25 | Subtle Flirting On Text

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Harry Potter plays on and Keagon and Wyatt watch it without blinking. 

Huh, I thought he said it was boring. 

I pull out my phone and start scrolling through Instagram and into a group chat.

Pizza_is_bae (Brandon) 



Princess_Reece (Reece) 


Crazy_Cupid (Olivia)

Well hello there, it's sisters before misters remember? 


Ummm, did you just call me a girl? 


Idk? ...Maybe? Wtf cares. 

Awesome_Aria (Aria duh)

What's wrong Brandon? 


I swallowed an ice cube five hears ago and haven't pooped it out yet :( 








You freaking disturbed my date for this? -_- 


I might freaking die and you guys don't care about me!!?? 

*sniff* nobody loves me

I roll my eyes and come out of the group chat when there is another ping. Unlike I thought it isn't from the group it's a DM.






How're you feeling now? Okay? 

How many times is he going to ask me the same freaking question in a day? He thinks that it's his fault that I stayed up late - which is wrong. I stayed up late because I wanted too. 


Stop blaming yourself. I AM FINE.


Sorry if I was worried -_-


Stop being sarcastic with me -_-


I would love to continue this conversation in person. How about Friday evening? Just you and me?

Is he asking me on a date??


Is that your subtle way of you asking me out?


Maybe ;) So do you?

I turn to look at Wyatt who is too busy staring at the laptop.

Though I swore to myself that I wasn't crushing on Wyatt, a really really small part of me still liked him.

But then my mind flits back to lunch...

He made out with Cindy in the empty chemistry lab—so it's not like there's any hope for me left. Not with Wyatt.

And Felix is a decent guy, cute, amazing green eyes, soft blonde hair and unlike Wyatt he doesn't act like there's a stick up his ass.

So I type out the next sentence.


Well, sure. It's not like I have anything to do.

Lie. I had heck a load of homework pending. But why not.


Is that your subtle way of saying 'yes'?




I'll pick you up at 7, wear something sporty.

An involuntary smile curves up on my lips as I stare at the text.

"Why are you smiling like a mad clown?"

That definetly makes me stop smiling. Way to spoil the moment Wyatt. I roll my eyes and type out a "sure" to Felix.

"Felix asked me out."

He turns away from the movie, all his attention on me now. "And what did you say?"

"Of course I said yes." I tell him not bothering to remove my eyes from my phone.

"Oh. Oh." The second 'Oh' in a higher octave.

"Can I help you get ready for your date?" Keagon asks me and I smile and nod.

"I am going to sleep." Wyatt mumbles getting off from the couch.

"What about the movie?" I ask confused, he seemed interested in it.

"I told you, I don't like Harry Potter." Is the last thing he says before disappearing up the stairs.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Keagon scrunching up my eyebrows.

"Ha," She waves her hand. "He is just jealous."


Why the hell would he be jealous?

Last time I checked [which was this afternoon] he definetly wasn't gay. [Considering he was kissing Cindy so hard and all]

...Maybe he is bi?


The next two days pass by in a blur and soon it's Friday. Reece and Olivia were coming over to help me get ready.

I had always judged Olivia as the stereotypical school beach. But she was nice when she wanted to be and Keagon really liked her from when we visited the mall.

I stare at Felix, for the first time noticing the light freckles on his cheek. And like I said his hair looks so soft—Need to ask him what conditioner he uses. And I was definetly jealous of his eyelashes. Dark eyebrows, mesmerizing green eyes and—

Felix catches me staring at him and raises his eyebrows and I look down at my lunch blood quickly rushing to my cheeks.

"Are you cold?" Wyatt asks me and I shake my head.

"Why are your cheeks turning red then?"

"Uh–Uhm. Nothing." I shake my head while Felix smirks.

Wyatt has been avoiding me the past two days whenever he can. The only time we see each other is during breakfast that Carol forces us all to eat together.

"I gotta go." I mumble and then I walk away.

He can't just avoid me for two days and then act like everything's okay.


"My ass looks too big in it." I mumble staring at my ass through the mirror.

"Then why are you complaining?" Olivia sniggers and I roll my eyes.

"I don't know what to wear." I whine.

"Did he mention where anything about the date?"

I remember the text message. "Yea, he asked me to dress sporty."

"Sporty huh? I am guessing it's outdoors then." Olivia voices.

I pull out a pair of skinny black jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Doesn't it look like too simple?" I ask as I observe myself in the mirror.

"Simple is sexy." Olivia shrugs.

"Yea, you look cute." Reece agrees. I pair the outfits with white Converse and Olivia straightens up my hair while Reece helps me with my makeup.

I actually look cute.

"It's five minutes to seven, he will be here soon." Reece giggles for no reason.

The door opens and Keagon enters with a box in her hands.

"I haven't put makeup, yet." Keagon says opening her make up box.

Oops, I totally forgot that I promised she could help me get ready.

"But sweetie, she already has make up on." Olivia explains.

"You don't want me to help with your makeup?" Keagon asks me blinking her blue eyes exactly three times.

She looks she's about to cry.


Exactly five minutes later the bell rings and I rush down making sure to not fall down to open the door. I take a deep breath and put on a huge smile as I open the door.

The first thing I notice is his hair. It's messy with a bed head look but he manages to pull it off. He is wearing blue jeans and a white button up shirt—the first two buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.


"Hi," I grin.

"You look pretty." He smiles and my heart does a flip.

"You too. I-I mean not pretty, like gorgeous, wait I mean hot. Yea, you look hot." I stutter out and he quirks an eyebrow.

"Why thank you," He grins. "Is that glitter on your face?" He looks close his breath hitting my face.

"Yea, Keagon used her glitter powder on me." I mumble. I probably look like a clown on which glitter threw up.

"Come on," He says and I follow him, my eyes searching for his car. But then he walks in the direction of a motor bike and my eyes widen.

"You're not going to whine about a motorbike like a girl right?" He asks after climbing onto it.

"In case you didn't notice I am a girl. But no, I actually love bikes." I smile.

Felix looks surprised. "Really? How?"

My mind fleets back. Kyle loved bikes, he used to have one too. And sometimes he would take me on it. But then mom died and Kyle didn't want to drive it anymore. So he sold it off.

"My brother used to like them." Felix decides not to say anything, probably noticing the quiver in my voice.

He hands me a red helmet and I put it on after I climb on.

Felix kick starts the bike and then we are off as fast as the wind. My hands wrap around him automatically but he doesn't mind.

Here we go.


I finally updated. Yeesh.

Chapter dedicated to Sangaylha for her amazing votes and comments. Thanks gurl  🖤

What do you think of the chapter?

Favourite part of the chapter?

Any expectations of the date?

What do you think Felix has planned for the date?

Any ideas for the date? [I might use them]

And guess what The Hoodie Girl was awarded best cover award in The Mono Awards!! Here's the pretty sticker :)

And Omg we reached 12.2K guys!! Thank you so much 🖤

Don't forget to Vote and Comment!!

- Shreya x

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