What will I do?

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I heard someone knock on the door and I quickly threw the book under my bed. " Come in!" I said sitting on my bed as normal as I could. When the door opened it was my fake dad, I ended up collapsing on the floor. " Are you OK meg?" He asked, now I really hate when he calls me by my nickname. " Yea, I'm alright... dad." That word dad really killed me saying it to him. " So, I just wanted to talk about how I said don't go to the attic the other day,
but when I went to go check up there, one box was open. You wouldn't happen to know why, do you?" I was afraid to answer that question, so I said in a kind of terrified voice-" No, nope. I didn't go up there. Why would I go up there when you told me not to, right?"
Wow, I so gave myself away, I hate myself. " Um, ok then. Is there something wrong?" He asked. "NO! I mean, no I'm good." I was about to make a run for it, but then he started to walk toward the door, and then he stopped.
" Hey, I was thinking about how you said that ghost were haunting the house. Because last night I found your computer wire cut and your book bag open." He said with a fake worried/scared look on his face. I was about to yell at him but I couldnt.
I can't believe he blamed the ghosts for that, no wonder they are haunting us. " Oh, I didn't even notice, but I did find a tranqauilzer dart on my back today," I really wanted to know if he did that or why.
" Oh, sorry about that, I found that inside the walls all rusty, and It must have accidentally fired." He answered. I didn't believe him one bit, but I didn't want him to stay any longer. " Oh, ok then. We'll I'm gonna get changed, so if you don't mind?"
" Oh oh, ok, we'll see you downstairs then." Then he left. I ran to the door and locked it. "Finally, I don't think I would've lasted anylonger." I said softly. I sat on my bed and remembered that diary book I found. I got off the bed and looked for it under the bed. I found it next to the wall, when I got it, I scanned it again, to see if I missed something.
But I didn't see anything new, but then I remembered that some people could have written something with those in is able pens and stuff. So I looked for an led light but had no luck.
" Dang it, what will I do know?" Just then a light kind of reflected into my eye from my desk, " Ow, hey what a minute." It was the jewelry box I found with the diary.
If she wrote with invisible pen both the invisible pen and led light must be in here. I looked through it and found what I was looking for. I turned on the led light and searched through the pages again, and found out all those blank pages I seem earlier, we're actually filled with words.
"Wow, that was unexpected." I started reading the first few pages. It was how she was freaking out, then said something about things dissappearing. I tried reading more faster because I was kind of getting bored, but the second to last page said something that would get rid of the ghost, " This is more like it."
I started reading for like 3 minutes before closing the book and turning off the led light when my fake dad started knocking on the door, he stated yelling saying-
" Meg, what's taking so long to change your cloths? Are you OK in there?" " Yes I'm fine, I just got a little sleepy." I say, but then he asked-" Let me see what you got on?" I ran for my closet and grabbed a random shirt and some pants, then put them on over the cloths I already had on, and opened the door. " Megan What were you doing in there?"
He said looking around my room. " I said I got tired." He turned around to me and I sort of flinched. " Ok, hey what's this, we never had a book like this before." He was about to grab the diary, " It's a library book!"
I blurted "I was going to take it back to the library later." I didn't even know what I was saying until it came out. " Oh, well I can take you their if you'd like?" " No thanks." I said quickly,
" Well I have to take all the dirty cloths to the laundry mat, so get Kaleb and Abigal up and ready to go." He said, and left. I didn't have time to read the rest of the diary, but before he came in, I read how to get rid of the ghosts,
you have to bring what belongs to them that's at your house to their grave. That seemed easy, but how will I find out where her grave is?

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