24 | He Finds Harry Potter Boring

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"What the hell are you wearing?" I point at Wyatt and he rolls his eyes and continues to eat.

He was wearing pajamas.

Doraemon pajamas!

"You told me the kid liked Doraemon." He shrugs.

"Aww, you dressed up for her." I coo and walk forward to pinch his cheeks.

"Shut up," he mumbles swatting my hand away. I laugh as I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me?" He screams from the living room.

"Sure," I scream back as I reheat the pizza.

After a while, we are both sitting on different ends of the couch eating pizza.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask him trying to eat the pizza without the cheese slipping off.

"I haven't watched Harry Potter." He shrugs and continues to eat as if we are talking about the weather.

He hasn't watched Harry Potter.

"You are kidding." I deadpan and he shakes his head.

"I just don't find it interesting." He shrugs.

What the-

"We are watching Harry Potter." I decide putting on Netflix.

"We are going to watch all the movies in the series today and I am going to transform you into a fan in a night," I promise.

It's only ten minutes into the movie when there's a knock at the door.

Keagon went to sleep early today, so it's probably Carol.

"I'll open it." Wyatt pauses the movie.

I nibble on the pizza idly waiting for him to come back.

"Hey," A new voice speaks up.


"Oh-Hey, Felix." I greet surprised.

His eyes scan me and my cheeks color slightly.

There he is, in a black shirt and jeans and I am sitting here with my hear in a really messy bun, short shorts, and a tank top.

"You forgot that you asked me to come over didn't you?" He asks quirking up an eyebrow. Instead of looking offended, he looks rather amused.

"Uh-No. Of course not." I lie.

"You can help me tomorrow if you want," Felix suggests after noticing the laptop on my lap.

I shake my head putting off the laptop - the assignment's more important than the movie that I can watch anytime with Wyatt.

"Just go sit in the kitchen. I'll be there." I wave him off wanting to change into some decent clothes.

Wyatt comes back just as Felix goes into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?"

"We can watch the movie tomorrow, Wyatt."

"So, you are choosing him over me?"

I pause and stare at him to see if he was serious. He looked completely serious.

Did he just say that?

What the hell am I supposed to say to that?



"Good night." He mumbles and then walks away leaving me staring at his ass.

Not complaining, the view is pretty good.

I shake my head and rush up to my bedroom to get into some decent pajamas.


For the second time that day, I am woken up rudely.

First, it was Keagon. She put a freaking ice cube into my shirt to wake me up.

Do you know how cruel that is?

But I can't blame her, she did try to wake me up a few times before getting desperate.

My arm is lifted up and dropped to the table creating a loud thud. I let it happen three more times before stopping him.

"I am up," I blink my eyes as I stifle a yawn. Shouldn't have stayed up late helping Felix with his maths. "Are you trying to dislocate my arm?"

He shakes his head. "No, I thought you were dead." Wyatt protests.

"Well, clearly I am not." I deadpan.

"Good, lunch started a few minutes ago." He shrugs.

With lunch as inspiration, I start walking to the cafeteria with Wyatt in tow.

The thought of food brings a glimmer of happiness to my mood. I sit down at my usual table and expect Wyatt to disappear into oblivion but he sits down next to me.

After last night's awkward situation, Wyatt's like it never happened.

"Here's your food." Brandon keeps to his promise and brings me a cheeseburger, fries and coke.

A huge smile takes over my face as I take a bite of the fried potato goodness dipped in mayo.

It's all good until Wyatt starts munching on his nachos. Loudly.

I try to take a deep breath and forget it but... The sound of crunching drives me mad and I want to rip the packet out if his hand and chuck it away.

Ugh, someone make it stop.

I give a pleading look to Reece as she sits down with Olivia mentally begging her to make the crunching stop.

Felix sits down onto the other side of me and flashes me a smile which is soon wiped away when he looks at my dark circle.

"I am sorry that you had to stay up late, for me." I wave him off.

"Just make him leave." I point at Wyatt and Felix shrugs.

"He's a friend."

"At least take away his chips." I groan.

Wyatt looks at me alarmed, pulling the pack close to his chest. "What did my chips do to you?"

"Stop chomping and put it away, it's getting on my nerves," I tell him massaging my head.

Surprisingly, Wyatt does put it away.

"Why the hell are you smiling so much?" I grumble at Reece.

"Alex asked me on a date." She practically sings and it takes my brain a moment too long to remember Alex.

Right, the guy who she dry humped during her party. 

I sigh as I lay my head down my head on the table, I don't even want to eat.  

"Are you sure you're okay? I can take you to get an Advil or something from the infirmary." Felix asks me looking guilty. 

"I am okay, it's not your fault," I assure him trying to ease off his guilt. 

"Since you are not eating, can I take your burger?" Wyatt's annoying voice asks. 

I really would have given it to him if he didn't look so annoying right now. 

"Take your grimy hands off my lunch," I smack his hands away and he pouts at me. "And stop pouting it's getting on my nerves."

I hand the burger to Reece instead and she starts eating without a second thought. 

Guess that's the end of her salad diet. 

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't annoyed me with your crunching - I wouldn't have a headache now." I blame Wyatt. 

Wyatt stares at me for exactly three seconds before speaking. "You are PMSing aren't you?"


"You are on your period, right?"

How the freak did the freak know that?

"No," I mumble putting my head down again ready to sleep while Wyatt gives me a knowing smile which I reply with a dirty glare. 

I try to avoid concentrating on my stomach cramps and instead listen to Felix and Brandon's conversation. 

"Yeah bro, I used to study so well but then high school happened," Brandon says.

"I know right! Like the moment high school started my A's became C's." Felix agrees. 

"Oh, yea same! When highschool started my even my A's became C's." A new voice speaks. 

"Olivia stop lying, you never got a A in any subject anytime." Wyatt the asshole scoffs.

"Oh, you were talking about grades." 

That, definitely got me to smile. 

Ughhh that was horrible. I don't even know what went wrong! I have been trying to write this chapter for at least four days and every time I start writing I just don't know what to write.

Freaking writer's block. And thanks for all your votes and comments, we went from 10K to 11.1K in three freaking days!!! Thank you <3 

And the Hoodie Girl was placed first in The Pantheon Awards! Here's the sticker if you guys want to take a look 

3 more days until Aria and her friends go camping! Yay! 

And who didn't get the last line of the chapter? *insert smirking face* 

And about the hate comment, lots of you guys encouraged me to write. Thanks for that :)

I guess everything happens for reason, after all, a few of my silent readers revealed themself!! Yay!!

Chapter dedicated @breathingwreckfor her amazing comments! Thanks girl ❤ 

What do you think of Wyatt? Has your opinion on him changed? 

Questions of the chapter - How do you think you'll die? lol

Describe your life in one word :) 

And don't forget to Vote and Comment ❤

Happy Reading! 

- Shreya x 

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