The truth

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Before school ended yesterday, we got a project due next week. It was a time line project about what we did the past years. I don't like sharing my thoughts, feelings or past to anyone, not even friends (sometimes). I waited till the next day to actually start the thing, since I had other homework and was tired out.
I woke up this morning at 9 o'clock, didn't really want to get up, but I was unable to sleep either. So I got up, realizing everyone else is awake before me, don't know how they wake up so early, I cant. I decided to get started on the time lime as soon as I could, when sleeping wasn't on my mind.
"Why do you wake up so late?" Abigal said while watching TV with Kaleb, "How can you wake up so early?" I said rolling my eyes and eating cereal. At least Kaleb doesn't act like like her. "Good morning Kaleb."
I said to be nice, but he must have not heard me, but his favorite show was on so I wouldn't blame him. After a while I finally went to dad, who was on the phone. "Dad? I need help with a project for school."
He turned sharply and signaled me to give him a minute. I wait outside the door till he came out. "What is it?" He said with all attention on me. "I have a time line project for school due next week."
"So you need to know about your past or something?" He said confused, and a little worried, weird. "Yea, can you tell me about my past?" I say, as he stared into space, "I don't really remember, since it's the past..."
he looked as confused as I was. "You don't know... ok, well do you have any albums?"
How will I do this if he doesn't know about my past? "No, I dont." What parent doesn't have an album, I mean yea I don't like the pictures and all.. but this isn't really right.
I guess it's more of a couple or mother thing. "Do we have an attic or something, usually pictures of families are there from the past in boxes." I said, I thought it was a good idea but dad disagreed.
"No. Don't go.. I mean, isn't there bugs and stuff, webs.. it's not safe I mean.." I was a little surprised, but worried he wasn't ok.
"Fine, but how will I do this project then?" I say with just a little attitude. "I'll tell your teacher you can't do it. Be happy you have no project to do now."
I was happy about that, but he never did that before, didn't let me do my homework, he actually wants to help not do it. At night I couldn't sleep, I don't really know why. Maybe because I just had to find out what was in the attick, he was clearly trying to avoid the thought of going up there.
I grabbed a flash light and pulled the ladder down for the attick. Creak, creak was the sound of my foot steps on the stairs. When I reached the top I flash the light all around.
"There's got to be some boxes here somewhere..." I start searching, then saw a box, just one in the corner. I walked up to it and looked carfully, it was dusty with webs.
It was in such a dark corner I almost missed it. I opened the box and found what I came for, pictures. But when I looked at the first picture, I wasn't sure this was even ours. Until I saw me, as a baby being hold by a women I've never seen.
"Is, is that my mom?" I whispered to myself, we looked just alike. I looked more deep and found us in more pictures with either other people or this guy with the women who might be my mom.
I took some pictures with me and made sure the box looked just like how it was before. I logged on my computer and searched up my name, and the parents with the same last name. Lots of pictures came, and I scrolled down so much my finger started hurting.
Then on the very last page was the picture of the wome- my mom, I click on her for whatever info came up, but what I found was that she was murdered... and the guy with her in the pictures I found, was the husband.... My dad?! But, how?
She probably got a divorce and married him, but our last names were the same. Then I saw a picture of a baby, their child, me. It show that I was kidnapped by a man and killed my parents on sight.
The picture showed the man, and how they couldn't ever find him. "Is that, dad? Wait what? So he isn't really dad, the one who lives with us now? Is he the kidnapper?!" I read the name of the kidnapper,
Dave Pulter.
I almost screamed with fright when I found out he was the kidnapper, and I thought he was my dad. Now with out knowing, I lived with someone who killed my family and kidnapped me, making me thinking he was my dad.
Then I heard the door knob turn, and I turned off the computer and flew into my bed with fear, it was the kidnapper I use to call my dad...

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