Chapter 7: A peek into fate

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Later that night, everyone went back to bed except me. I couldn't, I was too nervous after the events of this week. Now that my bed is on this muddy ground next to two steel soldiers of war, I feel like a mercenary. Emylia sleeps in the tent by herself. I don't blame her, I wouldn't want to try to sleep next to these snorers either. I discide to look around out of boredom and loneliness. But this I am used too, it's been this way since mother died... "Pssst! You awake." I hear no response, which I am grateful. I look to the white trees to the north of me and think about home. After going through the back-path they must have went around the outer walls of the capital and then headed south in the caravan. Thinking about this led to others. What happened to Sharen? Cecil and Cole? I didn't know and probably wont find out until I gather the reanforcements that are so direly required. I noticed how the clearing we chose to stay in was almost solid mud. There was a grassline on the edge meeting the trees but none on this plain. Did they choose this spot due to the mud? Is Jayce that prepared or was this just our checkpoint? I don't even know what our mission is. Jayce's snore grows louder for a second and then dissipates again, waking me from my daydream. Or would it be a nightdream? Oh well, it doesn't matter. I get up off the mushy ground and pick up my new weathered steel armor and go behind a ghostly thicker-than-most tree to change from my cloth to my gear in the chance that no one could see. I suddenly hear a crack from behind me and I turn around with my armor only halfway on. I look to see a tiny light. It was a baby shine, harmless in age. If it was older I would be in danger of this monster. The only reason I know this is because I had a rare chance when I was 8 to go into the royal library with counciler Sharen. Anyway, they can speak and this one seemed smarter than most for its age. It spoke, "Hello prince Isahia!" I was very surprised about him knowing me, or is it a girl? I couldn't tell. "Hello little one, if I may ask; how do you know my name?" He starts to hop around on the invisible floor of its levatating body. "I was told by a man named Cecil to find you!" Cecil!? I gathered my curiosity and begin to respond. "Oh, is that right? Tell me, was he a knight of my royal gaurd?" "No sir, he was a knight of your FATHERS royal gaurd!" Wow, that hurt... "Okay, but it was Cecil Cai- I mean Valen, correct?" "Indeed, your shortness." Really? I finally put down my sword with a little chuckle. "Well thank you for your sense of humor, I needed that." "Well if thats what you wan't! If two witches had watches, which witch would watch which watch?" Ummm... Whats a watch? "Well, why did Cecil want you to find me?" "Oh, he wanted me to tell you these exact words from your father.
{Son, I am sorry I wasn't there for you in life. I realize my error of judgement. I just tried to provide without thinking of what you actually wanted. That was always mothers job, before she died. I am sorry the past five years I haven't had time for you. But I know I cannot atone, but I wish to ease. I wasn't there for you in life, but now I wish to be there in spirit. With these words I send an item of great value to me, which carry's my soul. I hand to you the key I wore the entire envoy of my life, carry it on and become king. My son, you didn't deserve any of this, but I wish it becomes as easy as possible for the rest of your time, and wait to meet you again to finish what I should have done for you a long time ago. Care... goodbye my son, until we meet again.}
Those were the words your stubbyness." He tries to say to cheer up, but in pitch was sad. I kneel in shock, and I cry yet again. I try my best to hold it back, but I am too weak. I let go and it spills out in a flood of resolve. I fall as I did in the training room of the castle that once was. "Are you alright?" "Yes and no, oh child! I've never been so happy yet so sad!" I put my hand out to grab a tree for support but instead the little Shine rests on it. "Here is your key, your holyness. But your going to have to excuse me, I am kind of tired sir..." "Please, you have done me so much, can you tell me your name?" I respond in my broken tears. "My name? My name is Hint sir..." "Well Hint, how would you like to sleep in my padded, warm, and comfy apprentice helmet?" "Sir..." He seems shocked. "Thank you for your kindness, I gladly accept." He then gets into my unweilded helmet and dims still leaving a slight glow going through the eyegaurd. I gently place the helmet on the ground upside down so he doesn't spill back out and then I put on the rest of my armor. "Hey, Isahia..." I hear the voice of the brawny man himself. "Master Jayce, what are you doing up?" "I could ask you the same question." He says as he gets a chain from his pocket and takes the key, then he laces it around my neck. "This is the way your father wore it, never took it off. He found it in the palace gardens when he- well... he was also 13." His words were touching, and gave me resprite. Father, no matter what you did in the past, I understand and I forgive you. Please hear that dad, for it is the truth. I want you to rest in peace. One day, after I fulfill your promise, then maybe I will join you. "Jayce, I thank you for everything you've done for me. Also for everything you did for my father." "When I was still young, boy. Isaiah was like the son I never had, I was there every moment of his life. I made a weapon in his honor called the Black Saint, back when I was still young anough to have a side job as a blacksmith. I plan to place it on the ledge just before the perfect empty plain leading to your castle. That is why I am up. But then I noticed you weren't there, so I came looking for you." He then brings it in front of him, letting me see. Its tips blade had multiple ends shaping the image of the saint symbol in a charcoal-colored metal. The pole was perfectly even and made of an unknown material. It was a solid black. It had a beauty truly worthy of my fathers grace. Black Saint. May this kingdom forever know thy name, along with the one it honors! "It is a great spear, Jayce. May I go with?" "Maybe... but boy, it may pain you, because from that ledge you will see the remains of the war. Do you understand?" "I do, and I wish to go better still." "Okay Isahia, then follow me." I pick up the helmet from the ground and follow in the thick white forest. I stare at the glowing helmet the whole time, revising the spoken note from my father. It felt like hours of silence accept for the crunch of Jayces clubfoot boots from landing on white sticks that fell from Riideds trees. I try to keep my balance to not wake Hint when a sudden stop from Jayces arm made me shake a little. I look up and see the very ledge he spake of. Over it the ruins of what once was my home. But this time, I was prepared, and didn't envelope in depression as I did the morning of leave. Jayce jabs the spear as hard as he could from its bottom and it stood, proud and tall. "There boy, this is it. We can go back now." "No Jayce. The sun is rising and I wan't to truly see it." "Do you mean the castle?" "Yes. But I must ask you a question. What about your daughter?" "Thanks to your fathers kindness, my entire family was pre-informed and evacuated to the capital of Goldstone." "Thank goodness. I don't want anything to happen to your family, and hopefully all of my citizens are just as safe." "Unfortunately, that is wishful thinking mylord. But now I have a question. What's with the glow lamp?" "Oh, this is the baby shine that delivered this key to me. It needed a place to sleep so I let it stay in my helmet." "Oh, I see." I look to the horrison and see an empty Itropolice, Sol rising behind. There were no Coppers that lie there, just the ruins of what once was. The city lay in waste, but the castle stood forever more. It is a beautifle sight. "Well, its been a long night, how about we go home Isahia?" "Yes... home."

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