still frowns but I try not to let it beat me down. "You d-didn't do anything w-wrong." No. It can't be. Not now! "Waaah!" She begins to sob as we reach the top of the slant. "No, no, no! Don't cry! Why are you crying?" She sniffles up before responding. "I pushed you too far!" She begins crying again. How do I stop this?! "No you didn't! I was just trying to hurry and save Azekial." She sniffles up again. Making me eager for a response. "Okay... but that wasn't the part I was upset about!!!" Again. Crying. What other part was there? Wait... no. Wait... nope, not it either. Wait... Oh! Crap, now I feel terrible! "Makkenial..." She keeps going. This can't halt our progress at this intersection any longer! I take a deep breath... then I hug her. She stops immediately, probably from shock. "Makkenial... please listen to me." "#Sniff# Okay." She shifts a little, wiping a tear. "You are my friend..." I can sense her about to cry again so I pull the truth card. "In fact... you are my only friend. Not to mention best..." Her eyes grow wide. "But... you live in Leo... you had to be bound to have at least 1 friend." With those words I almost snap back into character, but I don't let it. "Actually... I've never left home. I have been couped in this house since birth. I have never left to make friends. In fact, the closest thing I've had to a friend since now was a knight named Cecil Valen." She moves her arms to wrap around my waist. "Thank you for being honest... but you just confused the shit outta me." Whoa! "Language woman!" "Sorry... but at least I'm not crying anymore." "That is true." "Heh..." We seemed to not want to let go... but we had too. Retard was still waiting. I let go first and she followed afterwards even though it was a bit hesitant. "Come on. Lets go save Azekial. Even though I kinda hope he is being chased by the Grok." "Isah! How dare you!" "Just being honest. Follow me!" As said she does. We had this spat at the corner of the intersection. I turn left and hop over the water, then I help her cross. Now we are at the intersection corner where to my current left is the right path down the danger slope. I go forward down the hall, now crouching. I turn around to make sure she was following but it was kinda funny because she looked behind her when I did that as if to mimic me. I go back to my normal crouch and continue down. I think the moans I faced earlier are now affecting Makkenial. "Don't worry, Makkenial. Just stay close and you will be fine." I throw her a cocky smirk to try and comfort her. She gives me a confident, stern nod as if she was a soldier. I don't let it distract me and due to that I take the first turn I see as usual. But this makes me think about the rope and it appears. It startles Makkenial and she falls into the water. Luckily the flat ground where we were made the current way slower and getting her far less of a chore. After I save her again I explain the basics of the weird magic rope and how a chant and an orb through the chest can activate it. After we continue normally. We wind for awhile as the moans grow a bit louder. Now I was just as scared as Makkenial. As I walk down this hall all I can notice is the moans growing louder and louder! Until I noticed a simple geographical feature that was about to change. Ahead of us on the sidewalks... are sheets of ice. My worst fear of this place was about to come true. I was about to find Black Frost. I was about to turn around out of fear, but then I realized she would be there waiting for me... well, that and the fact that there were footprints of sewer sludge on the right sidewalk on the sheet of ice. Crap! Now I had to go, for this was the only path to Azekial. So indeed I went onward. The ice was a bit unsafe though, and I made sure to warn Makkenial beforehand. "I'll be careful, Isah." She muttered back those words, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. But again, I tread forward. It was as I feared though. Ahead was a glacial cylinder that could only be described as a gate made of pure ice. But that was not all I saw, for a Grok was visible. As I look closer I realize the danger. The Grok was trying to get through an unsealed part of the frozen wall. I could only guess what was on the other side. Unfortunately, as I see a wicked, white, vainy arm reach out of the unsealed opening, my guess was confirmed. "Makkenial, you have to go back. Now." "Why?" "I said go!" But my harsh words wouldn't pierce through. In fact, she only grew closer. #Wraaaargh# Oh no. "I