Chapter 18: Campfire

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I wake on my own terms, finding myself staring at the roof of our tent. I rise up, still in full armour. I look to my bed, realizing it was a hammock. Not just any, but the one Emylia usually resides. I look to the interior of the tent, it being round in shape. In its middle a single log lay, holding the round tent high. Hanging from this log at a some-what safe distance was a lamp, which was the only lighting since it was night. For a Periah, this could even be a good perminent house. But to me, it was nothing compared to castle Steelwater. The tent still be bigger than my room but only just. Not much lied in the tent, maybe a chest of supplies and a hammock. Not much else reigned in this place, leaving me bored and curious. I now sit with legs over hammock looking to my left to see the tents one opening. I place one foot to the dirt floor, then another. I stand, then I fall to one knee. The pressure on my legs was enough to turn great refreshness from wake into great pain. I begin to breathe hard, and my eyes begin to blur as I stagger even further. Dizzy and submitted, I lay to the solid dirt, hoping my now vibrating vision returns. I was about to cry for help, but in a sudden sway the vibrations and blurs disappear. I let the throb of my pained legs go away, then I tried to get up slowly. My armor felt heavier than usual, gravity along with it. I get halfway up in crouch, legs bent halfway. My sword and sheild on my back didn't help. My legs began to shake, and I fell to one knee in pain yet again. "Curses!" I said louder then I meant to, leg pain returning as if it never left. A big red blur walks into the tent, but I couldn't tell who it was by mere sight, for the shake returned as well. "Damn it, boy! Why didn't you just call?!" I knew the voice a bit better, and learned it to be Jayce. "I didn't need help..." I say pitifully, not even believing my own words. A greenish white blur is placed in front of me. "Eat." I hear as a black glove crushes the green and white light. I felt health go into my pores, and my vision grew sharper. "Good." Jayce said, face now visible. The hand that held the Energi now scruffed my hair. Jayce looked to me, smiling. "Why couldn't you have been as compliant as Emylia?" Jayce spits out, nodding in shame as Shaw enters the tent. He walks over, asking Jayce to move. I saw his green eyes stare at me in disgust, his head so close to mine it wasn't even funny. I wanted to walk away, but I knew it impossible until the pain stopped. His eyes widened, enflaring a rage in me that has not yet touched my allies... yet. But he was definitely pissing me off! "Get away from me!" I slap him hard, pushing his face to my right, which Jayce layed carelessly until now. He now looks to me in shock. I don't blame him. I didn't think I would do it either, but it really didn't feel like I did it. Shaw doesn't turn his head back, instead forcing his eyes shut as he took deep breaths. He hated me. I knew it. But he needs to know when someone needs thier space. "I'm sorry, Shaw. It was more a reaction than anything." His eyes open, wide again. "By leaving your bed and forcing your body, it will now likely face severe aftereffects. Now... If you stay in one place for a long time, don't move too quickly. For you will face the dizzyness and fractured pupil control as you did just now." He says it normally, as if not mad. But his eyes, red face, and heavy breathing said otherwise. He got up from his low crouch and left the tent. Jayce looked to me, then followed. I get up slowly, turning to the entrance of the tent. I look outside to see Emylia, shocked and staring to her right. She sat next to the campfire, having four large logs around it meant for sitting. Emylia sat to one of them, but her gaze to the right worries me, so I turn my head to the right, and barely in the light of fire I see Shaw fleeing, Jayce following behind. He suddenly stops and pulls his spear from backlatch. He swings it about him, but in final movement the blade of Halo of the Seventh Star be to Jayces throat! "Hey!" I cried, limping to them but stopping a quarter way, falling to all fours in pain. I look to them still, and they seem unphased by my yell. "Do not follow me!" Shaw yelled to the old Gladiator. The rage built back, and I wanted to slap him yet again. I tried to get back up, but unfortunately the pain in all malice outmatched my rage. "Do you know what your doing, Jouste?" Jayce says in a rare seriousness, even though his hands were in the air in submission. Shaws chest flared up and down, face contorted in rage. His breaths could be heard from here, and they were about 18 feet away. "Don't dehumanize me, oaf!" Jayce lies unphased, but both I and Emylia rage, even to a point drawing her bow and aiming for his head. I've never seen true anger from her, but if she has, she shows it now. Shaw doesn't release his grip to his throat, and in truth he moves it a bit closer. His breathings lessen and his face grows pink instead of red though. I thought it a flicker of hope, but Emylias pull