Finally over with part 2

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I ended up having to buy the disguise
to get past the cops walking around. "Lucky for me, alot of time has been wasted, the park should be opening in a few.." I said to myself. I walk up to the park, but I didn't want to seem desperate to get in, so I kept walking past it, like I was looking for something. Then a man dressed like a guard went to the huge doors, looked at their watch, and started unlocking it. He pushed open the doors and I sneak in before he could finish. "Whew," I took a breath, "now where is her grave?" I started to look at all the names on the graves. "Hmm, Victoria Torres, Alison Mcneal, Julissa Romaro, Bryan Wright. Skylar Gonzalez?.. where is her grave at??" I couldn't find it. But I still had a lot of the park to go. "I think when I was looking up the ghost girls grave it said her grave was by a tree? Or was it a pond? Ugh I'm so confused!" Right then and there my plan was to throw myself on the ground.. but someone heard me. "Hey, are you alright ma'am?" It was an adult man. I jumped a little, I was gonna reply, till I remembered I didn't want to get caught for skipping school, so I did my best impression of a women. "Oh, hello dear. You scared me quite a bit there." "oh uh sorry ma'am," "oh what manners." I threw my hands a little at him. "Yep, so do you need help?" "Actually, yes I do. I'm looking for Ally Bargny" "I think I know where she is, this way." I was glad to find someone that could help, but I wasn't sure I could trust him. I started thinking about what things can change once I put Ally's stuff on her grave. Then something hit me, lots of people died at the house, why is it just her that I need to worry about? Maybe it was the last owners job to return their stuff, and if they failed... then they die, and it's the next persons turn! I felt like I just hit a brake through in the biggest problem on earth! I must have gasped or something cause the guy heard me. "What's that?" "Sorry, I was talking to myself.." "oh, ok. Um, my names Kyle, what's yours?" "Why uh, um.. Elizabeth! Yes Elizabeth.." he looked off somewhere, maybe trying to think if I was lying. I started to sweat. "Nice name. No really, it's very nice." I started to get creeper out, suddenly I look up and see him with a big smile looking at me. I look around and see that he was leading me someplace I didn't want to go. We were headed out the back of the grave yard. "Uh, excuse me, but I don't think this is where her grave is.." "oh, it's not? Well I never realized that." I saw a car pull up behind us and when the guy turned around I made a brake for it. "Hey, get back here!" He yelled and chased after me. I was scared out of my mind. I ran and ran, but I knew I couldn't hide. It would have been easier if it were night, but also alot scarier. "You can't hide, just come to me, I'm not gonna hurt yoooouuuu!" I was getting tired because, I don't run, I hate it. "Who-ahh!" I scream. I was on the floor, in a whole. I close my mouth, and listened carefully. I heard the man slowly walk closer and closer.. "I've been at this cemetery for years, no one can get in or out without me knowing.." he started to hum to something and it got louder and louder. Then it just stopped. I waited for a few minutes till I even bothered looking up. He wasn't there. No one was. "H-hello? Please, don't hurt me.." I know it was dumb to speak out loud when a mad man is loose, but I didn't care. Then I realized where I was at, I wasn't just in a whole, it was an unburied cofen. I was standing on a coffen! I jump out, at this point anything can scare me. I looked at the name carved on the dusty old stone. Ally Bargny. "I found her! I can't believe it!" I said, and started dancing. Then I stopped, and wondered, why isn't her grave buried under the ground? I decided to read what else was on her grave stone, and found something interesting on a price of paper sitting on the floor.. it read, do not bury my grace, for it is mentioned for a reason no one will understand, except for one. What did that mean? Maybe it was mentioned for me! So I can put her stuff in her coffin. "Oh yeah! Her stuff." I took out the things I brought from the house. I open the coffin up and lightly place each item in whatever space it had. "There," I said and climbed out of the whole. "Well that happened faster then I thought it would be.. for some reason I thought something big was gonna-" I was interrupted when I felt the ground move and the coffen glow. Then she appeared, Ally Bargny's ghost. "Thank you, you have finally set me free, and yourself free as well." She spoke with a soft voice, but I was over on the side not being able to speak. "I know, you must be scared, but don't be." "How, what, I'm so confused!" "Please Meg, listen. let me tell you my story. When I use to live at your house, I was just as much scared. But I found out the secrete faster. I tried to return the lady's stuff, but I ran out of time.. I had everything ready to go, sadly I never made it.." "why, what happened?" "You don't know it, but you have a time limit, I wasn't able to make it, but you did. Finally I can leave earth, and the house, and you, will finally be at peace." Then, before I could keep asking her anything, she disappeared, into the air. Thank you, I heard before everything stopped, and went back to normal. The ground started shaking and I watched the dirt fall from the ground to the top of the coffen, covering and filling the whole, taking the old paper I read with it. "Wow, so this is it huh?" I say. "My new life begins," I walk away from Ally's grave, and out of the cemetery. "Aha! What are you doing out of school miss?" Said a police officer. That's when I realized my disguise was ruined. "Sorry sir. I had and excuse." "Sure you did, come with me. We are gonna call your parents," he said, and dragged me by my arm, some new life.. I said, walking with the cop.

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