Chapter 2: Ponyvile

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As me and Twilight walked down the streets of Ponyvile I saw it was much more lively when I first arrived with tons of ponies walking around minding their own business while some gave me strange looks.

Y/N: Hmm I guess they think I look some strange abomination.

Twilight: Granted you are the first human in Ponyvile so you'll be getting those looks quite a bit, but don't worry I'm sure they'll get used to you.

Y/N: Yeah kinda make me feel more special being the first one here and all, so anyway where we going first.

Twilight: Well Sweet Apple Acres is close by, how about we start there?

Y/N: Sure that works for me.

We kept on going with us soon making it to what seemed like a farm of somesort

Y/N: So this is Sweet Apple Acres?

Spike: Yep infact this was the first place we went to first when me and Twilight moved here. Expect we actually met Pinkie Pie first not Applejack.

Y/N: So it's pretty much like going memory lane?

Spike: Yep.

We soon started to head towards the farm with us passing through the gates.

Y/N: So since you told me you came here first when you first arrived and you didn't meet Pinkie Pie here, this is where Applejack lives then?

Twilight: Yep, she lives here along with the rest of her family.

It seemed at that time we looked over and saw Applejack with her kicking trees.

Y/N: Hello Applejack.

She than turned to us with her waving.

Applejack: Hey Y/N, Twilight, Spike what brings you here?

Twilight: Oh nothing, I'm just giving Y/N a tour of Ponyvile and this was our first stop.

Applejack: Well shoot you picked the right place to start with, come Y/N I'll show you around.

I started to follow Applejack with Twilight and Spike behind me.

Y/N: So why where you kicking that tree?

Applejack: Oh that's what we call Apple bucking that's how we get the Apples from the trees.

Y/N: Well that's one way getting them down without a ladder.

Applejack snickered at my response.

Applejack: Well that's one way to put, it save a lot of time ( bucks another tree ) and energy.

As the apples fell I caught one with it being bright red. I normally am one who isn't big of apples but this one was rather different. Maybe because the apples back home aren't as usually this clean or shiny. I shrugged and took a bite out of it and it was actually really good.

Y/N: Wow this is really good, these have nothing on the apples back home.

Applejack: What makes you say that sugarcube?

Y/N: Well back home by the time you pick an apple it's either already rotten or filled with worms.

Applejack: Well that is why we got to get the Apples down soon as they are fresh.

We soon made it to the barn with it also being a house too.

Applejack: Make yourself at home Y/N I'll get the rest of the family.

As I looked around it seemed to be rather nice, something you would see from a country farm house. Soon after I heard some foot or in this case hoovesteps. With me seeing what seemed like her family members.

Applejack: Y/N meet the Apple family, this little one is Applebloom.

I looked to her side was a small yellow pony

Applebloom: Hi there, wow I never seen anything like you before.

Y/N: That's because I'm the first human you've seen before. I'm Y/N

Applebloom: Applebloom nice to meet ya!

She held out her hoove which I responded by shaking it with my hand.

Applebloom: Oh what is that?

I was confused until I held up my hand.

Y/N: This? Oh this is my hand and these things at the end are fingers.

I wiggled my fingers to show them what they are.

Y/N: See what I mean.

Applebloom: Wow I wish I hand fingers, that be rather useful.

Y/N: Oh they are, they can used to grab things hold things you name it.

Applejack: Next up is Big Mac

I looked up and saw a rather big red horse

Y/N: I'm guessing you're the muscle?

Big Mac: Yep.

Applejack: And of course there's gold old grandy smith.

I turned to see a rather old pony with her looking rather frail.

Granny Smith: Hello little one, you must be that boy Applejack told us about before she left.

Y/N: I have been getting popular as of late.

Granny Smith: Well you take care now sunny and remember your always welcome to visit.

Y/N: Thank you I appreciate it.

We started to leave with Applebloom and Applejack waving us off.

Applebloom: Goodbye! Hope to see you again!

Applejack: And like Granny Smith said your welcome to visit anytime.


As we left we kept on walking down the streets of Ponyvile.

Y/N: So where should we go next?

Twilight: Well, there's not much I can think of there is Cloudsdale but that's up in the sky.

Y/N: Wait it's in the sky?

Twilight: Oh yeah Cloudsdale's is kinda like a cloud like city that's in the air, it's mostly full of clouds but that's where the weather is controlled and all that.

Y/N: Wait so you can just control the weather?

Twilight: Well that's the pegus job to maintain the weather, don't you have anything like that back home?

Y/N: Nope back home if there was bad weather outside you just deal with it. If we could just control weather like that we probably have no disasters like tornadoes or anything like that.

Twilight: Interesting, oh I wish I brought my quill and parchment.

Spike: Don't worry Twilight I have it right here and been taking notes this whole time.

Twilight: Thanks Spike, anyway where should we go next?

Spike: Why not Rarity's?

Y/N: Does Rarity have sometype of job?

Twilight: Oh yeah she runs the carousel boutique. Come on I'll show you.

