A note?

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I woke up the next morning, thinking whatever had happened yesterday was a dream. "(Yawn) At least it's saterday, I don't need to go to school." I got up and dragged myself to the bathroom like a zombie (everymorning) to brush up.
Then dad called me, "Megan! Wake up, you'll be late for school!" What? But I thought it was saterday. I rushed back in my room to check my phone. Friday, ugh.
And I had my phone on silent, so the alarm wasn't hearable. I banged on both Kaleb and Abigal's doors yelling 'WAKE UP (yawn)!' We all met downstairs to eat, all we needed to do now was get our hair done and go. But while eating, my phone vibrated. I checked it while making it look like a was eating for show.
'Hey, sorry I hadn't text back the last few days. I was busy.' It was from Drake! I was so surprised, I almost choked on my cereal. What do I text back? I thought.
We haven't had a full conversation in a long time. Then I just ended up typing 'how u been?' Since it was the main thing I thought of. When everyone finally was ready for school, we got out the house, but before we got to the sidewalk, Kaleb yelled. "Help, the water hose got me!" It sounded ridiculous, but when I turned to see, he was being pulled by it back to the house, into the basement from the front of the house. "Kaleb! Hang on!"
I say, and pull him while Abigal tried to untangle the water hose off him. I tugged on Kaleb like a tug-of-war game (with a house). Then we both fell as Abigal held up the untied hose. "Phew, that was a little tricky." Said Abigal. "Your telling me."
After that we walked quickly away and before we knew it, we arrived at there school. "Bye guys, see you after school." I said and went for my school.
I had just opened my locker door when Ethan came by, "Hey Megan. It's friday! Aren't you happy?" "Yea, I guess." I say. "Are you okay?" He asked in a while
Little worried face. "Yea, I'm ok." "Alright.. Well. Did you ever consider joining a sport?" He asked, brightening ul. "Actually I have, I wanna play basketball." I said getting a little happy someone at least cared to know. "Really?
That's what I'm in! Maybe I could help you sometime you know?" Ethan said, getting excited over it. "Sure, but I am pretty good- hey where is Melissa,? Isn't she your girlfriend?"
It hurt me to say or bring up that, I didn't want him to leave, but I am kinda curious. "Oh, I um.. we.. we broke up." Ethan said, "Oh sorry about that, why?
If you don't mind telling." "I didn't like her like I use to. That's really it." He said getting a little embarrassed. So I stopped asking questions about the broke up, but I was happy about it. "I better get to class."
Ethan said, and started walking off. As I closed my locker and started heading for class, someone tapped me on my shoulder. "Hey, I didn't think I'd see you here."
The voice was familiar, I turned around and saw.. "Drake?" I said and stammered. "What are you doing here?" "I really dunno."
He said, "I thought I recognized you, so you know. Well, I just came to say hi, got to go." Drake said and speed walk off. Wha-what, what just happend, he comes to the school I go to now? I question myself.
He acted strange when I looked at him. But before I walked off, there was a not on my locker. I grabbed it and read it- Megan,
Don't think you are safe here at school. If you don't leave the house soon, it will get you. And it's about to happen...... very soon...

That sent a little chill in me, but who put it there? Then i thought, maybe it was Drake.. He did act strange when i saw him, but he wouldn't know about the house would he...
But the letter was right, It was going after Kaleb this morning.

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