Beneath The Surface

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Uploaded by: djwinn

Read Time: 4 hours 30 minutes

Chapters: 33 (Ongoing)


This story follows a young woman and man, strangers at first but we grow with them and their lives as they learn to co-exist. 

Norman, an ambitious, introverted millionaire, with little to no friends but a yearning to have to love. He was ignored and shown only hatred as a child and as he grew up, leaving Norman to only the hatred and disappointment he was so accustomed to.

Beatris, a struggling young woman who fights to keep her small café job and supporting her sister's ambitions of wanting to be an actor. She and her sister Brianna left home when they were younger and grew up in the foster system.

These two had a difficult childhood growing up, and something seems to be connecting the two together. Norman falls for Beatris and vows to take care of her and her sister for the rest of their lives- as long as Beatris blindly promises to fall in love with a man she barely knows. 

From the start, we see some of Norman's strange behaviours, and the longer we stay with him the more perplexing his behaviour becomes, some can be rationalised through what we learn of his childhood and past encounters, but other things tend to be more confusing and need more time to understand. 

Beatris, however, has a realistic approach to everything she experiences during her time with Norman and all his counterparts. 

As well as Norman and Beatris' story, we learn more and more about Norman's best friend's life- Leonard- and the struggles that he has to learn to live with as he figures out how he feels and how he wants to live his life. 

This story has lots of drama and plot twists, you have to second guess everything you learn and are told, you root for Norman and grow to love Beatris, similar for most of the side characters. 

Overall it is an enticing story, drawing you in to the plot. We learn the characters hopes, dreams and aspirations, brining them to life within us as we watch them grow as characters into something more.

The only thing I can think of as a possible improvement would be this, reading the lastest chapter, Norman's behaviour is finally justified, but as a reader his actions and reasons can be questionable at best and overpowering. Not only that but while Beatris has every right to react to some of the things she sees and experiences, some are confusing, maybe I am a bit more lenient, but I'd like to see Norman really try to change, for the woman he loves, and Beatris supporting him through it. I'd like to see some character development soon, as so far we are learning about the characters and what they have been through.

It has worked up to this point so far, but with where the plot is right now I'd love to see Beatris get a bit more of a back bone with Norman and Norman become a little bit more sentimentle to the human heart. 

It would be difficult for Norman since he has been through his own trauma and heartbreaks and would make for a more compelling story. To see Beatris learn about Norman and what he went through, to see why he was like the way he is and decide to help him through it. 

The story as a whole is a different take on bullying and mental health than most people would have taken it, and that in itself makes this story stand out to me. It has't taken a sterotypical approach to what this character has gone through and shows and alternate approach to it.

This was an interesting story to read, and I'm excited to see where it's headed. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for submitting your story! If you have another or know someone with a story you think would be a great addition to this series and would like a review comment the title of the story in the comments below or message me privately and I will read them as soon as I can. 

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