Chapter 8: Morning

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We have been walking in this forest for awhile, which makes me wonder how big this forest actually is. I hold helmet in hand, still glowing even in the light of day. #Clank# #Clank# I hear a ting against my breastplate. #Clank# I then realize its the key banging against it. I grab it and put it under my armor. Thankfully, the tang stops. I look up at the clear blue sky through the green leaves on their white trunks. It is truly beautiful. Almost made me think the events of two days ago never happened... almost. I didn't realize it until now, but there is a Dread above us flying. Almost in the exact same direction and the exact same pace. I prepare for an unexpected battle, just in case. I gently drop Hint on the ground and turn toward Jayce. "Jayce, above us!" He seems a little startled, as if he was in a daydream as I always am. He immediatly looks up. "Blasted Dread bat!" He puts his hand on his hilt behind his back tight, leaving no air. I take this as warning and prepare myself by doing the same. The Dread notices and heads toward the ground at an alarming speed, then it changed into its humanoid form. He was one of the rarer species of Pepal (Name of our overall species), a type of Pepal who were born with master adaptations of a dark adept, the embodyment of evil. The way you can tell its a Dread is because they have solid white skin and either light blue or blood red hair. They also have the ability to change form into a Dread bat and on occasion have bat wings in human state. Which a dread bat is considered a monster species. I then notice something on his left arm, some kind of unknown mark. "Don't just stare at him boy!" I then realize I was daydreaming again. I pull the sword from my sheath and head towards the battle only slightly ahead between Jayce and the Dread. I lock my target to the Dread, who has long red hair even though its a boy. He has a charcoal spear with a very dark red metal as its tip. I couldn't tell what it was. I notice he has light armor, which would make his speed much higher than Jayce, who wears unstable heavy armor. His spear was too fast, even for me and this little sword. This was probably because he was a knight as I was-ish. Jayce see's an opening and prepares to swing due to the shock of Jayces former block causing the Dread to scatter. The swing was hefty. I knew it wasn't fast anough. I got closer and closer, but I needed to integrate without disturbing a clash. #Chht# I here the demonic spear get in the way. The axe cut through but the attack did no damage to the Dread. "Nice try!" The Dread says mockingly before it tranforms and swings around Jayce. Close anough for me to swing. Before I studdered and lost the chance I swung without delay, using all my force. "WRAAAH!!!" The dreaded Dread screams before 1 of its 2 wings fall to the ground. In bat form a Dread has two wings, a circle body, one eye, and a horn on its head. The rest of the Dread falls with it and due to its circular body it continued to roll on the ground, squealing in pain. "HAHA! Its a tumble weed!" Jayce said as he kicked it into a tree as if it were a field goal. "Score!" He yells as he dances around in bloodlust! "Gosh Jayce! That was uncalled for!" He looks at me with a little chuckle, then I notice movement behind Jayce. "Jayce, look out!" Suddenly a small knife comes into veiw. Out of pure reflex I push Jayce to the left where he hit a trunk and he immediately fell to the ground. Luckily, he was already in movement, giving me anough leverage to push the very mountain that Jayce has always been. I look back in front of me. All I see is a cold dead face with blood hair streaking down it, currently covering one eye in the arched curve he chose to be in, rageful purple eye darting back. The eyes are like a blackhole of a swirling abyss, leaving no room for light. I continue to stare through hoping that on the other side was a light of good, but to no avail I find. His left arm is missing, black blood running from what once was to his feet onto the ground. In his other arm a knife of the same unknown substance as his spear. "Boy! Kill him now!" I look back at Jayce in which I realize a scar on his face, red blood drizzleing down. I dart at the damn Dread again in rage as I tighten my grip. Judging by the scar, he was aiming for the throat. "What? Are you mad?" I answer with no response, showing nothing but a boiling black and red swirl through the rage in my heart, I then feel something inside that wants out. I can feel the fire. I swing immediately! He catches my sword with lightning speed, even with 1 arm, he then smirks at me with a devilish grin. He is really starting to piss me off! "Wow... You must be the prince, there is no-one else so weak from such a bloodline. Thats right. I feel the pulsing blood of your lineage." "Shut up! I just cut your arm off 15 seconds ago!" I realize my error in showing my emotions. He wants me to break. I calm down and jump back. "What? Round 2?" I'm already so sick of this bitch! This time I go in to strike when he goes to counter again. I stop before it happens causing him to counter nothing and leave him defenceless. "What?" He said again, thats three times... Your out. I go to slice him and finish him without too much drama, but on impulse of some kind of anger deep inside I stab his heart. Why did I do that, am I losing control? I feel some kind of hidden emotion inside of me. I've never felt it before, what was it?! "Ack!" I pull my sword back out and he falls effortlessly. All thats left is a black pool of blood and a cold white body, blood hair seeming to merge with the blackness that was his blood. I take a step back. I killed yet again, but for some reason I didn't feel the same sorrow. In fact, I felt good. "Are you alright Jayce?" He has been looking at me the whole time, as if studying my battle techniques. His breaths are deep, the back of his right hand to his left cheek. "I could ask you the same." I turn away, looking coldly at the evil corpse. "I'm fine. Come on, lets go. Were almost to camp and thier probably worried." He looks at me still, now squinting as if he is trying to see my intentions or stare through me. "Alright, boy. Good kill." "Thanks..." I say blankly on reflex as an answer. We both walk in unison, right foot to left. I pick up my helmet which holds Hint, cleaning off the blood that was spilled, the black stain now on my red gloves. We walk. What exactly just happened to me? I don't feel any remorse, when last time thats all I had room to feel. Is this the difference between me and father? Do I not feel pain over anothers loss? No, I felt in such a way for father and mother. But... have I changed? I don't know... but I intend to find out.

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