Chapter 5: Failure

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"So, you think he'll be alright, Emylia?" I hear Jayce say as I wake from my long slumber, Emylia then responds. "Actually, I originally did. But now I realize there would be no chance. He's just a child. He's done far too much for his age. He's already killed a man, its actually really sad to think about..." "You don't have much room to talk, your a pro tactician at the age of 14! He's only a year behind." Really, only a year? She acts older than that. Wait, thier gone. I can get up. I open my eyes and look around, only to see a circle of tree's, tree's with white trunks. This must be Riided forest... Standing up all I see is the stars and Luna in its dark glory. The only other thing I see around me is a tent and a wagon. I wonder if dad is still alive... I wan't to go back. No, I will go back. #Rumble# A quake shakes the earth and I stagger. What was that? #Rumble# The earth begins to shake again and I lose control and fall back to the ground, quake finally ending. When it stopped the tent was surprisingly still up, along with the 3 inside. With mud on my face I pretend to be asleep because they all go outside in a panic, I hope they didn't see me. "What just happened!?" Shaw says, making sure nothing crucial happened while he gathers his mind. "Is lord Isahia all right?" Jayce says as Emylia comes to check me, I avoid moving as much as I can. "He seems to be alright, no visual wounds. But he might be a bit safer sleeping out here if Shaw, like I asked; got his armor from his room and put it in the caravan!" "Sorry mistress Emylia, we didn't have the time! Any longer and we would have got cought in the blade cross, making this plan be to no avail!" Shaw and Emylia got face to face and started yelling jibberish, I try to cover my ears slowly to avoid attention. Then suddenly, Jayce gets in between them and drops some steel armor and a shortsword with a small shield in front of them. The armor was definitly squire garb. Two red gloves and boots were with, but one thing was unique about this version of the armor. It had a red cape. "Where did you get those, gladiator Jayce?" Shaw asks by title, stopping the arguement. "While you two were busy preparing for the prince's brains, I was preparing his brawn. You can thank me now." Both Shaw and Emylia give him a stern look. "Jayce, you do know his most effective battle weapon is the spear and best used armor being swift light armor, correct? He will not be effective without. This brutish metal slab with pointy stick and metal tray won't do." "How did you know that Emylia? I've known the boy since he was a baby, yet you just met him today!" Emylia puts one finger up, ready to answer with a smart tone. "I am in charge of his battle records, veteran Jayce. If we battled, I would know his every move. He and any other of the royal family's records is in my control, sir Jayce." Jayce looks at her in shock, not expecting such an answer. He then looks to a tree on the left side of him, in the same direction as the caravan. "Are you sure? Even as a Scholar, I know records don't always tell the truth." Shaw says as he makes sure the tent is still in perfect function. Jayce starts to walk towards me and I shut my eyes, hoping he didn't notice I was watching. Jayce shakes me a bit with his clubfoot boot, telling me he didn't see my eyes open silently, thanking all that is holy. I pretend to wake up. "Five more minutes..." He picks me up with one arm and drops me back on the ground crudely. "Ouch! Don't do it again, I'm awake! I'm awake!" I curl into a ball and shield myself with my arms in fear. He puts his hand down, ensinuating that he wasn't going to do it. Did I just blow my cover? No, I don't think so. "Jayce, stop messing with his majesty!" Emylia said as she pulled out her bow. "Calm down Em! Just a little tough love!" I get up while I have the chance and try to pick up the sword. Lucky it was a shortsword, because it was pretty hefty. Shaw enters the tent while we speak in ignorance. "Your majesty, I am sorry you must weild that. We are out of options." "Don't listen to her! You need some variety in your battle technique!" They are about to start argueing when I silently threaten Jayce by pretending to stab him in the foot. "Stop it! Stop it, both of you!! I've weilded one before!!!" Emylia places her bow to the ground and stares at me. "I am sorry, lord Isahia. You have been through much in these past days. I was inconsiderate and stubborn." "That is no excuse for me, and don't you dare use it as one! I chose to do that!" I then get a sudden jolt of memory, which causes me to drop the sword and stagger. Jayce catches me before I fall. "I-I forgot..." I felt a great pain in my heart, as if I never cared for my kingdom. I look to Jayce and say, "I-I don't feel well. I am sorry..." "For what, boy?" "I am sorry for my forgetfulness, I am sorry for my carelessness, but worst of all I'm sorry for my failure!" My eyes grow dim and tear up. I stop myself before it gets worse, turning my head to hide and squeezing my eyes shut. "Isahia..." Emylia says as she walks back into the conversation. "No need. You did everything you could, and you will continue to do so. Am I clear?" "Y-yes ma'am..." I respond as Shaw comes back outside. "Lord Isahia! We may have a problem!"
He darts toward me in a cowardly nature, while Jayce prepares to keep him from going nuts. Something was wrong, Shaw seems like the type to never show emotion...

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