Chapter 3: The Gala

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I started to wake up with myself stretching as I rubbed my eyes.

Twilight: Y/N it's time to get up, we can't be late for the Gala.

Y/N: Coming.

As I got up I got dressed and made my way up stairs to see Twilight and Spike.

Y/N: So where are we going first before the Gala?

Twilight: Well first we got to pick up our outfits for the Gala, the others will be waiting for us there.

Y/N: So I'm guessing we are going to Rarity for those?

Twilight: Correct now let us go.

We soon left with me seeing Spike had brought sometype of book.

Y/N: What's the book for?

Spike: Twilight has this new spell she's been working on, she just needs the book so she knows how to do it right.

Y/N: In that case I got to see this than.

We soon made it to carousel boutique with us seeing Pinkie bouncing on a trampoline.

Y/N: Mind I join in.

Pinkie Pie: Sure, there's plenty of room.

Pinkie bounced over with me jumping on and bouncing with her.

Pinkie Pie: I can't believe the grand galaping gala is tonight!

Twilight: Pinkie please I'm trying to focus.

Pinkie and I kept on bouncing with Rarity soon coming on out.

Rarity: Y/N and Pinkie please, I don't want you to go to the Gala all sweatie.

Pinkie soon stopped jumping and got off with me doing a flip and


Y/N: I'm ok

I stood up and brushed myself off with Rarity frantically checking me.

Y/N: Uh Rarity what are you doing?

Rarity: Are you ok darling? nothing broken I hope.

Y/N: I said I'm fine, besides  I've done much more stupider stuff than this.

Pinkie Pie: Like what?

Y/N: Well

Twilight: That doesn't sound remotely possible.

Y/N:. You'll be surprised what you can do in a weekend.

Rarity: Why were you in the military?

Y/N: That was air soft it wasn't the military, even if I did I'm not sure I would make out alive.

Applejack: Hey everybody where here. Sorry we're late.

Pinkie Pie: Don't worry Y/N was telling us some funny stories from his world.

Rainbow Dash: Like what?

Y/N: I'll tell you later.

Twilight: Alright in ready, Spike.

Spike pulled out an apple seemingly out of nowhere, and placed it on the ground.

Pinkie Pie: Oh an apple are we having apple pie.

Y/N: Afraid not, Spike said that Twilight has sometype of new spell she's been working on.

With the tip of her horn glowing Twilight turned the apple into a carriage. While everyone was awing I swore this seemed familiar like I seen it in a book or something.

Twilight: That's not all, Fluttershy did you bring your friends?

Fluttershy: Oh yes I did Twilight.

Soon what seemed like four mice came out.

Fluttershy: Make sure not to hurt them.

Twilight: Don't worry I'll be careful.

Twilight's horn glowed again and suddenly the mice turned into sometype of horse mice hybrids.

Twilight: They'll carry our carriage to the Gala and they're be normal by midnight.

Y/N: Cinderella.

They all turned to me.

Y/N: The stuff you all have been doing reminds me of a story back home.

Soon what seemed like a cat showed up and scared them off.

Twilight: Wait come back!

Y/N: Where did that cat come from?

Rarity: That be, my cat.

Y/N: Oh. Well that explains it.

Twilight: Those mice where meant to carry our carriage how are we supposed to get there now?

Rarity: Oh what ever should we do?

Rarity had a bit of a sly smile as she went over to two other colts and "persuaded" them into carrying the carriage.

Twilight: Oh right.

Y/N: Yeah that works.


Me and Spike where waiting for the girls to be finished as I just played games on my phone.

Spike: Say what's that you got?

Y/N: Oh this is just my phone, it's something from back home sadly I can't really make any phone calls but at least it works still.

Spike soon went over to the girls room and went to check up on them.

As Spike went to open the door Rarity blocked it with me just relaxing. After awhile they got back with them getting freshen up.

Rarity: Anyway here's your outfit Y/N hope you like it.

She showed me what she made

Y/N: Hmm, nice. I'll be right back you all get dressed in the meantime.

I soon left and got dressed with me walking back with me in my new suit and coat.

Y/N: How I look?

I saw the girls in their dresses too

Y/N: Wow nice outfits.

Rarity: Thank you, I did make them myself and darling you just look fabulous in yours too.

Y/N: Thanks, well what are we waiting for let's get going.

As we where about to leave I saw a hat that was on the coat hanger.

Y/N: Hey Rarity what is this doing here?

Rarity: Oh that, that was a hat a client didn't like so I just put it there. I honestly have no idea what to do with it.

I smirked as I put the hat on my head with me adjusting it just right

Y/N: You know I might keep this.

Rarity: I couldn't agree anymore it does look ravishing on you.

Rainbow Dash: "Ravishing"? Please he looks so cool with it on!

Applejack: I do admit it does suit you.

Y/N: Well what are we waiting for, let's go to this Gala thing.

We all got in the carriage with Spike sitting outside of it.

