A Dream A Destiny (1&2)

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(This is going to be a longer review as it is going to cover the first part, second, and then the series as a whole)

Uploaded by: Amourboy15

Read Time: 10 hours

Chapters: 48


This story features Pokémon's protagonist Ash Ketchum and his friend Serena from the Kalos region, series X/Y.

This story is part of the Amourshipping fandom- which is a fandom I am part of. This follows Ash, the son of a very prestigious family, and Serena who is a young girl from a poorer background. Inevitably these two cross paths as students of a private school, one that Ash is a student of from his father, and Serena worked to get into.

All in all the story is phenomenal. You can tell this story was planned and written with the characters and their relationship together as well as with the readers in mind. The drama, character development, and plot twists are perfectly tuned to the readers. The author gets every emotion and reaction out to each situation and plans each chapter ahead of the last to get the most out of all the information we as the reader learns from these characters.

On a personal note, this story is really important to me as it was the very first book I read on this site. This book is the reason I made an account and started writing stories in the first place.

I'd recommend this book to any other amourshippers, anyone in the pokémon community looking for a book to read, or anyone who wants to start a new series as this book isn't set in the pokémon universe and in the real world instead.

This book leaves questions in your mind and teases you with information to make you figure out the answers for yourself. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and enjoy re-reading it every now and again.

It's seemingly a book without fault- at least I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Personally, this book is one of, if not, is my favourite.

The ending is such a cliff hanger as the author announces his release of the second novel of the series.

A Dream A Destiny 2

Read Time: 7 hours 20 minutes

Chapters: 36


The second installment is just as suspenseful as the first. It captures you in every moment and keeps you hooked as a reader until the very end.

Similarly to the first edition, the character development and story make the characters grow, you learn more about the characters as you read more. The author uses the plot to its advantage and makes you think one thing is going to happen when it's actually another, or they use hints throughout the novel to use in newer chapters. It makes you think carefully about all the information it gives you, and I think that is a skill really difficult to come by. 

The Series as a whole:

The series really is amazing and definitely worth anyone's time to read. The story is beautifully scripted, leaving a potential new chapter in the series to come out or to be left to one's own interpretation of what happens to each character. I absolutely loved this story when it first came out and It is definitely a series to keep an eye on in the future.

If you have another or know someone with a story you think would be a great addition to this series and would like a review, comment the title of the story in the comments below or message me privately and I will read them as soon as I can.

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