Finally over with part 3

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The police man dragged me into his office, "please, I didn't do anything wrong, just visited my grandmother at the cemetery." I say in a crying voice, because I knew something the officer didnt, if my dad comes to get me and finds out I'm not in school, there will be more than just grounding. Saying that in my head only freaked me out more, so I broke out of the officers grip and ran out of the office. "Hey, get back here!" He yelled, and ran after me. I know, running from a police officer isn't such a good idea, but I had to at least try. "Stop, freeze!" Another cop was in front of me, and pulled out what looked like a gun. I froze and he shot me with it, I felt a hard hurtful shocking pain, it wasn't a gun, it was a tazer. "Hu-huh? What jappened, where am i?" I manage to groan out, I looked around, only to see a police officer standing and watching from the shadows. But it wasn't the same officer, no, he seemed more proffecianal. "Hello girl." He said in a low voice and deep tone. "You are locked up in a chair for running and might have to go to juvie. If your parents think what you did was wrong." "Please officer. Please. You don't know what I've been through, what would happen if that man gets me.. I'm living a lie!" I cry, the guy just looked confused at me, unsure of if I was lying or making a fable, but he didn't show his confusion much. "We don't want to hear your stories." "Listen, don't let him take me home. He isn't my real father! He killed my parents when I was born and raised me, so I could grown up thinking he was my dad! Then we moved to a haunted house and that's when I found out he was lying to me my whole life! But he cut me off from any contact but school. I just got rid of the houses curse and I'm not going down like this! You have to help me-" "stop! You aren't making any sense!" The man yelled. Now he was definitely confused. He put his head on a table across the room for a minute, than he asked me to tell the story in a more understanding way... after I told him the whole thing, he decided to help me with my problem, if it all was true. "I've decided to help you with your problem, only if it's true." "Oh its true officer. Now what's the plan? Are you gonna take him to jail?" "Now listen kid, you can't just through someone in jail, you need evidence." "Ok, I have an idea. Did you ever get a crime file on a guy who murdered a wife and husband after their child was born?" "I have lots. Be more spacific." I thought long and hard before remembering his name. "Dave Pulter!" I screamed, I waited for the officer to react but it seemed like I wasn't ringing a bell. Then all of a sudden, he had a surprised face. "Dave Pul- that's the guy we've been looking for, for the past 17 years!" He said, and ran for the file cabinet, and pulled a file out. "Alright, here's the plan. I'll call your dad, or dave, and when he comes I'll bring him into a room and arrest him." I felt like it wasn't a big plan or anything, but I thought it still would work. "Let's do this!" I said, and he went out the door to a phone on a table outside. I waited inside, wondering what would happen if he escaped, caught me again, would he be abusive to me? I still don't know the story to Abigal and Kaleb. From my life perspective, he said he just adopted them, but obviously he must have stolen them too. "Alright, he seemed really mad, but he's coming." Said the police officer, "what if this doesn't work.." I said, staring off at the floor. "oh it will work. But we must wait first." "Alright," I looked and spotted a name Tage on his chest on the right side. "Ca-lv-in." He notice me read his name tag and quickly covered it. "It's Sargent."
Hours went by, and finally Dave arrived. "Alright, that's my cue." Said Sargent Calvin, and left the room. I waited and waited. I wanted to play a game on my phone, or text my best friend, but after frantically feeling my pockets, I forgot Dave had it. "Hey let me go! Where's my daughter?" I heard yelling from across the room and jumped. I ran out of the room I was in and followed the sound of yelling, and ended up right in front of it. "Megan! Thank goodness your ok. What's the meaning of all this?" "Stop your talking Dave, we know it's you." "Who?" "I said stop!" everything went silent. Then Dave went from confused face to crazy killer face. "Listen, you don't want me to be killer Dave again, now do you. You can't keep me in jail forever!" Then he turned to me, I flinched a little. "I had a feeling you'd find out eventually, but it's a little sad it took you this long, you'll regret ever getting me arrested Megan. You have no one!" "Stoop!" I yelled at Dave, he seed a little suprised. "Why, why did you kill my family? What kind of sick man are you?" "I'm your father Meg," "Don't call me meg! Now answer the question!" Calvin put him on a chair, and Dave decided to speak. "Your mother, was so beautifull, and I wanted her, sadly she never noticed me, and ended up choosing someone else. I went crazy after that, I just couldn't let her go. So I watched them, every day, I knew each schedule they would have planned. And when she was giving birth to you, I took you away, killing and leaving their bodies behind. After I had you, I didn't need her anymore. Your supposed to be my child, you hear me?! MY CHILD!" "You are a sick man." Said Calvin. "Alright, time for you to start serving your time in prison." "You'll never keep me, never, neveerrr! Ahahahaha!" Said Dave. I felt really creeper out by the guy who raised me my entire life, but I forced myself not to cry. I had to wait a couple weeks for the day of trial, but Mr. Calvin took me home for the time. We got to know each other, and he seemed like a really cool person, but suprusingly he had no children, only a wife. After the day Dave was found guilty and sent to jail, a man came up to me and said something I should have seen coming. "You know with your father-in-law mean, kidnapper in jail, and sinse you have no guardain, you must go to the orphanage." I took a second to think about that. Orphanages aren't very good places, and I'm a teenager now, no parent wants them. I'll live my life sad and lonely. I had a blank expression on my face. "Hey are you alright meg?" Calvin asked, I just stared, I fell on my knees, and started crying. "What's the matter?" "I have t-to g-o to the or-phanage!" I say, Calvin just patted my back, then he went to the guy. Who told me the bad news. He talked to him for a while. I started drying up my tears and stood up. They guy handed Calvin a Paper, and Calvin walked up to me. "It's alright Megan, you aren't going to the orphanage." "Im, I'm not?" I wipe away whatever tears where left. "No, because I adopted you." I gasped so loud, I didn't know what to say. "What about my little brother and sister?" "Them too." I stood there for a while, then I rushed in and hugged Calvin. "Thank you so much," I burst into tears. Again. I really think he'd make a great dad. "Thank you, daddy." I can finally start my new life, and for a second I thought I saw Ally's spirit smiling at me with the I told you so expression, then gone again. "I love you too, daughter."

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