Spike: Why can't I come in?

Twilight: Well I didn't expect Y/N to come when I first learned about this spell so there's sadly no room.

Y/N: Maybe you can be the driver, make sure you tell thing 1 and thing 2 which way to go.

Twilight: That is an important job, can you handle it Spike?

Spike: Can do!

We got inside with Spike taking the rains as we went off to the Gala with me putting my hat over my eyes as I took a nap.


After awhile I soon woke up with me seeing we where at a castle of some sort

Y/N: This must be the place.

We all soon got out with us seeing the place.

Twilight: I can't believe it we are finally here. With all that we have imagined the reality of this will make this, the best night ever!

After they finished so singing they all soon left leaving me and Spike in the dust.

Y/N: I guess that leaves us then Spike.

Spike: I guess so, so what are you going to do?

Y/N: I don't know, I think I'll just look around check the place out.

Spike: Ok well have fun.

I soon left with me exploring the halls of the castle.

Y/N: Got to admit this is nice.

As I kept going through the halls I saw what this place I saw a bunch of other ponies looking at me.

Y/N: What are you looking at?

I soon came across Twilight standing next to Celestia with her looking rather excited.

Y/N: Seems like she really wanted to spend time with her.

I soon saw Rarity walking off outside with her chasing after some other colt.

Y/N: Why do I have the urge to round house kick him.

I decided to head outside too and as I passed by a bird flew by with it landing on my shoulder. I held out my finger with it jumping onto it.

Y/N: Who are you little guy?

It kept on tweeting as it rested on my finger. I soon saw what seemed like the rest of it's family flying around while chirping a sweet song.

Y/N: Go on little fella, fly.

It soon flapped it's wings and flew off with it singing with the rest of it's family. I smiled listing to it's song as Fluttershy showed up with it following the birds as they sang they're song but it didn't seem she didn't have much luck with her running into the fellow gardener.

Y/N: Better luck next time flutters.

I walked around with me seeing what Rainbow called the wonder bolts flying over head with them sorrowing high with lightning streaks behind them.

Y/N: Wow quite the show, I can see why Rainbow likes them so much. Kinda reminds me of the blue angels back home, mom would love to see this.

After the show I went off to the main floor where the party was taking place where I saw a bunch of ponies especially some on stage playing some instruments with it setting the mood. I soon went over to what seemed like a confession stand and saw what seemed like a bland set up.

Y/N: No way I'm eating any of this. I wonder if Applejack is nearby maybe I can get something from her.

And as I left I saw Pinkie Pie getting in a putting on quite the show but soon stopped dancing, I decided to go over to her and put a hand on her mane.

Y/N: There there, just give it a moment who knows maybe this must be the slow part of the party before the more exciting stuff happens, you'll see.

Pinkie smiled at me with her seemingly to feel better about it.

Y/N: Anyway I'm going to see if Applejack has any snacks left over you want anything.

Pinkie Pie: Nope I'm good.

Y/N: If you say so, more for me hopefully.

I soon left with me making my way to Applejack with me seeing she hasn't made a sale.

Y/N: Hey Applejack, any luck?

Applejack: No, I only got one sale and that's it. This isn't what I expected at all.

As she held her head low I looked at what she had.

Y/N: Hey can I have a caramel apple, I'm starving.

Applejack: Really, sure thing.

I grabbed it and brought it, I went through my pockets and pulled out the coins I found the other day.

Y/N: Will this do?

Applejack: Sure that's enough bits.

She took only one, with me having four left. I decided to put the rest on her stand.

Applejack: Sugar Cube, it's only one bit you don't have to give me all of that.

Y/N: I know, but I want to. Good luck with the sales Applejack.

I soon left with me taking a bite out of the caramel apple.

Y/N: Oh yeah I needed this.

I left with me walking around with me taking bite after bite of that golden caramel apple. As I walked around I was at the other side of the castle where I saw that colt Rarity was after and saw them about to walk over a puddle.

Colt: One would hate to slip.

Rarity: Yes one one surely would.

Colt: One's clothes should take care of the problem.

Rarity: Yes it certainly would.

The two staired at each other for a bit and. Wait is this guy expecting her to get her clothes wet for him. This guy is an asshole.

I decided to take off my coat and throw it over the puddle.

Y/N: There happy?

Colt: Uh this must be your pet Ms. Rarity.

Y/N: Pet?!?

I squeezed the air as I imagined it being that asshole throat as I wanted to strangle the shit out of this jerk. He soon walked over the coat with me really wanting to tackle him.

Rarity: Thank you.

Rarity whispered with me breathing a bit.

Y/N: Your welcome.

Rarity walked around my coat with me grabbing it and throwing it over my shirt.

Y/N: I need a moment before I hurt someone.

I went back outside where I saw I was back at the garden. I than cracked my knuckles as I punched a tree, I kept on punching it as I let off some steam before giving it one heck of a haymaker which made a small divit in the tree.

