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Read Time: 3 hours 40 minutes

Chapters: 41


With a ranking of #6 in the ladynoir category, it is no surprise that this story is incredible. It throws you through leaps and bounds emotion at every turn. The author knew exactly what to write, when to write it and how. 

The story was written to set up the finale, every chapter of this story built upon the last, character development and flaws all lead up to the understanding and growth of everyone within the narrative. It was almost like reading a play, it built up and played out well. The intermission during each 'act' helped keep everyone on top of what happened within the story, it was also helpful to remember every key event through the story, because trust me, everything is important in this story.

I do hope that we get an epilogue of some kind, just a final end to the story, while the end makes sense, (and the openness of the ending is actually quite refreshing to see,) readers can invasion their own path for their characters. The ending and leading the future for the readers to interpret for themselves allows the reader to have some creative freedom with how they would like to see their characters at the end of this.  (but to be able to see how the author sees these characters end would still be quite nice to read)

All in all the narrative is unique, I haven't actually seen something like this, creatively and inspiring for a while, and personally, it was refreshing, exciting and fun to journey through the plot with the characters. 

I really think this book was one in a million, the plot, the writing style and the passion you can clearly see that went into this story is just awe-inspiring. it was a well-thought-out and planned story and I really recommend those of you who haven't read this story to give it a go.

I really look forward to seeing more work from this author and can't wait to see what they produce next. 

Keep up the great work!

If you have another or know someone with a story you think would be a great addition to this series and would like a review, comment the title of the story in the comments below or message me privately and I will read them as soon as I can. 

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