said go, Makkenial!" "No way. I won't leave you..." Darn it! I don't think I can beat Black Frost. If she stays, who knows what might happen. No! I can't lose! Failure is not an option! #Crumble# "What?!" I return from my thoughts only to see 2 tendrals now. One where the hand has seemed to tranform into a mace-like shape, and the other holding a bit of rock in its hand. I look down to the floor, only to see the rubble that was once a Grok. This is very bad. "Go!" "No!" From the dark hole comes 3 more horrid arms, barbing thier fingers into the ground as they pull something out. The tendrals origins come from the black, cursed mask. But attached to the mask, was a corpse of unknown title. It was lieing on the ground, back first. The hands pulling the body out of the black hole it came from without remorse. Eventually the corpse is lifted into the air by the blood-cut arms now facing our direction. "I-Isah, tha-thats Aze-Azekial..." She was scared, and I don't blame her. If I had... actually. I don't know what I would do in a situation where my friend became a monster. Let alone, any situation for a friend. But, I guess I would be just as terrified. "Whats happened to him?!" "Thats not him! Hes been possessed by a demonic creature. Its called Black Frost!" "I don't care, just save him!" "I don't think I can! Just run!" She suddenly clasps onto me. "Not without you!!!" #Scrit# "Gah!" I look down to realize in just a split second, one of his hands had cut my arm. "Oh no! Are you alright?" "Tss! I'll live..." I wince when I say that though, making it unconvincing. I look to the wicked in front of me. Now I know which arm, for it has morphed into a jagged blade. "Errr... I can't let you be harmed." With one thought the rope appeared, ready for my forfeit. "Mekkenial... Whatever you do, don't let go." I pull the very rope once! I pull the very rope twice! I am sorry Azekial... you didn't deserve this. As I begin to feel the pull, I lasp to Mekkenial as she did to me. "We can't just leave Azekial!" "Don't worry. This flee is only temporary. I plan to come back once your safe." "Can I trust you, Isah?" With those words most would say yes, but me. No, that last word made me think through my trust. But I can't say no. I just can't! "Very well. I promise." The pull becomes stronger very rapidly, but I chose not to pay much attention to it. That is, until my feet are lifted from the floor along with hers. "Hang on!" I grip tighter, I won't let her go. There is too much at stake. I look back to see Black Frost in the distance climbing on the roof of the sewer toward us. The moans of the mask flowing with rage. For some reason, I hear a hauntingly beautifle piano... I've never heard it on the way before. "Look, Isah!" As we grow faster, she tells me to look to the rope. I do... A mysterious white fog-like entity was there. It pulled on the rope with two sentient ghostly hands that came from the white fog that seemed to wrap around the rope without touching it. What could that be, I do at least know that it is the cause of our acceleration, and probably is also the reason it hasn't become harder to lace Mekkenial. "Thank you, whatever you are!" Mekkenial says, proving that she had the same thoughts. I also thank unto it, but I am distracted by a flicker of hope. I hear the earie moans growing dimmer and I yet again look back. Now, Black Frost disappears in the black of the distance, slowly but shurly. But the fact that he kept our pace for so long was just concerning. As he fell behind the moans stopped. Ensuring our safety in these horrid halls. Now all you can hear is the great piano, and a sparkle from the ghostly mist. Mekkenial seems to ask a weird question into my ear that I can only laugh to. "What happens if the rope has a knot in it?" It was certainly anough to lighten the mood. That was, until I stopped laughing. "I was serious..." I try to answer truthfully, but no response came to mind. Then one came for me, the wall. "Ack! Sorry if that hurt Mekkenial." "Naw, you were a good cussion. Besides, you don't have to apologise for everything." "Very funny..." Councilor Sharen pulls us through the crack, slightly restless. "I was so worried about you! I thought that I may be carrying nothing back! Your hurt!" "I'm fine, Sharen. As for the loss of heavyness, that would be due to the mist back here." I point to the crack and she looks through. "There is nothing there." I look through to those words, only to find out it was so. "It fled..." "You have quite the