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I closed my eyes and held my breathe, hopping my da- the kidnapper, wouldn't see me. I heard the door open, and I peeked out the side of my eye.
He looked at me, and was about to close the door, until he stopped. Please leave, please just go, I thought in my head, but he didn't leave. He walked in my room and went to my computer. He grabbed the pictures sitting on my desk, and looked through them, then he turned to me. I quickly closed my eye and wished he didn't see me. I'm dead, I'm so dead.. I started to freak out in mind. I slowly opened my eye a tiny bit to see him on my computer, looking at what I had just discovered.
I gasped out loud, and he heard me. I atoumaticly regretted that, and pretended to sleep as he quickly glanced my direction. He didn't look anywhere else for about a minute, then he went back on the computer, exited out all the Websites, turned of the computer, and left, with the photos.
When he closed the door, I took a big breathe of air. But then the door opened again fast, I had to plunge back in bed. Luckily he hadn't notice, but he had scissors, I thought he was going to end me, but he passed by me, and went to my computer, found the wire for it, and cut it.
I felt a little ridiculous for thinking he was going to kill me with scissors, but who knows what could happen. He glanced at me, made sure I didn't wake up, and ran out the door, and still slowly closed the door.
Not making a sound. I waited a few minutes, then jumped off my bed and ran to my computer. "Oh, no." I say to myself, then I noticed something, "Hey, my bookbag's open.."
I searched through it, but nothing seemed out of range. But right when I was about to close it, I remembered something. "Wait, my phone! He took my phone! How am I supposed to contact police now?"
I started freaking out, and paced back and forth in my room. Billions of questions popped up in my head, like; is the house really haunted, and why did he kidnap me, and did he kidnap Kaleb and Abigal too? I paced and thought of answers for my questions until it was morning.
"Oh wait, I have school today." I started getting ready, brushing my teeth and hair, then ran downstairs to eat. But when I got there I noticed no one was here, they were all still sleeping. "Hold up, it's saturday, ugh." I suddenly felt really tired and started dragging myself upstairs and realized I did all that for nothing. When I got to my room, I was so sleepy I passed out on my bed.
When I woke up, I didn't remember going to sleep in the first place. I checked the time, it was 3:31. "I slept for quite a while." I say. Then I remembered, I wasn't sleepy when I went downstairs, it just came.
I stretched out for a few seconds, and felt something on my back. "Huh?" It was a tranquilizer dart. "What is this? Did my dad, or whoever he is, do this?"
I got up off my bed and started walking, but then tripped and collapsed on the floor. "Ow!" I yelled, I felt my face to make sure I was ok, nothing was broken, but I had a big cut on my leg, and a little on on my arm. I looked around the spot I tripped at, but I didn't see anything there. "I hate this house." I grumbled. I saw a little bit of wood sticking up off the floor. "Hey, is that what I fell on?" No, it was too small. But I was curious so I walked toward it. I lifted the plank up and found... A book. "Huh," I say.
The book looked like an old diary, with blankets under and around it. I grabbed the book, but it had a little lock on it. "The key must be inside those blankets." I said to myself, and started searching. "Oh, here it is, hey, what's this." I noticed something on the side of the blankets, a jewelry box. I wasn't much of a jewelry person, but I wanted to see what was inside.
It was an old necklace, and some earrings and a picture of the other people who used to live here. It was actually pretty nice jewelry, and I decided to put the box in my desk. I went to the diary and opened it. This diary belongs to Ally Bargny.
Hey, I remember her, the ghost I saw in my dream the first day we moved here. I started reading the diary, but it was about her normal daily life. But then after two pages, it was blank. "Oh, I guess she got bored of writing." I said. I closed the book, but before I put it away, I saw a piece of paper sticking out.
I opened it up again and got the paper, it was taped to the paper behind it, to keep it there. I took it off and opened it up. It read: this house is crazy, things have been happening to me and no one believes me...
"wow, she seemed scared." I say. So I guess the house is still haunted, that gives me two problems I need to get rid of, and fast.

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