I followed until we made it to the place

Y/N: Wow it's quite the place seeing how Rarity was no surprise she work and live in a place like this.

Twilight: Just wait till you take a look inside.

We opened the door where we saw what it looked like with it being rather fancy and clothes made for the ponies all lined up. Wait why do they need clothes aren't they naked already? Maybe it's a society thing.

Inside we saw Rarity working away on some clothing, before Twilight could speak Spike spoke up first.

Spike: Hi Rarity.

Rarity: Oh hello there Spike, Twilight and Y/N What brings you here.

Y/N: To put it simply we are on tour of the town and Spike suggested we should come here.

Rarity: I see perfect timing since Celestia suggests you should go to the Gala, I think it's best I make you a suit for the Gala.

Y/N: Uh I think I'm good with my normal attire

Rarity: Nonsense I truly suggest you have a suit for the Gala and it can give me some inspiration for a new sense of fashion since I've never made clothes for someone like you.

Y/N: Well if you say so, but can I leave some suggestions.

Rarity: It depends on what type of suggestions we are talking about?

Y/N: Can I have it in black?

Rarity: Oh if that's the case then sure just follow me and we'll get you measured.

I followed Rarity where she pointed at a small pedestal where she started to use her magic to lift up her measuring tape and with her moving around with such giddy.

Rarity: Oh yes this is quite good, darling can I ask what clothing is this?

Y/N: It's just my hoodie, me and my family bought it at this store called "Kowls" it's a clothing store.

Rarity: I see well here at Carousel Boutique we make our outfits just for you.

Y/N: Hmm, neat.

She soon finished getting her measurements in.

Rarity: Well I think that's everything, anything else?

Y/N: Well do you think I can have a leather coat, I want something to keep myself warm just in case.

Rarity: Well I never made anything with leather before I'm willing to get it in a shot, it should be ready by tomorrow for the Gala.

Y/N: Thanks I appreciate it.

Twilight: Oh by the way where is Sweetiebell?

Rarity: Oh she went off to go with her friend Scootaloo.

Y/N: Who is Sweetiebell?

Twilight: That would be Rarity sister, she lives with her here.

Y/N: Ok well see you later Rarity.

Rarity: Goodbye Y/N, Twilight and Spike.

We soon left with us leaving.


After visiting Rarity we left to see what else was here with us seeing the center and town and seeing the train station.

Twilight: The last stop should be sugar cube corner, that's where Pinkie works and lives.

Y/N: I see, say where do Fluttershy and Rainbow live?

Spike: Oh well Rainbow lives in Cloudsdale and Fluttershy lives a bit father away from Ponyvile.

Twilight: Anyway we're here.

We soon made it to a house that was completely made out of ginger bread.

Y/N: Holly, is that place actually made out of ginger bread or is it just for show?

Twilight: Just for show, anyway how about go in first.

Y/N: Uh ok?

I walked in first with it being completely dark.

Y/N: Man I can't see a thing in here, where's a light switch.

As I looked for a light my thoughts where interrupted by the sound of confedy and blow horns

As that went off the lights turned on with us seeing an entire party set up with a sign saying "Welcome to Ponyvile Y/N"

Pinkie Pie: Hello Y/N! Welcome to your Welcome to Ponyvile party!

As I looked around to see a lot of people or ponies where here. I turned to Twilight with her having a bit of a smug smirk.

Y/N: You know this would happen.

Twilight: A little, come let's enjoy this party Pinkie put together.

As she went in I shrugged and joined in with everyone having fun with tons of cake everywhere.

Y/N: I guess this is going to be my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Rainbow Dash: Mostly like bro.

During that time we partied a bit with us having a good time with it soon getting dark out with us heading back home while Spike slept on Twilight back.

Y/N: Man, Spike really pigged out.

Twilight: You think that's something you should see him eat gems.

Y/N: He gets gems?

Twilight: Yeah, most dragons eat gems but sometimes they eat other things.

Y/N: You since I'm here what else lives here?

Twilight: Well, there are buffalo, yaks, oh and Griffins.

Y/N: Griffins? You mean have half bird half lion Griffins?

Twilight: Yep those ones.

Y/N: Ok well what do they eat?

Twilight: Well samething as us ponies but they also do like meat and fish. Actually what do humans eat?

Y/N: Oh well we can eat fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, and as you saw sweets.

Twilight: Interesting, well since you're living with me maybe I can have some meat delivered so you can eat some.

Y/N: That would be nice thank you. I'll try to help out since I'll be staying with you.

Twilight: Wow that be really considerate, thank you very much.

Y/N: Anytime

We soon made it back with me yawning a bit.

Y/N: Well I'm bushed I'll see you in the morning.

Twilight: Ok good night.

Twilight went to sleep with her carrying Spike while I went downstairs into the basement. As I got undressed I put my clothes aside with me looking through my bag to see I had some spare clothes. As looked through my bag I saw what seemed like golden coins on the ground. I decided to keep them on me.

I soon went over to my bed as I laid down with me turning the lights off with me looking at my family photo.

Y/N: Good night.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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