imagination, lor-" "No!" "What?" Sharen exclaims back in confusion. "Nothing Sharen..." "So who is this little lady?" "Councilor, this is Mekkenial. One of the two I was supposed to save..." Mekkenial begins to speak sheepishly. "Is this your mother, Isah?" "No. But before we do anything, Sharen. Can you escort this woman to the safest guest room possible and wait there?" "Yes, sir. And thank you for asking so nicely." She winks at me and helps her up. "Will you be okay here?" "I will make it, Councilor." With those words they withdraw. I used that to my advantage to be alone. I walk down the hallowed halls, covering my arm in a controllable pain. That was before I staggered and almost fell. Before I could though one of the Steel soldiers grab me. "Mylord, are you okay." I had to learn self reliance to become a Jouste, so I figured today would be a good day to do so. "I am fine, soldier. Just help me up and I will continue." He does so, but doesn't let me go. "Show me your arm." Curses! "No." "My lord!" I release the grip of my left hand in submission, releasing my right arm. "Oh my! You may have business to do but first I take you to the medical bay." And such words came to be so. I hated him for it, but I knew I couldn't do anything, for there was too much determination in the soldier. And so I was there. Both a pure mage and Cecil was there. It was a surprise more pleasant than some others I have faced today. Cecil speaks, "Thank you, soldier. He can be like his father sometimes." The soldier bows and takes his leave, as any other would. He probably gaurds the hidden sewers. Cecil wraps my arm and the healer speaks. "Shouldn't I heal it first?" "No. Its healthier for it to heal without elemental energi. Besides, its not critical. Your services will not be required for the remander of this assessment." "Fine!" She snarles back. She goes back to her previous work, letting Cecil sit me down on a medical bed. "What happened down there, Isahia?" "You know of my past quest?" "Indeed. Now please, answer my question." "I... I was heading for the study, for I knew he needed to know." "Cut to the chase, your majesty. Stop beating around the bush. You can trust me." "Azekial, 1 of the 2 that I was supposed to save, uncealed Black Frost out of fear of the monster chasing it. Thats how I got the scratch, from his bloodshed bladed arm." A small silence comes into view, due to my words. "I see..." He pulls me off the bed. "How about the other?" "Cecil, oh great Paladin that you are. She is currently in our safest guest room." "Good. You did well, Jouste. Be proud of yourself." "Thank you..." "It is getting late... You should head for bed. It is christmas tomorrow, after all." "But-" "I shall speak to his lordship for you, unless you contain more details that are necessary?" "Yes I do, one." "Yes?" "Thank you for being my friend, Cecil..." He looks shocked to my resolve, and I don't blame him. I do not show affection to knights of the gaurd very often. "You are mine, as well Isahia." "Thank you." He takes leave, but at the door he stops. "Seriously... Get some sleep. You take part in a parade on the morrow. You will have to show yourself to all of the citizens of Itropolice. I could never do that. Even with a full sleep..." I merely blink as a response, I had no idea. After that I leave the medical bay, now in the halls of the third floor. The night has made the stone floor cold against my feet, so I begin to run to reach a warmer floor. All you hear is the pitter patter of my feet in the night. Until I crash, that is. Right into a large defender, wearing red heavy armor and he also weilded a mace and a heavy shield. "My, my your majesty. It be a bit too cold for a midnight jog." He helps me off the ground. "My name is Sir Drenum, if there be reason you ran into me." "Actually no. It was an accident, I am sorry." "Tis' fine! Go ahead, you scamp!" He pats me on the back to make me go, and thusly. I do. I then head towards the lower stairs, which wasn't far from where I met Drenum. I go down the stairs and open the pair of doors to the balcony of the second floor. Then I look down at the main gate to see Cole speaking to another unknown soldier. I turn right on the balcony and enter only one of two rooms on this floor, mine. From there and beforehand was dim but in here it is even more so. Thankfully, that is. For the light from the snow acted as a nightlight in my wake. And so the wake became sleep and later, night became day...

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