Y/N: ( Sighs ) I needed this.

I looked up and saw my little birdie friend from before looking down at me chirping as he looked down at me.

Y/N: Ah it's you again, what brings you here my little feathered friend?

The bird jumped down with it flapping it's wings and landing softly on my shoulder as it chirped a song to me as if it was trying to calm down my nerves.

Y/N: Glad to see at least one of us is trying to make the best of this night. You know I bet Fluttershy would love to see you.

I started to walk over where I saw Fluttershy looking like she was about to explode.

Y/N: And here I thought I was angry. Maybe you should stick to your family little fella.

It soon chirped before nuzzling against me and flying off with it soon joining it's family in a nest. As I smiled I went back to check on how Pinkie was doing and saw she had seemingly started a rave of was trying to start one since none of the ponies wanted to dance to the music.

At that moment Applejack came in what seemed like the mother of cakes with me drooling from the mouth.

Applejack: Now here is something for your royaly smotie taste buds.

Pinkie Pie: Stage dive!

As Pinkie said that I saw her jump off stage with her hitting the stand the cake was on and was flying over to Rarity and Sir Asshole which at that point he decided to use Rarity as a pony shield to protect himself from the cake. I went into a full sprint shoving ponies out of the way as I jumped in the way of the cake with it hitting me like I took a bullet. As the cake splattered on me I rolled onto the ground with me sitting on the ground, I decided to lick my finger with me getting a taste.

Y/N: Mmm I'm delicious.

Rarity soon came over to me with her rather concerned.

Rarity: Y/N dear are you ok?

Y/N: Yeah I'm ok.

As I kept enjoying what remained off the cake Rarity turned to Sir Asshole with her going from white to red as she went off on him.

Rarity: Are you kidding me?! You sir are the most uncharming prince I've ever met, heck even Y/N who's 1 a different species and 2 is a child has more charm than you. In fact the only royal thing about you is that you're a royal pain!!!

Sir Asshole: Eww stay back keep that thing away from me I just had myself groomed!

Rarity: Afraid to get dirty!

Rarity used her magic to lift up some of the cake and toss it at him which made him stumble back. I decided to look away as chaos took a hold and after a while I saw the place was a mess which at that point Twilight had to show up along with the princess. I stood up and dusted myself off as I stood next to Twilight.

Twilight: Well it can't get any worse.

Y/N: You had to say it didn't you.

Soon Fluttershy came in breaking the door down with her pissed


Soon everything went into chaos with everyone panicking with animals everywhere.

Celestia: Run.

Twilight whistled with the others running towards her, as they ran I looked over and saw the asshole before, I decided to go over to him with the chaos being a good distraction.

Y/N: Hey Prick.

He turned to me and I punched him straight in the face with him falling to the ground with an black eye.

Y/N: That felt good.

I ran off following the others where Rarity dropped her slipper so as we ran I grabbed it as we ran off.

Y/N: I hope you have a place for us to stay until this blows over?

Twilight: I think I know somewhere


We soon where at a doughnut shop with us seeing Spike there.

Spike: Hey guys how was it?

Y/N: If consider all our chaos breaking out good, than yes it was great.

We all sat down with us talking about what happened.

Spike: That sounds like the worst night ever.

Everyone: It was

We all laughed it off with me even banging my fist on the table in laughter.

Twilight: I hope Princess Celestia isn't mad at us for ruining the Gala.

Celestia: That was the best Gala ever.

We all looked over and saw that Celestia followed us here.

Y/N: Wait that was the best? Then what was the worst?

Celestia: All of them are, the Gala is terrible, that is why I invited all of you so can brighten the mood.

Y/N: Wow a party must be that bad if a disaster makes it the best night ever, especially when your hanging out with such good mates.

Rainbow Dash: Mates?

Y/N: It means friends in Australia which is a place back home.

Twilight: I guess so. It shows that the best of friends make the worse of moments quite amazing.

Rainbow Dash: Yeah like hanging out with friends

Fluttershy: Talking

Pinkie Pie: And laughing.

Spike: You guys all wanted to do what I've been saying this whole time.

Twilight: Yes Spike you were right.

Applejack: As harmful our night was

Rarity: Being here together makes this night much better.

Pinkie Pie: Infact it's made tonight the best night ever!

We all laughed a bit as we all sat together.

Y/N: Oh Rarity you dropped this.

I gave her, her slipper back.

Rarity: Oh thank you I was looking for this. Didn't want Blue blood to get it, didn't want him following me.

Y/N: You said it, I gave him a good right hook.

Celestia: Wait you hit my nephew?

My heart dropped when she said that.

Y/N: He was your nephew?

She nodded but soon went from mad to laughter her with her bursting out laughing as she bang her hoove on the table.

Celestia: You did what I've wanted to do to him for a long time. I like you more already

Y/N: Wow get to punch a jerk and get praised for it, today is the best night ever!

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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