Chapter 6: 3 black knights

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I dart my eye's to the unknowing night, the eve of this sad day... Suddenly I and the others hear the trecking of armored beasts of some sort. They eventually are seen through the white, well known trees of Riided forest. The visual of three black-clad knights of the Gold army shown, riding a rare breed known as Gyphal. (The equivalent to a horse in your world accept thier tails are solid and much like a lizard, yet another of your world.) I felt releaved as to the thought, but my peers thought otherwise. Jayce drew his hefty axe I could never carry, pointing the pointy end to the leader paradrim's (A Paradrim is a dark Paladin.) throat. Emylia drew her bow, arrow pointing to the tall one on the right of the lead. Lastly, Shaw drew his spear and points it to the eye of the left one with a large shield. I was startled so I picked the shortsword back up, later realizing my mistake through the fact I was still wearing the royal cloth. I then showed my embarrassment through red cheeks, which I hide as soon as it occurred hoping not to be noticed. "Apparent paradrims of the Goldstone line, state your purpose here or die in the attempt!" Jayce yells in an intimidating voice as his axe grows closer to the throat of the leader. "My oppologies, gladiator of Steelwater. I have come in the name of his majesty, lord James." "Why is it so, and state your names?!" Emylia said, not letting off of her bow, as if thinking they were Copperblaze spy's... I think. "My oppologies, mylady. My name is Mont Bilare, my associate to my left is Dren Galoe. Lastly, to my right is Forae King. Our purpose is to make sure prince Isahia is safe and to make sure we can help in any way we can until he is safely evacuated to the capital. We are ordered to follow all of Isahia's commands no matter what the cost." Silence fills the cold night, as if waiting for my response. But father left me to do things. Not his brother... "Fine. Mont Bilare, my first and last order is for you to leave." In shock all 3 of my companians drop there weapons and dart a look at me. "I am sorry, lord Isahia. But I do not understand?" Mont Belare says as he try's to think about it. "Yes lord Isahia, you must reconsider." Shaw says, looking concerned. "No... wait!" Jayce says, completely stopping everyone else, even raising his arm in halt. "He may have his mothers emotions, but he has his fathers pride..." I stare at Jayce in understanding. A slight smile comes from me, and I nod subtly to him in approval. He knows me better than anyone else here... and almost everything I learned about life came from him. Why did I ever strike him? I'm such an idiot, always acting on impulse! I look at the soldiers again, gripping my sword tight. "It is true, I will save my fathers kingdom, not king James!" Silence flowed again, and without another word. The three paradrims bow before us, then heading north-west, leaving thier best wishes behind. For some reason, I believe the days of this quest will be my best, the days that teach me to be a man. I will reclaim the thrown... not for myself, not for my Pepal, but for my lost family. I will not falter, I'll stand my ground!

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