on her arrow only grew tighter. Shaw now glimpses to her. His dieing rage becomes a sort of sadness as he see's Emylias face, red in her own rage. His sadness suddenly becomes a look of betrayal and even from where I stand, now furthest from the group since Emylia drew closer, I saw tears well in his eyes. His rage returns swiftly, but before he did something we would all regret Emylia releases her grip. The arrow goes straight into the right side of his abdomen. The sudden shock causes Shaw to drop his spear. He looks to the arrow as it slowly bleeds out, once welled tears becoming a waterfall. They were natural though, and his face didn't even winse. Jayce offered his hand. "Shaw, calm down... and let me remove that." He says calmly, as if his recent throat threats of the past days were nothing more than trivial. Shaw looks to me on my fours. His tears still flowed, but his face returned to anger. He begins to winse as he looks back to Jayces hand, then running using his elemental wind beyond the speed of comprehention into the thick of the forest. The only trace of his existence was the wind that blew through Riided's trees in quiver to the ablaze fleeing ghost of a man we all once knew. It was silent for many minutes, even the winds dieing. I get up, but pain smacks my left leg. "Ack!" Jayce immediately snaps back to life, walking over to me from afar and grabs both sides of my waist. "I got you." He said, calm and still sad. Emylia then walks to us. Her rage was gone and was left expressionless. She didn't say anything. She just stood there, staring. "Come on you two... The fire has not yet died. Lets take it in as we can." He walks us over to the fire. I sit on the log facing away from the tent. Emylia goes back to her original seat, which would be the one adjacent to me. Jayce sits to the opposite of me. Silence floods over again. The only noise I hear is the crack of the fire. Behind Jayce, I see Restless Armor in a menacing red tint watching over us. I felt great pain for what I caused. I wanted to let them know... but at the same time I feel I need be the last to speak in this situation. But once again, Jayce reads my mind and hits it right on the thumbnail. "You need feel sorrow for nothing, your majesty. It is I who woke his anger." He looked sad as he stared at the fire, forcing himself to say those words. I know who's at fault! I and I alone! "No Jayce. I started it, and no matter your say, I know the truth. Not only today has triggered his anger, right Jayce?" His frown grows stronger, and his eyes show shame. "You have truly become more wise, your majesty. It is true what you think. Shaw was cheated of the throne, and indeed... just now the wrath of it shows. He may seem he hates you, Isahia. But he just hates your birthright." The earth seemed to absorb the air from me, for I am unable to respond. I turn to my left only to see tears running down Emylia's face. "Emylia..." I say with no plea. "What if he doesn't survive the night? What if he is captured by Coppers? What if he doesn't return?" Emylia begins asking questions none could answer, and as they continued on they became mumbles, then whispers, then silence. Her lips kept moving, but she could no longer be heard. "So..." Jayce spoke from awkward silence. "How was it like to test the limits of your elemental?" I remember the events of the day former. Coming as a wave as if it never happened. "It hurt... as you can tell from the aftermath." He looks to me now. "Should I have went after him, Isahia?" Jayce suddenly said in strained desperate voice and disruption of the conversation former. His frown brings my energy down. "You did the right thing, Jayce. You respected his wishes." He nods in response, but shows no confidence in my answer. I saw something new in Jayce, doubt. But I had to make sure another was safe so I asked. "Where is Hint?" He looks back to the fire and answers in typical tone. "In the helm in the tent." He said, then remembering our mission based on his sudden jut of reflex. "You two should be going to bed. Both in the tent tonight though. We are on the edge of Copper country." That was his excuse, but his tone told truth. He wanted us safe in case Shaw return in rage. He will probably be up all night waiting for him, too. I wish Jayce had someone else to trade places with in the night. When Jayce saw neither of us move he began to force us into the tent with haste. From inside, she took her Hammock back. I noticed as she walked she didn't limp, which means she doesn't suffer as much. I am happy about that. I turn in beside the supply crate, leaning against it. I look to the back of the tent to see the helm in upright position, which meant Hint couldn't free himself if he wanted to. I unfortunately felt too lazy to get back up and fix it. I look back to the entrance of the tent in this dark night to see Jayce upon the floor, sitting. He surveyed the horizon extra cautious tonight. My eyelids grow heavy and strained looking at him, so I fall to sleep then and there, even though I deserved never to sleep again.

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